
Bye! Bye! You Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town!

After the Battle with Josuke Higashikata, Yoshikage Kira successfully activates his Stand ability Bites the Dust, finds himself in a bewildering alternate reality rather than going back in time as intended, finding himself in the MY Hero Academia Universe. Confused and disoriented, he reaches out to a stranger, who angrily accuses him of attempted theft. In his panic, Kira stumbles onto the road and narrowly avoids being hit by a car, thanks to his Stand, Killer Queen. As Kira flees the scene, he grapples with the stark reality of his situation. Initially overwhelmed, he soon realizes that this new world might be a blessing in disguise—a place where he can live anonymously and free from the constant threat of discovery. With no one knowing his true identity, Kira sees an opportunity to live a quiet, peaceful life without fear of being unmasked.

ZatyaIsten · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

- Is this really... Morioh?

In the heart of a sprawling metropolis, a city that pulsed with the vibrancy of a future yet to be written, Yoshikage Kira found himself adrift in a sea of unfamiliarity. The once-familiar act of blending in, of becoming just another face in the crowd, now proved to be an impossible feat in a world that had leapt forward in time, his crisp white business suit and polished leather shoes seemed to belong to a different era, a different world entirely.

The city around him was a strange amalgamation of the familiar and the foreign, with towering skyscrapers and sleek, modern architecture that seemed to have sprung up overnight. But despite the newness of his surroundings, Kira couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that he had somehow stumbled into a reality that was not his own.

"Just... Where am I?" Kira muttered under his breath, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Kira's mind raced as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He had activated 「Bites the Dust」, hoping to turn back time and erase the events that had led to his downfall. But instead of finding himself back in the safety of his home, he found himself here, in this alien city... yet he doesn't really mind all of this... until he gets what he wants... his peaceful life.

As Yoshikage Kira navigated the unfamiliar streets of the sprawling metropolis, his senses were assaulted by a cacophony of sights, sounds, and sensations that seemed to belong to a world far removed from his own. The city pulsed with a vibrant energy, its towering skyscrapers and sleek, modern architecture a testament to a future that had seemingly sprung up overnight. Amidst the sea of faces, Kira found himself adrift, his crisp white business suit and polished leather shoes marking him as an outsider, a relic from a bygone era.

The people around him moved with purpose, their conversations filled with terms and concepts that were alien to Kira's ears. As he walked, snippets of dialogue floated through the air, tantalizing him with glimpses of a society that had evolved beyond his comprehension.

"Did you hear about the new hero agency opening up downtown?" a young woman asked her companion, her voice filled with excitement. "I heard they're recruiting people with powerful quirks!"

Her friend nodded enthusiastically, "I bet they're looking for the next All Might! Imagine having a quirk that could rival his strength!"

Kira's brow furrowed as he processed the unfamiliar terms. Heroes? Quirks? All Might? These were concepts that held no meaning in the world he had left behind. He quickened his pace, his mind racing with possibilities. Could it be that he had somehow crossed the boundaries of reality itself? Had his Stand, Bites the Dust, evolved to grant him passage to a dimension where the extraordinary was commonplace?

As he turned the corner, Kira found himself face to face with a group of individuals whose appearances defied explanation. A man with black hair and piercing eyes stood alongside a woman whose skin seemed to shimmer with an iridescent sheen. Another had what appeared to be mechanical arms, their metallic surface glinting in the sunlight. Kira couldn't help but stare, his eyes wide with a mixture of fascination and disbelief.

"Hey, check out that guy's suit," one of them remarked, nodding in Kira's direction. "Looks like he's in a rush. Maybe he missed his train or something... Hehe, he needs to find a new job after this for sure."

"Yeah, or maybe he's late for a job interview," another chimed in, a hint of sympathy in their voice. "I've been there before. It's never fun to be running behind schedule."

The woman with the iridescent skin tilted her head, studying Kira with a curious expression. "He does seem a bit out of place, though. Not many people wear suits like that around here anymore."

The man with the mechanical arms shrugged, a faint whirring sound emanating from his joints. "Could be a fashion statement. Some people just like to stand out from the crowd."

Kira bristled at their comments, his pride wounded by the notion that he was somehow out of place. He had always taken great care in his appearance, priding himself on his impeccable taste and attention to detail. To be reduced to a mere subject of speculation and idle chatter was a blow to his ego.

"Tch..." he muttered under his breath, his fingers twitching with the urge to activate his Stand. "These people have no idea who they're dealing with."

As the group's comments faded into the background, Kira found himself grappling with a maelstrom of emotions. The initial spark of anger, fueled by the indignation of being reduced to a mere oddity, slowly gave way to a more calculated perspective. He took a deep breath, his fingers unclenching as he willed himself to regain his composure.

"Calm down, Yoshikage," he muttered to himself, his voice low and measured. "Getting riled up over the opinions of a few ignorant fools is beneath you. You're better than that."

Kira's mind began to churn, analyzing the situation with the cold, clinical precision that had served him so well in his previous life. He was a man who prided himself on his ability to adapt, to blend in seamlessly with his surroundings. And yet, here he was, sticking out like a sore thumb in a world that had clearly moved on without him.

