
Can you mend my broken heart?

Gazing at the Starbucks café at the airports had become a ritual for her. A desperate attempt as she hoped against hope to see him again, probably get one more chance to kiss him again. Looking at the store all lost, she walked ahead, but stumbled and bumped against someone.  The cup of coffee that he had in his hand spilled all over just like the first time when she had met him.  "Jesus Christ", he muttered.  The moment she heard the voice she looked up and saw his face. It was the same face that had promised to stay next to her, till death did them apart. Tears flooded her eyes and she could barely speak, "I knew you would come back for me Raymond". She raised herself on her toes in an attempt to kiss him, but he blocked her lips with his palm. "Whoa, whoa, Miss !!! I guess you have mistaken me for someone else." "What are you saying, Raymond? It's me, your Akira. The love of your life, your fiancée," she said and stretched her hand showing the ring on her finger. He stared at the ring for quite some time and then looked at her face apologetically and said,  "Miss please, I am already a married man." And then he silently walked away. ----- [Instagram - niharikabhol] [Join me on discord at] https://discord.gg/cPVJ69e [Warning: This novel has mature content. Reader's discretion advised]

niharikabhol · Urban
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556 Chs

Hell breaks loose

"Come in", said Raymond when he heard someone knocking at his door.

"We got a problem", said his assistant David. He was scared to speak out anything because he knew his boss was already at his low for missing out the investment from Infinion.

"Can you spell it out, instead of throwing riddles at me?", said an annoyed Raymond.

"Um.. I got a call from Abacus Inc. They want to pre-pone our proposal meeting to this week. I mean this Thursday. So technically including today, we have only 3 days to chart out our new project pitch to them", David sang in all in one breath.

"Are they out of their mind? How can they pre-pone on such short notice?", said Raymond and got up from his seat. He started strolling in the room and then stopped at the window. He pinched the middle of his eyebrow and looked all grim. This was a bad sign for David and an indication that he should scoot. So he tip-toed and quietly left the room.

After coming to terms a few moments later, Raymond called for David again and asked him to schedule an emergency meeting with all the members of the design team who were a part of the new gaming project. He also asked David to arrange for someone to go to his place and get his clothes and some basic essentials because he was going to stay in the office until the job was done.

Getting investment for his gaming project was not just a necessity, it meant everything to him. He had to prove himself to a lot of people and this was the only shot he had. The timeline that he had bought for himself to prove his capabilities was going to end this month. Since he could not get a contract from Infinion, he was pretty sure that the person who was influencing Infinion can influence any company which could have provided him the financial backing. Since Abacus Inc was a huge conglomerate, he knew that swaying them would be difficult and since he had kept this new plan a secret from many, he was sure that the influencing party won't get a hint.

After five minutes David was back and he told Raymond that the war room was ready with all the team members. There was chaos in the war room as everybody was worried about what their boss was going to announce. Once Raymond entered the room there was a pin drop silence. Raymond looked at his folks and said-

"I know that right now times are hard and I have disappointed you because I could not get financial backing from Infinion but here I am presenting you another opportunity. But this opportunity will also go in the drain if we cannot finish our project demo in the next 2 days. So I need all eyes and ears on this 24X7. I need this work done and I don't care how."

"Anybody has any questions?", he asked and finished his statement.

Again there was silence in the room.

"Since no one has any questions, I assume that the gravity of the situation has been understood by all of you. By the end of the day, I need the details of all the graphics model of the characters which are going to be a part of this game. I also need the full floorplan till level 5. By tomorrow noon time I need to see all the character demo and by evening we should have our Game ready to be played for Level1," said Raymond and started to map the reaction of people.

Again the room was engulfed with silence and shock on everyone's face.

Seeing everyone glued inside the room Raymond said, "You are not going to finish it any quicker if you keep sitting in this room doing nothing," and darted out.

Once he left, chaos spread in the room and everyone ran frantically back to their seats because they knew that if they didn't finish in time when Raymond was definitely going to finish them.