
Can you mend my broken heart?

Gazing at the Starbucks café at the airports had become a ritual for her. A desperate attempt as she hoped against hope to see him again, probably get one more chance to kiss him again. Looking at the store all lost, she walked ahead, but stumbled and bumped against someone.  The cup of coffee that he had in his hand spilled all over just like the first time when she had met him.  "Jesus Christ", he muttered.  The moment she heard the voice she looked up and saw his face. It was the same face that had promised to stay next to her, till death did them apart. Tears flooded her eyes and she could barely speak, "I knew you would come back for me Raymond". She raised herself on her toes in an attempt to kiss him, but he blocked her lips with his palm. "Whoa, whoa, Miss !!! I guess you have mistaken me for someone else." "What are you saying, Raymond? It's me, your Akira. The love of your life, your fiancée," she said and stretched her hand showing the ring on her finger. He stared at the ring for quite some time and then looked at her face apologetically and said,  "Miss please, I am already a married man." And then he silently walked away. ----- [Instagram - niharikabhol] [Join me on discord at] https://discord.gg/cPVJ69e [Warning: This novel has mature content. Reader's discretion advised]

niharikabhol · Urban
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556 Chs

The ordeal

The next two days where quite grueling for not only Raymond but also for his entire taskforce which was involved in the development work. They all stayed throughout, day and night in the office to meet the deadline requirement. They also wanted this project to be a huge success as it was an outcome of their blood and sweat and everything was dependent on how the meeting with Abacus inc went.

For the D-day Raymond wore a savvy navy blue suit and the crisp white shirt underneath. He always disliked wearing a tie, but for today he wore one. He also had cufflinks on which have been gifted by his sister Katherine. His perfect features were accentuated by the well-fitted suit and he gave off an aura like a demi-God.

He again tried the demo of the game just to be sure that everything was working perfectly. David had already collected a copy of the game and he had all the files ready. Raymond once again reviewed all the files and reports just to double check that everything was in order. There was no margin for error this time and everything depended on his luck. He was counting his prayers to make sure that this project and this deal was a well-kept secret so that no external force could influence it like last time.

After he was satisfied with their preparation he said to David - "Let's Go".

On the outside, he acted all composed like he had everything under control but on the inside, he was really scared thinking about what would happen if he didn't get the deal. He wasn't ready to face the consequences. David was equally nervous because he knew that the stakes were high and he also knew that if Raymond failed this time then probably he will break. It won't be like last time.


Vikram was all set for the meeting so when his personal assistant informed him that Raymond and his assistant had arrived in the office, he immediately asked them to be escorted to the meeting room.

10 minutes later Vikram's assistant came in and said,

"Sir, we are good to go."

"Ok then," said Vikram and got up from his seat and started towards the meeting room.

Within those 10 minutes, everything was set up in the meeting room. Raymond was eagerly waiting for Vikram's arrival. The moment he entered the room, he commanded attention. He glanced at everyone and everything in the room like a hawk. After all, he was one of the youngest business tycoons of the year. He had a personality which looked very calm and composed yet razor sharp. He knew his business well.

They both shook hands and took their respective seats.

A moment later Vikram looked at Raymond and gave him a nod. That was the cue for Raymond to start his proposal.


"So expecting a 12% fiscal increase in the first quarter itself, I think this deal is going to be very profitable for Abacus Inc."

"That's all from our side", said Raymond and finished his sales pitch. He was satisfied with the way the pitch went. Everything went smooth starting from the demo to the revenue estimates. He was now eagerly trying to find out what the other party was thinking.

"Good job boss !!!", David quipped. He felt that their pitch went perfect and there was no way that they would get a NO for an answer. But Raymond didn't have his hopes high because he felt assured last time at Infinion as well, but the final results yielded nothing.

Vikram looked at Raymond like he was mentally calculating something. He knew this guy had potential and the will to drive the project well. For a moment he stayed silent and then looked at his Project Advisor head who gave him a positive nod.

Then he got up and shook hands again with Raymond.

"I liked your pitch, but we need to discuss further. My PA will guide you with the required follow-ups". He said and left the room. Suddenly it felt like a vacuum was created in the room.

Soon after Vikram left, his PA started with some basic guidelines and discussions with Raymond. Just when they started reviewing the numbers again, he received a text from Vikram.

"Finalize the deal with Raymond's company by evening today after the numbers are cleared. But for now, send him to my office ASAP".