"This is just a temporary setback," he reassured himself, his inner monologue taking on a more strategic tone. "I need to approach this situation with a clear head and a steady hand. Losing my temper over a few careless remarks will only draw more attention to myself, and that's the last thing I need right no. I need to be smart about this," he mused, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the bustling streets around him. "I'm in uncharted territory here, and the rules of the game have clearly changed. If I want to survive, if I want to live a new quiet life, I need to learn how to play by these new rules."

As Kira continued to navigate the unfamiliar streets, his mind still reeling from the encounter with the peculiar group, he found himself drawn to the towering skyscrapers that loomed overhead. Their glass facades glinted in the sunlight, reflecting the bustling city life below. But it was the massive electronic billboard adorning one of the buildings that truly caught his attention.

The billboard, with its high-resolution screen displaying a vibrant array of advertisements and images, was a sight that left Kira utterly impressed. The clarity and detail of the visuals were unlike anything he had encountered in his own world, where such advanced technology was still a distant dream. Kira watched, transfixed, as the scenes shifted from one to another in a dizzying kaleidoscope of color and sound. Designer clothing, sleek gadgets, and trendy accessories all flashed across the screen, each one more enticing than the last.

As he stared at the billboard, Kira couldn't help but marvel at the level of technology on display. While it wasn't so far beyond what he had imagined possible, the sheer quality and realism of the images were truly remarkable. It was as if he could reach out and touch the products being advertised, their every detail rendered in stunning clarity.

Suddenly, a booming voice emanated from the billboard, causing Kira to flinch in surprise. "Introducing the latest fashion sensation!" the voice proclaimed, its tone filled with enthusiasm. "The Heroline jacket, now available for only 9,999 yen! Be the envy of all your friends with this sleek, stylish, and oh-so-heroic design!"

Kira's eyes widened as he realized that the billboard was not only displaying images but also producing sound. The voice was so clear and lifelike that it almost seemed as if the announcer were standing right beside him, extolling the virtues of the Heroline jacket.

"Incredible," Kira muttered to himself, shaking his head in amazement. "To think that they've managed to integrate audio into a billboard of this size... It's a level of technology that's not too far from what I know, but still incredibly impressive."

He couldn't help but wonder about the other technological marvels that this world might hold. If a simple billboard could display such high-quality images and produce such realistic sound, what other wonders might he encounter as he explored this strange new reality?

For a moment, Kira found himself feeling a sense of excitement and curiosity, his mind racing with the possibilities of what he might discover. But just as quickly, he pushed those thoughts aside, reminding himself that he was a stranger in this world, and that he needed to focus on finding a way back to his own reality.

Just as Kira was about to turn away from the billboard the image of the jacket faded away, replaced by a larger-than-life figure that instantly commanded Kira's attention as well as its sudden, booming voice that emanated from the billboard, so loud and powerful that it seemed to shake the very ground beneath his feet.

"HAVE NO FEAR, CITIZENS!" All Might proclaimed, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. "FOR I AM HERE!"

The image of a muscular man, clad in a form-fitting costume of red, white, and blue, filled the screen. His blond hair was styled in a distinctive two-pronged shape, and his chiseled features were set in a confident, almost triumphant expression. The name "All Might" was emblazoned across the bottom of the screen in bold, heroic font.

Kira stared at the image, his brow furrowed in a mixture of fascination and confusion. "What on earth is this supposed to be?" he muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he studied the bizarre figure. "Some kind of circus performer? A professional wrestler, perhaps?"

The image of All Might on the billboard was striking, his muscular form clad in his iconic red, white, and blue costume. His smile was wide and confident, his eyes gleaming with an unwavering sense of purpose. As he spoke, his voice boomed out across the street, filled with an infectious enthusiasm that seemed to command the attention of everyone within earshot.

"Citizens of this great city!" All Might proclaimed, his arm outstretched as if reaching out to every person who passed by. "I come to you today not just as a hero, but as a messenger of hope and inspiration!"

As he spoke, the billboard shifted, displaying a montage of images that showcased the many facets of heroism. Firefighters rushing into burning buildings, paramedics tending to the injured, even ordinary citizens stepping up to help their neighbors in times of need.

"You see," All Might continued, his voice growing more impassioned with every word, "being a hero isn't just about having powerful quirks or fancy costumes. It's about having the courage to stand up for what's right, to put the needs of others before your own, and to never back down in the face of adversity!"

The montage on the screen shifted again, this time showing images of young people, their faces filled with determination and hope. Some wore the uniforms of hero academies, while others were dressed in ordinary clothing, but all had the same fire in their eyes, the same sense of purpose and drive.

"And that's where you come in!" All Might exclaimed, his finger pointing directly at the camera. "Yes, YOU! Each and every one of you has the potential to be a hero, to make a difference in the world and to inspire others to do the same!"

As he spoke, the billboard displayed a series of messages, each one more emphatic than the last. "Enroll in a hero academy today!" "Volunteer in your community!" "Stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves!"

"Now, I won't lie to you," All Might said, his voice growing more serious. "The path of a hero is never easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and an unwavering sense of justice. But if you have the heart, if you have the will, then there is no limit to what you can achieve!"

It built to a crescendo, his words seeming to take on a life of their own. The greenscreen behind him erupted in a dazzling display of color and light as if the sheer power of his message had brought it to life.

"So I ask you, citizens of this great city," All Might boomed, "will you answer the call? Will you rise to the challenge and become the heroes that our world so desperately needs?"

