
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 73: Victory

Watching the three fight, all I could think of was how I wished I was far stronger. But I guess it was too late to regret not leveling up more. As I watched the fights, I grew worried for Emma and Marceline, as they were either in a stalemate or steadily losing. Duke, though, showed signs of victory. Thanks to me teaching him vitality steal, he was slowly beating Moon. Though I knew it wouldn't be easy, at least that was one less thing to worry about, so I took a moment to check my health.

[Health: 67/342]

My health regeneration was slow, much to my frustration. But I could do nothing but stand idle as I watched the battle unfold not too far away from me, which added to my frustration. I had thought of using vitality steal, but my body wouldn't even allow me to take a single step, let alone go kill a vampire. So, I was left standing there, unable to do anything substantial.

'Wait!' Suddenly, an idea popped into my head as I looked at the soul ice wrapped around my fists, a Idea began to brew. Quickly I had the soul ice quickly gather into a ball in my palm, which hummed with a sense of worry that transmitted clearly across our bond.

'No need to worry, now just follow my directions' After calming the ball ice with my words I quickly began to show it what I wanted it to do.

'Do you understand?' I asked, receiving a short hum that signaled its understanding. The soul ice began to do what I asked, starting from my right hand where it was located. It spread thinly over my boney hand and quickly extended up my arms, filling in every fracture or hole as it did. Slowly but surely, I was covered in a thin layer of dark blue ice.

'Now lets test movement' With that in mind, I used my connection to the soul ice to command it to move, which it did with a bit of lag but not much. I used the ice to perform basic moves with my body, something that proved easy. Though I noted that I wouldn't have my formidable physical speed, I could still use my magic, which should be more than enough to help out Marceline and the others. So, with that in mind, I puppeteered my body using the ice to join the battle between Emma and the Hierophant, as I believed she needed the most help.

I didn't bother making my presence known or executing any flashy entrances. With a wave of my hands, I called upon dozens of chains to wrap around the Hierophant, who was mid-walk, causing him to stumble. That's all I needed. Just as quickly, I created a passive stake of ice and shot it at the now unguarded back of the Hierophant. Noticing my attack, he attempted to shrink down to dodge, causing the stake to miss his heart and instead stab through his throat. This only delayed his death, as Emma, with little hesitation, also shot her own stake of ice. This time, though, the Hierophant could not dodge, as he found himself held down by a thick layer of ice growing up his leg.

Like that, the Hierophant died, soon to be followed by Moon, as Emma and I wasted no time moving to help Duke. With our assistance, he drove his vitality-steal imbued ice spear through the heart of Moon, who quickly dissipated into smoke. She was unable to regenerate the wound in her heart fast enough. Similar to the Hierophant, we quickly contained her in a jar of ice.

*Okay lets go assist mar-* Before I could finish spelling out my words, something flew past me, Emma, and Duke. When we looked over to see what it was, we found it was Marceline, who appeared to be a bloody mess. Without wasting a second, I went to check on her, and as I did, I noticed she was luckily still breathing, much to my relief. I took the ice jar with Moon's essence and had her quickly absorb it. Then, I looked over at the Vampire King, who floated calmly in the air, seemingly indifferent to everything but at the same time enraged.

"Seems I'm all that's left" He said, and with that, he flew down towards us and began to attack, but he appeared sluggish, not nearly as fast as he was before. It made sense, as not only did he have to fight me while also sustaining several heavy attacks laced with vitality steal, but he also then had to fight Marceline. So his exhaustion was understandable.

Though just because he was a little tired didn't mean he was any less formidable. He sent Emma and Duke flying with every strike or attack he unleashed, making my bones rattle. However, the soul ice absorbed the attacks pretty well, reducing any damage I received down to nearly nothing. As the fight dragged on, I was instead getting more and more health back, allowing me much more range of motion as my strength returned.


A small explosion of air radiated outwards as me and the vampire king fist clashed it was at this point Emma and Duke found themselves upon the sidelines as me and the kings fight continued to escalate as we locked into a close ranged slug fest.

I landed a clean hit upon the king's face, only to find myself reeling back from a bone-rattling punch to my left ribcage. Not wanting to be outdone, I used the last bit of mana I had to summon a chain of ice, which wrapped around my fist and became some brass knuckles. I slapped them into the king's lower abdomen, causing him to cough as he raised his fist to continue his attack. However, I didn't flinch back. Instead, I took a step forward, ready to receive another attack. But what neither he nor I expected was for a blood-red blade to pierce through his back the next second.

"Seems you have won" Thats all he said, slowly turning into a cloud of sparkling dust as the axe was pulled out from his chest. Marceline revealed herself fully recovered, axe in hand, a smile playing across her face as she walked over to me, ignoring the slowly fading vampire king.

"That was a close one brook" she said confident but panic soon filled me as I noticed the vampire king who still had yet to fully fade eyes turn feral as he lunged at Marceline and took a bite into her neck.

'FUCK' That's all I thought as I delivered a swift jab towards the vampire king causing him to release his fangs from her neck as he turned to dust leaving Marceline who quickly collapsed to the floor as she became a vampire.


Note as you read in the books synopsis this is only a temp until I can find something I want to write. I bring this up now as I had a interesting Idea but I'm unsure if I like it so I will continue updating this as it for practice and improving my writing endurance and honestly feel I got like a good 10 - 15 chapters in me before this becomes to much of a drag. Like most writters on this platform I write for my entertainment and fun so if I find this feel like more school work after school it will be dropped in a heart beat.

Does not feel good to just do drop anything but rather kill a story then let it go even more downhill because I don't love it no more

I will do my best to keep updating for as long as possible


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 43](1,400,002/2,000,000)

[Health: 342/342]

[Mana points: 98/98]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 115]

[Endurance: 114]

[Agility: 114]

[Wisdom: 49]

[Intelligence: 49]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 6], [Glacial Dread: Lv 8], [Desolate aura: Lv 2], [Vitality steal: Lv 1], [Soul Ice]

[Note: Are you going to just sit there? watch them struggle against enemies much stronger than them? why because you were so stupid to run straight into the enemy formation! move bastard!]
