
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
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20 Chs


<p>Prelude.<br/><br/>Year- 2061: the nuclear war had ended. But what comes with war is destruction. If you'd look around, the only thing that you'll see would be chaos. The massive use of nuclear radiation resulted in creating human eating giant abominations which were named 'Calamities'. What remained of humanity from all around the world gathered at a single place, the nation of Neo Argos.<br/><br/>Neo Argos was what you'd get if you throw in millions of people of different cultures and traditions in a single place, there was diversity, and chaos. Some people liked it and some didn't. But what they didn't know for long was the emergence of a new species, which ate humans and only humans. The only problem was that they mingled into the society, as they looked just like a normal human. <br/><br/>They were not discovered for long until their actions became more prevalent. As the situation calmed down and law and order started being enforced, the murderous actions of these man eating creatures came into light. These creatures started being called vamps, a slang term for vampires which were blood sucking creatures from the mythologies of an ancient Europe.<br/><br/>To counter the vamps and calamities altogether, a new regiment of the army was formed, the Calamity Prevention Force (CPF). The CPF uniform fabric is made of the newly obtained metal arionar and silver alloy. At the time of enforcement, CPF soldiers were to inject themselves with adrenaline increasing drug wasclax .Simple guns and blades don't work on calamities or vamps so the CPF soldiers carried special weapons called ENHANCED MINIATURE RAILGUNS (EMRGs)<br/><br/>The vamps were not backing down as well. They seperated themselves in two groups, 'the scarlets', a cannibal group lead by a vamp named Skylar Angelini or commonly known as 'the Beast', and another group which sought peace, lead by 'the father'. No one knew who really was the father. Only the fact that if someone was strong enough to rival the beast was the father.<br/><br/>The father only had one thing in mind, for the vamps and the humans to live in peace. And he was ready to do literally anything for that to come true. But considering the fact that vamps NEEDED human flesh to survive, that dream was no more than a daydream.<br/><br/>Neo Argos was surrounded by a protective fortress, with CPF soldiers on guard 24/7. Not even a fly could enter inside without being noticed. All this because the outside world was teeming with calamities, big and small. But there were cases when a calamity would emerge out of nowhere inside the habitable zone. It would soon be taken down by the CPF, but that won't happen until there were some casualties.<br/><br/>All in all Neo Argos was a giant messy arrangement.<br/>But this story isn't about Neo Argos, or the vamps, or calamities.They are just phases in the legend. This story is about a boy who would be the synonym of hope for many while the definition of terror in many hearts. The boy who will be the reason for the ending. The boy who made the choices not for anyone else, but his love.</p>