He thrust his fist into the air, his voice rising to a triumphant shout. "Remember, no matter how difficult the road may seem, no matter how daunting the obstacles in your path, there is one thing that will always see you through!"

The screen behind him exploded in a burst of light as fireworks behind him flew up and exploded, the words "GO BEYOND" emblazoned across it in bold, heroic font. "PLUS ULTRA!" All Might roared, his voice echoing off the buildings and seeming to fill the entire city.

Kira stood there, his eyes wide and his mouth agape, as he stared up at the billboard in utter disbelief. The image of the strange, muscular hero seemed to burn itself into his mind, a garish and almost grotesque caricature of the human form. And yet, despite his initial revulsion, Kira found himself unable to look away, his gaze transfixed by the sheer absurdity of the spectacle before him.

"J... Just what the hell was that?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "What kind of bizarre, twisted world have I stumbled into?"

As if in response to his unspoken questions, the billboard shifted once again, this time displaying a series of action shots featuring the strange hero. All Might was shown leaping tall buildings in a single bound, lifting impossibly heavy objects with ease, and even smiling broadly as he posed for the camera, his teeth gleaming in a blinding white smile.

Kira watched, his brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion and disgust, as the images played out before him. He had always prided himself on his keen intellect and his ability to analyze and understand even the most complex of situations. But this? This was beyond his comprehension, a world so utterly alien and nonsensical that it defied all logic and reason.

"Is this what passes for entertainment in this world?" he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Grown men prancing around in garish costumes, playing at being heroes? It's absurd, I'm sure these are all just some kind of effects..." He said that, even though he already saw many people looking so absurd human comprehension would struggle to understand and there was a possibility that, this was real. That his skepticism was just way too much.

And yet, despite his initial disdain, Kira couldn't help but be intrigued by the sheer spectacle of it all. The billboard was a testament to the power of marketing, a carefully crafted image designed to capture the hearts and minds of the masses. And judging by the reactions of the people around him, it seemed to be working.

Everywhere he looked, Kira saw people sporting All Might merchandise, from t-shirts and hats to keychains and even action figures. Children giggled and pointed at the billboard, their eyes wide with wonder, while adults nodded approvingly, as if the mere presence of the 'hero' was enough to put their minds at ease.

"It's all so... superficial," Kira mused, his lips twisting into a faint sneer. "These people are so easily swayed by a flashy image and a catchy slogan. They don't even stop to question what lies beneath the surface."

And yet, as much as Kira wanted to write off the entire display as nothing more than a garish spectacle, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was something more to it than met the eye. The sheer adulation and reverence that the people of this world seemed to hold for figures like All Might... it spoke to a deep-seated need, a yearning for something greater than themselves that Kira had never fully understood.

But he had no time for such idle musings. With a final, disdainful glance at the still-grinning image of All Might, Kira turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing hollowly against the pavement. The billboard continued to play behind him, its endless loop of heroic posturing and grandiose proclamations fading into the background as he made his way down the crowded street.

As he walked, Kira's mind raced with questions and possibilities. He was a stranger in this world, a man out of time and place, and he knew that he would need to be cautious if he hoped to survive and find his way back home. Every new sight and sound was a potential clue, a piece of the puzzle that he would need to decipher if he hoped to make sense of this bizarre reality.

Lost in thought, his gaze was drawn to a small electronics store tucked away between two larger buildings. The flickering glow of dozens of television screens caught his eye, and before he knew it, he found himself standing before the shop window, his reflection staring back at him from the glass.

"Perhaps I can find some useful information here," Kira muttered to himself, his voice low and measured as he studied the chaotic jumble of images and sounds that played out before him. "Something that will help me understand this strange world and its even stranger inhabitants."

He leaned in closer, his keen eyes darting from screen to screen as he tried to make sense of the various programs and advertisements. Most of it seemed to be the usual drivel - news reports, game shows, and the like - but then, something caught his attention.

It was a talk show of some sort, featuring a panel of well-dressed experts discussing current events. Kira normally had little patience for such things, but something about the urgent, almost reverent tone of the panelists' voices drew him in.

"-and that's how the emergence of Quirks in 2014 fundamentally altered the course of human history," one of them was saying, his eyes shining with a fervent light. "It was a defining moment for our species, a turning point that set us on the path towards the world we know today."

Kira felt his breath catch in his throat, his usually impassive face twisting into a mask of shock and disbelief. 2014? The words seemed to hang in the air before him, taunting him with their impossibility.

Desperate for answers, Kira's eyes darted across the screens, searching for any clue that might help him make sense of his situation. And then, he saw it - a small, innocuous graphic displayed in the corner of one of the screens, almost lost amidst the flashy visuals and bold headlines.

"July 22, 2209," it read, the numbers burning themselves into Kira's mind with a searing clarity. "Today's date."

For a moment, Kira simply stared at the date in numb disbelief, his brain struggling to process the sheer enormity of what he was seeing. 2209... that was 210 years in the future from his own time. Two centuries of history, of progress and change, all lost to him in an instant.

"This... this can't be right," Kira muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the din of the crowded street. "or... is it?"

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his palms slick with sweat as he tried to make sense of the impossible words that spilled from the television screens. It was like something out of a science fiction novel, a fantastical tale of powers beyond human comprehension.

