
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 81: Mo.Co Tour

As I explored the factory, my curiosity led me to stumble upon what appeared to be an oversized, oddly shaped calculator. Drawing closer, I realized that it was more than just a machine; it had a screen that lit up with what resembled a face. Before I could react, the screen transformed into a look of surprise, and the machine spoke.

"A HUMAN! I haven't seen one other than the creator in the last 20 years! Welcome to the Mo.Co factory! Are you here to take a tour?" the robot exclaimed excitedly. It scrambled to its feet, dusting off its body as it approached me. I stood there, momentarily confused by being referred to as a human, until I remembered that I was wearing my cloak, which concealed my true appearance. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it worked on robots as well.

"I'm not here for a tour," I replied, my voice muffled by the cloak. "I've come to speak with Moe. Is he available?" I asked causing the robot who If I remembered was named DMO to become visbly sad, so I quickly spoke again feeling a bit bad.

"I would be happy to take the tour right now, I just wanted to know if Mo would see me so I could deliver this letter," I replied, attempting to maintain my disguise as I spoke. At my words, DMO seemed to brighten up, instructing me to wait as he approached a nearby console and began typing away. The screen flashed to reveal another Mo, boldly labeled with "SMO" on its side.

"Huh, what's up, DMO? Why are you contacting the guard office? Is something wrong? Are those sick people out there again?" SMO inquired, his face displaying a hint of concern as he peered at DMO through the screen. However, his expression relaxed upon seeing DMO's smile. Yet, the next words from DMO's audio box seemed to shock SMO.

"Oh none of that thankfully, but I have a human here requesting to meet Creator and I was wondering if you could go and alert him of this while I take him on the tour" DMO said and before the SMO could ask anything he hung up before happily skipping back over to me.

"Are you ready for the tour?" He asked and without needing to wait long I found myself escorted to what looked to be a treadmill but it soon to be more than that as with single push of a lever located at the front of it causing it to the thing to float as it began to slowly accelerate and the tour began.

"If this is your first time here the machine we are riding is called the ultra tram and was one of the first invention of Mo.Co founder Mo" The little DMO began as he expertley controlled the speed of the ultra tramp as to not make the ride to bumpy as he began to talk about the history of Mo.Co and some of the machines on the production lines we passed as we went.

"May I ask how old Mo is now?" I asked as I had remembered that Mo is linked to many theories and many other technological wonders in the history of adventure time some of which he did a few years after the bombs dropped.

"Oh, if my memory serves me correctly, he should be nearing his 70s, but he's as spry as ever. From what I recall, he recently had a breakthrough and developed many new, larger machines. Sorry, I can't divulge any further details, or I'd be giving away company secrets," I explained, shrugging nonchalantly.

The tour of the rundown factory continued for another two hours, during which I found myself thoroughly engrossed. Witnessing the futuristic machines, most of which were still operational, left me deeply impressed. Despite this world predominantly relying on outdated technology, marvels like the super tram showcased advancements that far surpassed anything from my previous life. It was a stark reminder that human history in this world had barely scratched the surface compared to my past experiences and it still has much more to show since humanity wasn't wiped out and forced onto small island.

Eventually, the tour completed a full circle around the factory, returning to our starting point. There, I was greeted by a group of four SMO guards, each armed with a peculiar-looking gun.

"Follow us. The creator would like to see you," one of the guards instructed curtly. Without further ado, they surrounded me and began escorting me deeper into the factory. As we ventured onward, a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension coursed through me, eager to finally meet with Moe and deliver the letter.


I'm vibin with our new dedicated readers glad to see y'all have caught up and if there is any interesting niche lore yall can drop it for me to know


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 43](1,400,002/2,000,000)

[Health: 342/342]

[Mana points: 98/98]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 115]

[Endurance: 114]

[Agility: 114]

[Wisdom: 49]

[Intelligence: 49]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 6], [Glacial Dread: Lv 9], [Desolate aura: Lv 4], [Vitality steal: Lv 2], [Soul Ice]

[Note: ...]
