
Call it anything but love!

*Mature writing ahead* Takako, a 16-year-old girl from Siliskocity has been into the clouds of unknown and imagination with her childhood bf Yuki, the young handsome boy. Bf-Best friend! She knows everything he wants and he knows everything she wants. But still 'Just friend?!' is the sarcastic question she gets from everyone ever since, but she is more on 'just friends'! But what if, there's something between them?! Which is more than friends now?! Like love?! But, she hate it to hear it as love! why?! Well... tragedy! Will tragedy bring them closer?! Will, they both try to stay as friends any longer?! Or Will it end up on the wrong side?! And what they have would be gone forever?! ******* Comedy, teen, sisters, best friend, break ups and love triangles everything is here...just our Takako×Yuki Will it end good?! Or breaking hearts?! ****** The book cover art doesn't belongs to me and more over release is rapid! ***** Enjoy!!! love from, PANTONE V

PantoneV · Teen
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36 Chs

under your possession

Asking for worst and here it is-

Looks like holiday of Clouds are over, All the morning bright sky is now covered in dark clouds... just cold breeze blows without sunlight, and I was sitting back take on the unbearably cold wall of the stare case on my back of the school building roof top under the dark sky with my eyes watering like hell and me cursing myself!

I should go inside! I thought over that once

rubbing my palm on my sleeves to keep myself warmer but It is better-far from the dilex of Time and reality than actually facing all the mess I created!

Actually now I am thinking...

I am a confused shithead!

And I cursed myself Til' I was so tired that I didn't even knew when I was drifted to a sound sleep in my cursing tears and the frictional warm.

It was so sound like I have never had in centuries!

But...One has to wake up even if they try not to but when I unlocked my eyes, it was highly unexpected that I encountered!

I slowly softly screwed my eyes opening one after another, Still the sky is covered in dark clouds and my cold wind breeze is piercing my cheek but now I wasn't so cold after all...


Well, the answer was just next to me!

My best friend who had stormed away after our fight was the one who was sit sleeping besides me as my life cushion on whose shoulder my head was lying peacefully and over me was his school coat.

Wait! I looked searchingly at him with annoyance-he was just wearing this thin fabric school shirt-pants in the name of clothes!

Jeez! It's so cold and this man!

I shrugged off the comparatively warmer coat onto the dozed him whose face was Alarmingly straightened on the cold wall like he was awake but No he wasn't...

I peacefully lifted my head from his shoulder giving him some space to sleep but no!


In my attempt in giving him comfort zone, this sapien tighten his grip around me like lil' children do with their favourite stuff toys pushing me with his left arm coiling around me... and I was completely stuck into his arm and my face just close to his mouth yet I try to mantain it after so much force, that was murmuring something in daydreaming...

Which after so much heavy concentrative hearing I caught-

"...I...need... sushi...mom..."

Oh... lil' boy is dreaming of sushi...

I couldn't control my laugh into me and started laughing uncontrollably!

To which Yuki's sleep could sustain any longer, he opened one eye with an annoyed sleepy face looking at me-

"...Are you under some laughing ghost possession?!"

"I'm under your possession..." I replied with a beaming smile to which his annoyed face also melted but suddenly his face stuck with some awkwardness-

"So, Are we... good now?! "

"You tell me..." I demanded with a shrilly yet calm tone to which he chuckled sarcastically-

"I am good in all ways!

You are the one with problems!"

Not again!

"If I am the problem girl why are always with me?! " I asked tucking myself out of his grasp bubbling my cheeks.

"Cause I love you... "

"But I hate you!"

Abtruptly, His android in his pants front pocket beeped and he took his mobile out to investigate to which the curls on his forehead suddenly increased-

"Oh... bus is leaving!"

What bus is leaving right now ?!

I mended his mobile out of his palm forcefully and my eyes were tore out -It was 3 pm already!

"I am up here for the whole half school hours?!"I held my head in my hands cursing my astoundingly pighead but Mr. poking master, poked into my thoughts-

"Actually...We! "

No he wasn't serious!

"No,You aren't serious!" but his expression remain rigid unchanged to which I again asked "Tell me you are joking!"

But, he stayed in his cool cold-

"I'm not..."

"Why did you do that?! " I beseech him but he remain the same unpredictable bestie of mine-

"Told ya... I love you! "

He kissed on my cheek and made a quick run from me to which I rubbing cleaning my cheek to my sleeve and got up flying behind him-

"Ughhh... I hate you!...I hate-"

*SSStomach growlingssss*

Until, my little hungry stomach growled without knocking, to which he started to Gawfle-

"Looks like someone's tummy is crying..."

"It was your fault!" I cried with my redden cheeks to which he laughed even more louder-

"No... it's Your-s... "

His stomach mimiced like mine and his laughter switch to me-

"Ha ha...Tell me now whose tummy is crying!"

But suddenly, his android again beeped!

"Let's get the hell out of here before we get locked up in the school!"

I nod walking behind following him down the stairs then suddenly I halted looking at the clothes I was wearing-

"What about this?! "

But to this,

He stopped his feet and passed me a smirking look-

"You are going to thank me for this... "

"Thank 'you' for...?!" I asked confusively to which he inserted his hand into his Jujitsu's back chain and a chill passed to my spine remembering Jujitsu's left corner black zipper's zip ripping incident from today morning!

Is it a trick for me from him to avenge his bag's ripped zip?!

Because my mind, has already shown me million more than enough ways of trick, he has played on me since our childhood like the witch prank, chokroach prank, blade prank and infinite many!

So, I stayed ready for everything!

But when he revealed today's surprise-it was my school uniform which was suppose to be girl's washroom!

Does that mean....?!

"How did you get into girl's washroom?! "I asked with a lost more than utter excitement but his answer was a little too statical-

"It wasn't some rocket science...I get in there and pulled it out...Simple! "

Grinning from ear to ear, I commented -

"Oh my boy is becoming bad boy... seeking into girl's washroom?!"

"What about you?! Do You even know you are in the most wanted list of boyhood! should I make you publicize?!"

I knew something like this could happen but in such a haste-

"You keep my secret...I keep yours!" I proposed this offered which was like if infinity is 'X' then it was like 'X+1'...

"Deal! " he agreed to which I sighed-

"Grea-t" with my stomach hurting like hell!

He smiled gazing at me-

"Let's get some food!"

I nod firmly in total agreement...

"First go change before Principal sir actually make you sweep whole school! "

I quickly grab my clothes from him and ran into the boy's....I mean-Girl's washroom to change back into my girl avatar....