And yet, the panelists spoke of these things as if they were commonplace, as if they were simply another facet of everyday life. Kira's mind raced as he tried to reconcile this strange new reality with everything he thought he knew about the world.

He leaned in even closer, his nose almost touching the glass as he strained to hear more over the constant babble of the crowded street. Another panelist was speaking now, her voice calm and assured.

"Indeed," she said, nodding sagely. "The sudden appearance of individuals with superhuman abilities changed everything. Governments, economies, social structures... all of it had to be completely rethought in light of this new reality."

Kira's mind was reeling, his usually razor-sharp intellect struggling to make sense of what he was hearing. Superhuman abilities? Perhaps,l-like stands? It was all too much, too fast. He had never heard of such things before, and the idea that they could have emerged centuries ago - centuries! - was utterly absurd.

And yet, the more he listened, the more he began to realize the horrifying truth. The panelists spoke of 2014 as if it were ancient history, a bygone era lost to the mists of time. They referenced events and figures that Kira had never heard of, their voices filled with the easy familiarity of those discussing common knowledge.

"No... no, it can't be," Kira whispered, his voice hoarse and strained as he stared at the screens in disbelief. "This isn't possible. It's not... it's not logical."

The thought was almost too much to bear. Kira had always prided himself on his intelligence, his ability to understand and navigate even the most complex of situations. But this? This was beyond anything he had ever encountered, a scenario so utterly impossible that it threatened to shatter his very understanding of reality.

"Or perhaps... perhaps this is an alternate dimension altogether as I previously thought," he mused, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to make sense of it all. "A world similar to my own, but with a different history, a different path. But even so... I still cannot understand the reason why 「Bites The Dust」 transported me here... Why this time or world over the others?"

The questions swirled in his mind, each one more unsettling than the last. Kira felt a deep, gnawing unease settling in the pit of his stomach, a fear that he had never experienced before. This world, with its strange powers and unfamiliar customs, was not a place he belonged. And yet, somehow, he had been thrust into it all the same.

The more Kira thought about it, the more certain he became. It is pointless to think about something, that doesn't matter in the long-run... He can find those answers later as well. Now... he should only enjoy his stay in this world.

And yet, even as the relief washed over him, Kira couldn't shake the nagging sense of doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. There was something about this world, something about it that made him uneasy. It was all too perfect, too convenient. What if...

"No," Kira said firmly, shaking his head as if to banish the thought. "No, that's not possible. If this were the work of an enemy Stand, they would have already made their move. They would have attacked me and tried to finish what they started. But they haven't. Which means..."

He trailed off, his mind racing with possibilities. If this wasn't the work of an enemy, then he must be fate's favorite child.

"It doesn't matter," Kira said at last, his voice filled with a newfound resolve. "Whatever the reason, I'm here now. And I'm not going to waste this opportunity. I'm going to make the most of this world, to live the life I've always wanted..."

As Kira stood there, lost in thought and staring at the television screens, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. Yes, he had resolved to make the most of this strange new world, to seize the opportunities it presented and live the life he had always dreamed of. But even so, there were certain practical considerations that he couldn't ignore.

Chief among them was the question of his identity. In this world, he was a man out of time, a relic from a bygone era with no place in the modern world. His name, his face, his very existence... all of it would be unknown to the people of this future. And that presented a problem.

"If I'm going to survive in this world," Kira muttered to himself, his voice low and calculating, "I'm going to need to establish a new identity. A new name, a new background, a new life. Otherwise, I risk drawing unwanted attention to myself."

He could just imagine the scenario - some overzealous police officer or government official, suspicious of the strange man with no records or history, deciding to dig deeper into his past. They would demand to see his identification, and that's when things would truly unravel.

Kira's current identity, Kosaku Kawajiri, was no more in this world, a man born and raised in an era long gone. His ID would reflect that, showing a birthdate that would be utterly incongruous with the world around him. To the authorities of this time, it would be as if a ghost had suddenly materialized in their midst.

And then the questions would begin. At first, they might assume it was a simple clerical error, a mistake in the system that could be easily corrected. But as they dug deeper, as they searched for records that didn't exist and a past that had long since faded into history, their suspicions would only grow.

They would subject him to tests, interrogations, and investigations that would make his skin crawl. They would poke and prod at every aspect of his being, trying to unravel the mystery of the man who shouldn't exist. And with each passing moment, the risk of exposure would grow ever greater.

Kira could imagine the worst-case scenarios all too easily. They might try to lock him away, to study him like some sort of lab rat in an attempt to unlock the secrets of his impossible existence. Or perhaps they would simply make him disappear, erasing all traces of his presence in this world in order to maintain society.

After all, the revelation that time travel was possible would be too much for their society to handle. It would shatter the very foundations of their understanding of the world, unleashing chaos and panic and fanatics that would try everything in order to time travel. The authorities would do whatever it took to prevent that from happening, even if it meant sacrificing the life and freedom of one man.

The thought made Kira's blood run cold. He had no illusions about the lengths that those in power would go to maintain their grip on this world, and he knew that he would be seen as a threat to that order. A variable that needed to be controlled or eliminated, by any means necessary.

He couldn't let that happen. He needed to find a way to secure his place in this world, to create an identity that would withstand even the most intense scrutiny. But to do that, he would need help. He would need someone with knowledge of this world and its workings, someone who could guide him through the intricacies of this strange new reality.

