
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 72: 3 on 3

Lets kick this off with Emma Pov


Honestly I found the commander was quite weird, his mood would jump from Highly emotional to chilling cold at times I would report to him he would show powerful reactions but the next day when I reported the same thing he would be distant as if not fully there but that didn't lower my admiration for him as he was not only like father for me and my siblings but also pillar of strength and the reason humanity has last this long against these filthy vampires so when I heard he was in danger I came rushing with the army alongside Duke and that weird demon girl commander has been taking care of to come cave him.

"Young lady, I would suggest you scamper off," the Heirophant said, his eloquent voice not matching the monstrous form he had taken as he towered over my much smaller figure. I didn't respond as I looked coldly at the disgusting abomination. Without hesitation, I waved my hand, causing spikes of ice to rise from the ground to stab the Heirophant. He let out an unflattering scream as he quickly dodged my follow-up attacks of dozens of small ice-like needles.

I knew I was weaker, so I tried to press for an advantage, unleashing massive spells at the Heirophant. He shrank down to make himself less of a target, but it didn't matter much as my spells were precise. Nonetheless, I had to stay on the move to prevent him from getting close while also weaving around his attacks. I achieved this by freezing the ground with every step, allowing me to essentially skate atop the ice, making me a blur as I moved around the Heirophant. He grew his arms in an attempt to catch me, coming close, but with a highly agile leap, I smoothly flew between the gap in his fingers.

Sadly, that's where things went downhill, as the Hierophant took on the highly agile form of a wolf and quickly matched my speed. He began to return the damage I dealt to him twofold, and I found myself with dozens of deep and shallow wounds across my body.

"I would have let you go, but you just had to get in my way," the Hierophant sneered. I knew he was lying; knowing him, he would have killed the commander and then come for me an hour later. That was just the kind of person he was. Funny how the person so steeped in etiquette would be the first to do the scummiest thing. With little time to think, I began my losing battle against the Hierophant once more.


With duke


"HEHEHEHEHEHEHE," Moon laughed. My spear once again piercing her body, only to do nothing as the wound healed immediately after I retracted my spear pulled. But my eyes were focused. I wasted no time summoning chains of ice from the ground, which wrapped around her legs and attempted to pull her under. Sadly, they failed, but I didn't care. After making distance between us I pulled back my arm and threw my ice spear at her. To my shock, she giggled and swatted the spear aside, causing it to shatter into pieces while her arm bent in a weird direction before quickly clicking back in place.

"Why do you refuse to take my serious!" That's all I could ask, realizing that after the couple of minutes I've been attacking her, she never once fought back. It was almost like fighting against a cutting board. Sadly I was soon to get my answer as the Moons small smile transformed from its previous kind and maybe sweet look to toothy monster grin that left me slightly chilled as deep, guttural voice escaped her mouth.

"Why should I? your far weaker than your master now keep coming." The words left me a bit shaken, but I made new spear of ice all the same. This time though, I made a slight change to the spell formula to also include what the commander called the withering effects, which he explained could weaken or even prevent the effects of a vampire's healing.

With that, I charged again and made multiple stabs towards the moon's still body, causing dozens of wounds to appear in a short amount of time all over her body. Most of them closed just as quickly as they were opened, but I noted how it still took around 2 seconds for them to close—a record considering the wounds closed immediately after they were made. Progress that I would happily accept, but it seemed my free attacks were soon to end, as Moon also noticed this and was ready to attack.

'Well fuck' Thats the last thought I had before I found myself on the defensive


I was pissed at these vampires for almost killing one of the few people I could call family, but I wasn't stupid. I knew full well that I was at best 90% as strong as Brook, something very impressive considering my age, but it would not be enough to take a breather with the vampire king. So I wasted no time charging the vampire king, who simply raised their hand a bit and deflected my attack with their claws, much to my shock. But following dad's lessons, I immediately used the momentum of the deflection to spin around and try for another attack, making sure to apply ice to my axe this time. The vampire king dodged, showing the danger of the attack, but at the same time, this left me open as I received a heavy kick to my side, sending me rolling backwards.

Now open he lunged at me with his supernatural speed, his claws slashing through the air like knives. though even if I had very little time to get up I was able to dodge and weave the attacks that left small craters on the ground, though slightly panicked my movementss stayed fluid. But he was relentless, his attacks coming at me from all angles at some point I was unable to dodge and with a quick flick of his wrist, he sent me flying into a nearby tree, the impact reverberating through my bones.

As the Vampire King stumbled back, temporarily blinded by the frost mist, I seized the opportunity to press my advantage. With a fierce determination burning within me, I moved swiftly and silently, my form shrouded in invisibility.

Closing in on him, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest. With a silent prayer to the moon for strength, I launched myself forward, my axe poised for the kill.

But the Vampire King was quick to react.

As my weapon sliced through the air towards his neck, he raised his hand with lightning speed, catching the blade before it could find its mark. I cursed under my breath, frustration boiling within me. He was proving to be a formidable opponent, and I couldn't afford to underestimate him.

Drawing upon the frost magic coursing through my veins, I focused my energy into a swift and decisive strike. With a powerful kick to his face, I unleashed a wave of icy energy, the frost spreading across his skin like a chilling embrace.

With a roar of pain and anger, the Vampire King stumbled back, releasing my axe as he clawed at his frozen face. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward once more, my weapon gleaming in the moonlight.

This time, there was no hesitation.

With all the strength and determination I could muster, I brought my axe down with a resounding thud, the blade biting deep into the Vampire King's flesh. A guttural scream echoed through the night as he staggered back, blood pooling at his feet.

"ENOUGH" Thats all he said before disappearing in a burst of speed and delivered a strike to my abdomen that left me coughing and hurling upon the ground.

'This might be it'


Honestly hate myself for this and feel like I should have just wrote this from mc perspective because honestly after Emma vs hierophant and half way through Duke and moon I lost the magic

[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 43](1,400,002/2,000,000)

[Health: 342/342]

[Mana points: 98/98]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 115]

[Endurance: 114]

[Agility: 114]

[Wisdom: 49]

[Intelligence: 49]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv 6], [Glacial Dread: Lv 8], [Desolate aura: Lv 2], [Vitality steal: Lv 1], [Soul Ice]

[Note: Are you going to just sit there? watch them struggle against enemies much stronger than them? why because you were so stupid to run straight into the enemy formation! move bastard!]
