
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 82: Meeting Mo

Might not post tommorow so posted a extra one today just in case because its the weekend 

Change of plans was going to have Mo be a cool dude maybe even give mc and his country some good technology but fuck' that as I found out Mo might of been a dick for a majority of his 1000 year life span.


As we delved deeper underground, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the advanced technology that surrounded me. Though it paled in comparison to what I had experienced a thousand years into the future, it was still undeniably impressive. Everywhere I looked, the facility was maintained by a series of Mo.Co machines, each one greeting us with a wave as we passed.

At some point during our journey, we stepped onto a tram that began to descend further into the depths. It floated effortlessly, transporting us several kilometers deeper underground. As we descended, I caught glimpses of numerous levels and floors that stretched out in all directions, forming an expansive and maze-like labyrinth. The sheer scale of the facility was staggering, leaving me both amazed and slightly disoriented as we ventured deeper into its depths.

Finally, the tram came to a halt, and as we disembarked, I couldn't help but glance back to see that, despite descending so deep, I still couldn't discern the bottom. However, I didn't linger on the thought for long, as I continued to follow the group of SMO leading the way.

They led me to a set of sliding doors, which remained closed until one of the SMO changed their screens to display a barcode. The scanner beeped green after scanning it, and the doors slid open, granting us entry. With a sense of anticipation building within me, I stepped through the threshold, eager to finally meet Moe.

"Welcome," echoed a voice the moment I stepped through the door. There he stood, atop a large floating platform, surrounded by screens flashing with diagrams of technology far beyond my comprehension. Despite feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of it all, I didn't want to appear rude to the man who stood before me. So, I offered a respectful greeting in return as I took a moment to observe him.

"Hello Mo, my name is Brook I bring a letter from a old friend of yours" I said observing the older man who's graying hairs covered most of his head as he wore a dark black turtle neck, along with grey denim jeans and nice dress shoes, all of which contributed to wise and intellgent figure.

"A Friend? may I ask who?" He asked stopping his work for a second at my words of 'friend' to ask his question as a frown crossed his wrinkled and old face as he turned hands behind his back as he came stand at the edge of the plat form he worked atop staring at me not with the kindly old man as he would be in the future but look that screamed of annoyance and slight interest.

"The Grand Wizard," I spoke, sensing a slight tension in the air as Mo's hands clenched ever so slightly. However, I chose to ignore it as I reached for the letter tucked away in my cloak. As I brought it out, the letter suddenly began to flutter like a bird, gliding towards Mo until he snatched it out of the air. With swift motions, he tore it open and began to read its contents.

As he perused the letter, I watched his expression gradually relax. Finally, he finished reading and let out a sigh, gesturing towards the door through which I had entered.

"Leave" I didn't even bother to answer as I watched the man go back to his work even more things flashing on the screens of where he worked.

'Time to go' Its with this thought in mind that I quickly exited through the door I entered through but before I could make my way to the tram with the 4 SMO I felt something bump into my leg as I looked down to see what it was. I was left wishing I had eye brows to raise as what I saw was a small robot with the words B.M.O printed upon its its side.

"Sorry, sir," echoed a voice, startling me as BMO emerged from Infront of me, her tiny form having collided with my immovable frame. With a quick apology, she scurried past me and darted towards the door I had just exited.

"Interesting," I mused, my only thought as I reflected on the unexpected encounter with my second member of the main cast of Adventure Time.


Alright are you ready next chapter will be the massive time skip to year 149, then another to year 200 or 250 either one is fine for me just not sure Im feeling then another one to year 500 where Finn's reincarnation shook shows up but anyways going to be epic!


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 43](1,400,002/2,000,000)

[Health: 342/342]

[Mana points: 98/98]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 115]

[Endurance: 114]

[Agility: 114]

[Wisdom: 49]

[Intelligence: 49]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 6], [Glacial Dread: Lv 9], [Desolate aura: Lv 4], [Vitality steal: Lv 2], [Soul Ice]

[Note: ...]