Kira shuddered at the thought. He had no idea what kind of technology or resources the authorities of this future might have at their disposal, but he couldn't take the risk of being exposed. He needed to act quickly, to establish a new identity that would withstand even the most thorough of background checks.

But how? In his own time, he had been able to acquire a new identity by assuming the life of Kosaku Kawajiri, a man with a conveniently similar build and appearance. But here, in this strange future world, he had no such luxuries. He would need to start from scratch, to build a new life entirely on his own.

Hmm.. perhaps he should use the identity of someone who was recently deceased, someone who wouldn't be missed. It was a risky gambit, to be sure - there was always the chance that someone might recognize the name or face he chose - but it was better than the alternative.

"Yes," Kira said softly, his eyes narrowing as he began to plan. "That could work. I'll need to find someone suitable, someone whose life I can assume without raising too many suspicions. And then..."

A sudden change in the television screens caught his attention. The panelist's discussion faded away, replaced by the melodic tones of a channel jingle. "You're watching Quirk Network, the premier source for all things quirk-related!" the announcer's voice proclaimed, as a colorful logo danced across the screen.

But it was the advertisement that followed that truly captured Kira's interest. The screen was filled with images of stunning men and women, their features flawless and their skin glowing with an almost otherworldly beauty. And at the center of it all was a woman with a smile that could light up a room, her eyes sparkling with confidence and power.

"Hello, my name is Aiko Nakamura, and I am the founder and lead quirk specialist at Metamorphosis," she said, her voice smooth and enchanting. "At our state-of-the-art beauty salon, we cater to the unique needs of quirk users, helping them unlock their true potential and become the best version of themselves, both inside and out."

The camera panned across the luxurious interior of the salon, revealing sleek, modern equipment and plush, comfortable furnishings. Kira watched in amazement as Aiko demonstrated her quirk, her hands enveloped in a soft, pulsing light as she gently touched the face of a client. In mere moments, the client's features began to transform, their imperfections fading away until they were left with a face of breathtaking perfection.

"My quirk, which I call 「Divine Touch,」 allows me to reshape and enhance the physical features of my clients," Aiko explained, her voice filled with passion and pride. "But at Metamorphosis, we believe that true beauty comes from within. That's why we take a holistic approach, using our quirks to bring out the innate strengths and qualities that make each of our clients unique and special."

The advertisement continued, showcasing a montage of satisfied customers, each one beaming with joy and confidence after their transformative experience at Metamorphosis. Kira watched as Aiko and her team worked their magic, their quirks a dazzling display of light and color as they reshaped faces, sculpted bodies, and even altered the very essence of their clients' beings.

"Whether you're looking for a subtle enhancement or a complete metamorphosis, we have the skills and expertise to make your dreams a reality," Aiko said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Our team of highly trained quirk specialists, masters of transformation, could not encounter a task that was impossible in the past five years. Furthermore, we are even capable of manipulating genetic structure if it seems necessary. With our cutting-edge technology and unparalleled understanding of quirk-based beauty, there's no limit to what we can achieve."

As the advertisement drew to a close, a soothing voice announced, "Visit Metamorphosis today and unlock your true potential. Our salon is conveniently located at 123 Quirk Avenue, in the heart of Natori City. We're open Monday through Saturday, from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Call us now at 555-METAMOR (555-638-2667) to schedule your appointment, or simply walk in at your convenience. Your transformation awaits!"

The ad concluded with a stunning aerial shot of the Metamorphosis salon, a gleaming, state-of-the-art facility nestled in the heart of the city's most prestigious district. The address "123 Quirk Avenue, Natori City" appeared on the screen, along with the phone number "555-METAMOR (555-638-2667)" and the business hours "Monday - Saturday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM."

He quickly jotted down the address and phone number on one of the papers that his briefcase hid, he didn't need it anymore anyway. his hand trembling slightly with anticipation. It was a neighboring city of Morioh in his world...

"Come visit us today and experience the transformative power of Metamorphosis for yourself," Aiko urged, as the contact information remained on the screen. "Your new life is waiting, and we can't wait to help you discover it."

As the advertisement faded and the channel jingle played once more, Kira couldn't take his eyes off the screen. But first, he needed to figure out exactly where he was.The promise of a complete transformation, a chance to leave his old life behind and start anew, was almost too tempting to resist. He glanced at the clock on the wall, noting that it was just past 11:45 AM. The salon would be open for several more hours, giving him plenty of time to make his way there and inquire about their services.

The idea of someone with the power to completely reshape a person's appearance, to give them a new face, a new body, a new identity... just like that lady in Morioh! It was almost too good to be true. And yet, here it was, being offered to the public like any other service.

Kira's mind raced as he tried to process the incredible opportunity that had just presented itself. The idea of someone with the power to completely reshape a person's appearance, to give them a new face, a new body, a new identity... it was almost too good to be true. And yet, here it was, being offered to the public like any other service.

As he stared at the television screen, Kira couldn't help but think of the young woman he had encountered back in Morioh, the one with the strange ability to alter people's appearances. What was her name again? Aya Tsuji, that was it. Her power had been remarkable, allowing her to completely transform a person's face and body with just a few subtle manipulations.

