

During the ride to the party venue, Bella and Roland were involved in a deep conversation almost forgetting the presence of Sammy.

Sammy's eyes kept trailing every movement of Bella's body. Her cheek bone which is complimented with those cute dimples.

Letting his imaginations run wild, Sammy visualized himself giving Bella a deep hot kiss on her cherry lips

He was brought out of his trance state by Roland's deep husky voice "We're here". He said before alighting from his Aston Martin AM-RB. Bella similar got from the car followed by Sammy. Roland walked to Bella and held her by locking his arm around hers like a couple walking hand in hand to the altar. Sammy chuckled and followed behind them.. 'sweet couple. I think I'm just infatuated with her. Let me take my eyes of her' He thought. Trying to shake out all those absurd thought coming to his head.

Getting inside the club, Sammy could already hear music from afar and immediately he stepped in, everything was stopped and the spotlight fell on him. However, Roland stepped forward then announced Sammy has his childhood friend and the person the party was thrown for. Claps filled the area, while Sammy moved forward and gave his friend a brotherly hug. The party was once again livened.

Roland introduced Sammy to all of his friends present. Some girls couldn't help but gawk at how someone could be this handsome.

Soon music started playing and everybody present were all dancing. Some girls keeps on clutching around Sammy for a dance and then exchange number with him.

But Sammy on the other hand couldn't help himself but keep staring at Bella. Her beauty was just out of this world. Trying not to be too obvious anytime her gaze comes to his direction, he quickly shift his direction to any of the ladies dancing with him. There was a time he almost got caught by her but immediately kissed a girl who was dancing with him.

Flushed and Blushing Kate was surprised to get a kiss from Sammy she never expected it though she liked the warmth his lips brought on her cheek. He held her close to him and continue dancing with her.

Bella looked at him with contempt. 'What a flirt!, going about with almost all the girls in the party' She thought.. 'but why do I feel like someone is staring intensely at me and I could feel the stares from Sammy' she looked at him again but this time their eyes met but Sammy gave her questioning gaze..

'But he's been staring at me since why does his gaze seems like I'm the one looking at him.. Hmph.. what a pervert'.

Sammy Knowing that he was almost caught in the act immediately took his eyes of her then went to the restroom after excusing himself from the lady he was dancing with initially.

Apart from Sammy constantly staring at Bella and letting his imaginations run wild, the party went on pretty well with everybody in a merry mood.

Roland must have drank a cup of Vodka for the umpteenth time and is currently let loose. Sammy seems to be like a responsible drinker but in reality his mind wasn't in the party any longer. The only thing that he can see currently is that stunning beauty who is currently dancing and talking with her friends. She no longer pay attention to him or her boyfriend.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ayo_Adetola_5280creators' thoughts