
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
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20 Chs


Arima Tensei, a 15 year old boy, not known by many. Not what you'd expect a 15 year old school going boy to be like. Parents died at the age of 9 in the line of duty as proud CPF soldiers. Though Arima wasn't so proud about it. The reason, he believed that they wouldn't have been weak enough to die at the hands of something that was a child's play for other soldiers. Well that was just what people who knew him had in mind, since of course that was what he told them. But deep inside, he loved them, he missed them.

Today was like any other day, he'd wake up, get dressed, and head out for his highschool. It was his first day. He was excited. Not because he would be going back to school. For school was the place he hated the most. Filled with people who only cared about competing, and teachers who couldn't care less. Moreover, the rich kids who'd bully the hell out of anyone. But what could he do, it was a punishable offence to skip school without a good reason.

He was excited because he'd be meeting with his best friend once again. Evan Mitchell, who'd been there with him in his worst and best times alike. He wouldn't miss meeting with him for the end of the world.

He had just went inside after the security scan and before he could even catch his breath, he was met with a smack on his hips and a tight hug. It was Evan, just as excited to meet Arima. "So, survived much?" Evan asked. "Without you, oh hell no. Was hella bored. Virtual convos don't even come close to actually slapping you." Arima replied, a sarcastic tone in his voice which, if heard by someone else would seem like they are blood sworn enemies. The truth was completely opposite though. Evan and Arima were inseparable. Moreover Arima had a secret crush on him.

Classes on the first day went pretty smoothly. But with school resuming, the bullies also came back. Recess was something you'd look forward to, but that was the time he dreaded the most. Evan, being one of the strong people of his age group usually protected him. But today his schedule was different and Arima was all alone. "Hey where is that hot shot boyfriend of yours." The words rang alarmingly in his head. It was Carl, the person Arima dreaded the most. " Don't tell me he too got devoured by those Calamity monster thingies like your poor little parents." Carl taunted. Still as frightened as ever, Arima decided that enough was enough. Before he knew it his fist met with Carl's face. Carl was thrown back. He got up, face red with anger. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Before he could finish he was punched in the stomach. "An orphan like you dare to lay a hand on me." Another punch. "Know your place you mongrel." Another punch.

Arima got punched a few more times before Carl was exhausted and was left with the words "Don't ever think of laying your filthy hands on me again or you won't be able to use your limbs again." Arima was left there, beat up, face all blue, eyes full of tears. He was crying not because he got beat up, but because once again he wasn't able to do anything.

After school ended, Evan waited for him outside the gates. They had planned a visit to the display of the biggest Calamity recently caught in their city Zine. Ten minutes went by. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. An hour went by but there was no sign of Arima showing up. Evan tried calling him several times but he didn't answer. Arima did not want to tell him what went down during recess and decided it would be better if he just went home and isolated himself for the time being.

He wasn't able to sleep that night. "I'd better be off dead I guess." He thought. "I'm just a dead weight on this already god forsaken world."... "What did I even do to deserve this?"... "Why me?"... "WHY ONLY ME?". Thoughts running wild in his mind. Questions which seemed to have no answer was flooding his head. Twisting and turning in the bed didn't seem to take him anywhere. Eventually his tears stopped and his weeping turned into silent sobs.

He turned once more in his bed and there he saw, just behind him, a lesser Calamity about the size of a cobra ready to prance on him. "What the fucAAAAAAAAAAA...." he screamed as the calamity's teeth sunk deep into his chest, right where his heart was. He tried pulling it out but it only went in deeper and deeper. His eyes started getting covered in darkness. His mind slowly losing consciousness. The last thing he saw was half of the calamity's body drilled deep inside his.