But this... this was something else entirely. If what Aiko Nakamura claimed was true, her power went far beyond mere physical transformation. She could alter the very essence of a person's being, reshaping not just their appearance but their genetic structure as well. The possibilities were staggering, almost too incredible to imagine.

As Kira stood there, his mind reeling from the incredible possibilities presented by the Metamorphosis advertisement, he suddenly realized that he had been so caught up in his own thoughts that he had failed to take stock of his surroundings. He had been wandering aimlessly through the city streets, so focused on the strange new world he found himself in that he hadn't even bothered to figure out where he was. However, somehow, he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had the distinct impression that he had been here before.

Kira's eyes fell on a nearby street sign, and he felt his breath catch in his throat. "Morioh Boulevard," it read, the characters etched into the metal in a stylized, almost futuristic font. He blinked, hardly daring to believe what he was seeing. Morioh? Could it really be?

He looked around more closely, searching for any other clues that might confirm his suspicions. And then he saw it - a small, unassuming coffee shop nestled between two larger buildings. The sign above the door read "Morioh Cafe," and the logo was a stylized version of the city's famous ōdokoro landmark, the very same one that had been a fixture of Morioh for as long as Kira could remember.

Without even thinking, Kira found himself moving towards the cafe, his feet carrying him forward almost of their own accord. He pushed open the door and stepped inside, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the dimmer light of the interior. The cafe was small and cozy, with a handful of tables and chairs scattered around the room. The walls were decorated with old photographs and newspaper clippings, each one a glimpse into Morioh's past.

As Kira looked closer, he realized that many of the images were familiar to him - the same streets, the same landmarks, even some of the same people. But there were also many that were completely foreign, showing a version of Morioh that he had never known. There were pictures of strange, futuristic buildings that towered over the city skyline, and of people with bizarre, almost alien features that could only be the result of quirks.

Kira walked slowly through the cafe, taking in every detail with a growing sense of unease. He stopped in front of a large, framed map of Morioh that hung on one wall, his eyes widening as he realized just how much the city had changed. The streets and neighborhoods were all in the same places, but they were surrounded by vast, sprawling districts that he had never seen before. There were names he didn't recognize, like "Quirk Quarter" and "Hero Highway," and even the areas that he did know had been completely transformed.

As he studied the map more closely, Kira's eyes fell on a small, handwritten note that had been pinned to the corner of the frame. "Morioh: Then and Now," it read, followed by a brief description of the city's history. "Founded in 1600, Morioh has always been a place of strange and wonderful happenings. But it wasn't until the emergence of quirks in 2014 that the city truly began to change. Over the past two centuries, Morioh has grown and evolved, becoming a shining example of what a quirk-based society can achieve."

Kira continued to stare at the pictures and map, his mind reeling from the realization that he had somehow been transported over 200 years into the future. As he tried to process this incredible revelation, a waitress approached him with a friendly smile.

"Welcome to Morioh Cafe," she said warmly. "I couldn't help but notice you seemed quite engrossed in our little collection of photos and history. Are you a fan of local lore?"

Kira blinked, momentarily taken aback by the question. "Ah, yes, I suppose you could say that," he replied, doing his best to maintain a neutral expression. "I've always been fascinated by the history of this city and how it has evolved over time."

The waitress nodded, her smile widening. "Well, you've certainly come to the right place then! Our cafe is known for having one of the most extensive collections of Morioh memorabilia in the city. Is there anything in particular that caught your eye?"

Kira hesitated, his mind racing as he tried to think of a response that wouldn't give away his true origins. "I was just surprised to see how much the city has changed since..." He paused a bit as he thought about what word those people used in that talk show as it snapped into his mind. "...quirks first emerged," he said carefully. "It's hard to imagine what life must have been like before then."

The waitress chuckled. "I know what you mean. Sometimes it's easy to forget that there was a time before quirks, and before heroes and villains became a part of everyday life. But that's what makes places like this so special - they help us remember our roots and appreciate how far we've come."

Kira nodded, feeling a strange sense of unease wash over him. The waitress seemed friendly enough, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was out of his depth here. He needed time to think, to process everything that had happened and figure out his next move.

"You know," the waitress said, interrupting his thoughts. "You look like you could use a moment to catch your breath. Can I get you anything? A tea, perhaps? I find that a nice, warm cup of tea always helps calm the nerves."

Kira hesitated for a moment before accepting her offer. "A tea would be lovely, thank you," he said, as the waitress guided him to a nearby table.

As he settled into the chair, Kira's mind raced with a sudden, horrifying thought. The yen! In his time, he knew the currency like the back of his immaculately manicured hand. But now, 210 years in the future, who knows what drastic changes could have befallen the very essence of Japan's monetary system?!

What if the yen's design had morphed into something utterly unrecognizable? There was multiple changes already when he was younger, and what if its value had skyrocketed to astronomical heights or plummeted to the depths of worthlessness? 

Kira felt a bead of sweat drip down his brow as his breathing quickened. He clenched his fists, the muscles in his jaw tightening as he fought to maintain his composure in the face of this financial conundrum. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being an unwitting time traveler!

Kira felt a bead of sweat drip down his brow as his breathing quickened. He clenched his fists, the muscles in his jaw tightening as he fought to maintain his composure in the face of this financial conundrum. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being an unwitting time traveler!

