

"You come to me whenever I want to see you or I'll fucking punish you sweetheart" Jesse is the silverback of the most powerful troop of all gorilla troops, The Aquilla troop. He is very cold towards people because he hasn't found his mate, but he cares about the members of his troop. He is aggressive, hotheaded and doesn't believe that he will fall in love or find his mate after waiting for over a century. Eclipse is the belle of Lucky Springs. She believes in the supernatural but doesn't have the proof to back up her belief. She never thought that she would meet supernatural beings or get sucked into their world. Will Jesse fall in love? Will he find his mate? Will Eclipse escape the supernatural realm or will she have reasons to stay back? Book Cover is not Original. Do not copy my works. Instagram @gorgeous_gangxta

EmpireQuinn · Fantasy
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38 Chs


The girls felt disgusted by his touch. It was very repulsive. "Hey angels...where are you going? Don't you want to talk to me?", the man asked Raine and Eclipse as his eyes became clouded with lust. "Umm please let us go. We would like to leave", Eclipse tried to reason with him. "Why should I let you go? I want to have some fun with you. Don't you know that I'm from a higher class? I live in Elora. I can take care of you both.", the man tried to sweet talk them with money.

NOTE: Elora is a place at the heart of Lucky Springs where the nobles(rich people live). The area is more civilized than other areas of Lucky Springs.

"We don't want your money. Please let us go", Raine tried her luck. "I said I'm not letting you go. What's so difficult to understand?", the man asked Raine in a harsh tone. Raine looked at Eclipse and held her sac tightly. She was using her eyes to communicate and Eclipse understood what she meant. She held her sac tightly as well. Raine moved closer to the man and smiled seductively which made the man relax, and kicked him in the stomach hard. The man screamed and hunched over in pain. Raine grabbed Eclipse's arm and fled from the forest. They ran and didn't stop or look back till they got to Eclipse's shack. When they got home, all the adrenaline left their bodies and they started giggling.

"Oh my God Raine, you kicked that man so hard that he screamed in pain. You have to teach me how to kick like that", Eclipse said to Raine before dropping her sac on the ground and mimicking the man's actions. They laughed so much until tears were falling from their eyes. "Okay, but mother and granny shouldn't find out about this", Raine said to Eclipse and she agreed. They entered the shack and saw Maui massaging Daisy's neck. "Ahhh, you girls are back. I hope everything went well.", Daisy said and Raine replied, "Yes granny, everything went well. Eclipse and I will start preparing lunch". With that, the girls went to the back of the shack and started making mashed potatoes with some kind of sauce.


The man was rolling on the ground in pain. There was no one around to help him. He was alone. He thought to himself, "I'll deal with those girls for what they have done to me".



I was so happy when I saw her. She had truly grown into a beauty. I always watched her at night so I didn't know what she looked like under the sun. At night she looked alluring with her long black hair free and now, under the sun, she looked like a goddess. The bright rays of the sun falling on her snow white skin. I could clearly see the structure of her face because her hair was braided in dutch style. She had delicate yet sexy features. I watched her and another girl, Raine harvest potatoes and onions. They were telling jokes to each other and giggling. She looked so beautiful when she smiled. I thought to myself, "Soon, you won't be doing this dirty work. Your meals will be ready for you without you having to stress yourself". I watched as a man sized my woman and her best friend up. I didn't want to reveal myself yet so that I won't frighten her. But if this guy tried anything that my woman couldn't deflect or counter, fuck frightening her, I will rip out all his organs.