Just then, the waitress returned with a steaming cup of green tea, placing it gently on the table before him. "Here you are, sir. I hope this helps soothe your nerves. And don't worry, this one's on the house - you look like you've got enough on your mind already!"

As Kira sat there, his mind reeling from the revelation of his temporal displacement, he couldn't help but notice the waitress's delicate hands as she placed the cup of green tea before him. For a fleeting moment, his eyes lingered on her slender fingers, a familiar longing stirring within him.

No! He couldn't afford to indulge in such distractions, not now when the very fabric of his reality had been upended. He tore his gaze away, focusing intently on the wisps of steam rising from the cup, as if the swirling tendrils could somehow unravel the mysteries of this strange new world.

"You have my deepest thanks," Kira managed to say, his voice strained as he fought to keep his darker impulses at bay. He brought the cup to his lips, taking a slow, measured sip. The warm liquid seemed to steady him, the heat spreading through his body and tempering the chaos of his thoughts.

As he set the cup back down, Kira's eyes flicked briefly to the waitress's hands once more before he caught himself, a twinge of shame and frustration welling up inside him. This was hardly the time or place to indulge in his peculiar proclivities.

The waitress, oblivious to Kira's inner turmoil, offered him a kind smile. "Take all the time you need, sir. If there's anything else I can do to help, just let me know."

Kira nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He watched as she turned and walked away, her footsteps receding into the background hum of the cafe. Only then did he allow himself a small, shuddering sigh, his fingers tightening around the cup as he fought to regain his composure.

As Kira savored the warm, soothing tea, he couldn't help but let his gaze wander around the cafe, taking in every detail with a meticulous eye. The gentle clink of cups and saucers, the soft murmur of conversation, the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall - all blended together in a symphony of orderly calm that spoke to his very soul.

He watched as the other patrons went about their business, each one a potential threat or opportunity in this strange new world. There was the elderly couple in the corner, their hands intertwined as they shared a slice of cake. The young man hunched over his laptop, his fingers flying across the keys in a frenzied dance. The mother with her two children, trying to corral their boundless energy while she sipped her coffee.

Kira studied them all, his mind whirring with calculations and contingencies. He knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not even for a moment. This world was full of unknown dangers, and he would need every ounce of his cunning and power to navigate them.

As he raised the cup to his lips once more, Kira felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, and he felt a prickle of unease run down his spine. Something was wrong.

He set the cup down slowly, his eyes darting around the room as he tried to identify the source of his discomfort. And then he saw it - a figure burst through the door of the cafe, brandishing a weapon and shouting demands.

"Alright, everyone, hands where I can see them!" the robber barked, his voice muffled behind the mask. "This is a robbery! Hand over all your cash and valuables, and no one gets hurt!"

Kira's heart raced as he slowly lowered himself to the ground, his knees hitting the cold, hard floor of the cafe. Around him, the other patrons did the same, their faces etched with fear and confusion as they dropped their valuables onto the ground, Kira following as he placed his briefcase onto the ground his wallet on top of it. He could hear the muffled sobs of the mother as she huddled over her children, the quiet whimpers of the elderly couple as they clung to each other for support.

But even as he played the role of the terrified hostage, Kira could feel the anger rising within him like a tidal wave. How dare this pathetic excuse for a criminal disrupt the tranquility of this place? How dare he threaten the lives of innocent people, people who had done nothing to deserve such cruelty?

As the robber stalked through the cafe, waving his weapon and barking orders, Kira's eyes darted to the waitress. She was standing behind the counter, her hands raised in surrender, her face a mask of terror. And then, in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, the robber reached out and grabbed her roughly by the wrist, yanking her towards him with a snarl.

"You, pretty lady," he growled, his voice thick with menace. "You're coming with me. Gotta have a little insurance, you know?"

The waitress let out a cry of pain and fear as the robber's fingers dug into her delicate skin, and something inside Kira snapped. Those hands, those gentle, graceful hands that had brought him his tea, that had shown him such kindness and warmth in this strange new world - how dare this filth lay a finger on them?

Kira felt a surge of white-hot anger coursing through his veins. He clenched his jaw tightly, his eyes narrowing to mere slits as he fixed the vile criminal with a look of pure, unadulterated loathing.

On the surface, Kira's expression remained carefully neutral, his features schooled into a mask of fear and compliance. But beneath that façade, his true emotions simmered like a volcano on the brink of eruption.

His eyes, usually so calm and inscrutable, now blazed with a cold, merciless fury that seemed to radiate from the very depths of his being. It was a look that promised retribution, a silent vow of vengeance against the one who had dared to shatter the tranquility of this moment.

Kira's lips twitched almost imperceptibly, curling into the faintest hint of a sneer as he watched the robber's every move with a predator's unwavering focus. His nostrils flared slightly, as if he could smell the stench of the criminal's fear and desperation from across the room.

And heaven help the poor fool who dared to stand between him and his peaceful life.

「Killer... Queen,」he said softly almost as if it was a sigh, his voice barely audible over the chaos.

In an instant, Killer Queen materialized behind the robber, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Kira didn't even need to stand up, didn't need to make a move. With a flick of his wrist, he sent his Stand surging forward, its hand outstretched, ready to deliver the killing blow.

The robber never even saw it coming. One moment he was standing there, his gun pressed against the waitress's temple, his eyes wild with greed and desperation. The next, Killer Queen's hand was on his shoulder, its touch as light as a feather - and as deadly as a viper's strike.

The robber's eyes widened in shock and confusion as he felt the sudden, searing heat spreading through his body. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out. Instead, his flesh began to bubble and warp, his bones cracking and splintering as the power of Killer Queen's explosive touch consumed him from the inside out as it detonated his body that was successfully turned into a bomb.

In a matter of seconds, the robber was gone, reduced to a pile of ash and charred bone on the floor of the cafe. The waitress stumbled back, her eyes wide with horror, her hand pressed against her mouth to stifle a scream.

Kira quickly schooled his features into a mask of confusion and concern, his eyes wide with feigned shock as he rushed to the waitress's side. Around them, the other patrons were slowly rising to their feet, their voices a cacophony of panicked whispers and muffled sobs.

"Are you alright?" Kira asked, his voice low and urgent as he gently took the waitress by the elbow, steadying her trembling form. "I don't know what happened, but it's over now. You're safe."

The waitress looked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears of fear and relief. "I... I don't understand," she whispered, her voice hoarse and shaking. "He was right there, and then... then he just..."

She trailed off, unable to put into words the horror of what she had just witnessed. Kira nodded solemnly, his expression a perfect mask of empathy and concern.

"I know," he murmured, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the inside of her wrist. "It was like something out of a nightmare. But you were so brave, standing up to him like that. You saved us all."

The waitress shook her head, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "I didn't do anything," she said, her voice barely audible over the din of the cafe. "I was just... just standing there, frozen. If it hadn't been for..."

She paused, her brow furrowing in confusion as she looked around the cafe, taking in the scene of chaos and destruction. "What did happen?" she asked, her voice small and lost. "How did he just... disappear like that?"

Kira shrugged, his expression carefully neutral. "I don't know," he lied, his voice smooth and convincing. "Maybe it was some kind of freak accident, or a malfunction with his weapon... or... or his quirk... Or maybe it was just dumb luck. Either way, we're all safe now, thanks to you."

The waitress looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for some kind of answer, some kind of reassurance. Kira met her gaze steadily, his own eyes warm and sincere.

"You know," he said softly, his lips curving into a small, secretive smile. "In a way, I feel like I should be the one thanking you. After all, if it hadn't been for that free cup of tea, who knows what might have happened?"

The waitress blinked, a flicker of confusion passing over her face. "I... I don't understand," she said slowly, her brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"

Kira just smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Don't worry about it," he said, his voice low and soothing. "Just know that I'm grateful for your kindness..."

He gave her elbow a final, reassuring squeeze before stepping back, his hands slipping into his pockets as he surveyed the scene of destruction around them. Already, the other patrons were beginning to stir, their voices rising in a chorus of confusion and relief as they tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Kira took a step back from the waitress, his eyes darting around the cafe as he assessed the situation. The other patrons were slowly beginning to recover from their shock, their voices rising in a cacophony of confusion and relief as they tried to make sense of what had just happened.

In the distance, he could hear the faint wail of police sirens, growing louder with each passing second. He knew that it wouldn't be long before the authorities arrived on the scene, before they started asking questions and demanding answers. That was something that Kira simply couldn't afford to deal with right now.

He turned back to the waitress, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice low and regretful. "But I'm afraid I have to go. I have an important work meeting that I simply can't miss, and I'm already running late as it is."

The waitress blinked, her brow furrowing in confusion. "But... but the police will be here any minute," she said, her voice small and uncertain. "Don't you think you should stay and give a statement, or..."

Kira shook his head, his lips curving into a rueful smile. "I wish I could," he said, his voice smooth and convincing. "But my job is on the line here thanks to that petty robber-wanna-be. If I miss this meeting, I could lose everything I've worked so hard for. Surely you can understand that?"

The waitress hesitated for a moment, her eyes searching his face. But in the end, she simply nodded, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "Of course," she said softly, her voice barely audible over the din of the cafe. "I understand. And... and thank you again, for everything."

Kira smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Think nothing of it," he said, his voice warm and sincere. 

And with that, he turned and made his way towards the door, his steps calm and unhurried despite the chaos swirling around him as the tiny doorbells chimed as he stepped out from the coffee shop. He could feel the eyes of the other patrons on his back as he walked, and could hear their whispered speculations and questions.

But he paid them no mind. He had more important things to worry about, more pressing matters to attend to. He had a meeting to attend, with the woman named Aiko Nakamura with the 「Divine Touch.」

As he stepped out into the bright sunlight of the neo-Morioh streets, Kira couldn't help but smile at himself, a dark, malevolent smile that spoke of hidden depths and unspoken truths.

The game was on, and Yoshikage Kira was ready to ball.


A/N: To be clear, I do not intend this to take place in the same reality as the canon, in short, this is an alternate reality where Morioh exists without stand shenanigans. I don't know if I should do something like Araki did and make an alternate version of the main cast from Morioh, but well... if you guys want, I can work with that as well!

Also, I do not know, and for sure, nobody knows what the canon year that MHA started, but thinking about at least 9 generations had to pass, and thinking that the quirks might have even appeared around the 80s as I delved way too deep into the rabbit hole for information like this, I thought this would be acceptable date...

I hope you had a nice read! And have a nice day or night!