
By the Stroke of the full moon

The Moon is rising, The sounds of the Ones in the dark are getting louder. My hope or my doom will soon be determined... By the Stroke of the Full Moon.

Forsakenneel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The midnight Shifters

All 3 of us stuck in that cell looked at the single doorway with horror. The handle swinging violently back and forth, threatening to break off and reveal what monster laid in wait behind it.

In a deep guttural voice the thing spoke again.

"Let me in piggies.... I want what's rightfully mine." Then a loud ear piercing screech could be heard as if nails were being drug down metal.

Jess turned to Barton then to me as if determining what she could do and if it was worth it.

"Barton, you have to stay with me." She was basically petting Barton while I could see she was starting to freak out. For all the confidence she had earlier, it was a bit of a rude awakening to see her in such a sorry state. Just how monstrously strong is this Rogue?


The creature outside was banging against the door hard enough to cause dust to fall from the ceiling. I started to notice faint bumps in the door like dents.

"Is there any way we can escape? Any secondary exit from this room? Hell even air ducts, I'll take my fucking chances!" I was asking while at the same time looking all around the room for any hope at escape. I looked at the windows but lost hope just as quick as the bars that covered them looked pretty sturdy and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to be testing out my strength.

I saw a vent for air but I couldn't even fit an arm through there much less my body. Well after the monster gets in here maybe then since I'll be nothing but pieces.

"It's no use, we are trapped. Just get ready to fight and let's hope the others were strong enough to atleast tire it out before they died." Jess spoke in a neutral tone and her eyes were dull, I could feel that she had given up. She was only looking forward to the enevitable death now.

"I'm coming in." Said the guttural voice as it banged on the door, this time the door dented inwards and the sides bent down showing the hall outside. A fur covered hand that ended with butcher knives for claws then tried to reach through the gap in a vain attempt to grab who ever could be behind the door.

"I smell you pup, don't you want to meet your maker? I'm here to free you, now kill her and let ME IN!" BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG.

The monster was getting more and more agitated as time went by and the door was barely holding together. Just enough to still be in the monsters way but not enough to block it from seeing us fully now. It was bigger than the door as it stood on it's hind legs. Black fur covered it from head to toe. It's eyes were gleaming yellow as it glared at Jess with pure hunger and bloodlust. It scanned over me for a second but I caught a slight change in its stare as it looked at Barton. That's when I saw Barton do a quick head nod that he attempted to make it look like he was losing consciousness when he realized I was looking at him.

Was all this a trick? Was I being conned again?


This time the door finally gave way and the werewolf was able to fully enter the room. It walked with heavy thuds until it stood over Jess and Barton and looked down at them with a predatory smile that showed off it's yellowish teeth that was stained with red. Even it's drool that fell and splattered on the ground was died pink.

"I'm ready you wild mutt. Your nothing but a scourge that needs to be put down." Jess said as she stared back directly into it's eyes as one last act of defiance.

It just stood there staring down for a few minutes before a sigh was heard coming from next to me. I looked and Barton was in the middle of standing up with an annoyed look on his face.

"This is getting old. Sid, go ahead and secure the van, I'll finish up here."

"Right away Alpha." The huge Werewolf bowed a littel before lumbering out the door and down the hall.

"Barton? Wh-wh-what is this? Why did that mutt call you Alpha?" Jess was looking with pure confusion but there was also a slight fear, more than she felt facing the Werewolf before, this fear was on a completely new level.

Barton bent down and gently grabbed her chin. "Honey, he called me Alpha because I'm the Alpha... Well technically by law you would call me..... The 'Rogue'. You see this guy here peaked my interest when I was eating some blitzed out teenagers one night and his scent held a certain... I don't know, but it was compelling, it was calling to me. It told me to turn this guy and in turn this guy will become the future."

Barton had an almost cultist vibe when he said this. His eyes were flashing so many emotions but most of all it was like a devout believer. It was creepy.

"But-but Barton, what about us? I thought we had a future, you mean you're just another mutt all along?" She was unwilling to believe all of this happening.

"Poor, poor jen. I felt real emotions towards you, I still do. But this man is the future of my species, and I was given the divine mission to bring him to our side. I still love you Jen, just convince yourself that tonight never happened and after I bring him to my leader than I will come back and we can pick up where we left off."

Jen just looked lost as the reality seemed to be to much for her mind to accept. Soon her eyes just rolled as they fluttered and she slowly fell backwards and soon I could hear small snores.

"She will be out for a while kid, it's best we book it before she wakes up and accepts the reality...." Barton looked a little sad at having to do this but he shook his head and resolved himself.

I could only nod as I followed him out and soon I was in the back of the same van that brought me here while the rest of Alpha group was sitting there leisurely like nothing happened and minutes before they weren't acting like they were under attack.

The one who explained what the cores were looked at me and smiled.

"This usually doesn't happen, we mostly just delve into tears and bring back cores. But boss says something important showed up on his monthly adventures into the human world and a day later boom, you come through. Don't let us down, future boss."

As he said that the rest of the group started laughing and joking around, in an instant the severe atmosphere was broken and was instantly turned into a jolly and carefree environment.

I was in the van for what felt like half an hour before we parked and hopped out of the van and in front of me was a huge 1 story house, like it had a huge wrap around porch but it also looked like it held 20 plus rooms just on the first floor.

Barton came over to me as the others walked into the house and shoved a bag of clothes into my arms.

"This is our base. Our group is called Midnight Shifters, we have a few copper level members but for the most part we are a high tier group that deal with very dangerous Dimensional Tears. I'm putting you up with another newbie who just joined and from there you will enter a training period."

The short amount of information was a bit jarring. Training? Copper level members? Thankfully I knew what a tear was but didn't know it was actually called a Dimensional Tear.

"What is happening to me? I need answers." I was hoping to get answers sooner rather than later but Barton just looked at me with sincerity.

"I'm sorry, I don't have all the answers but I will clarify one thing. I didn't kill your friends or family, I only went for you and only you. I have a feeling that the company Jen works for knew something about you being special and sent a clean up crew after I left. If I knew they were going to do that than I would have brought them along aswell. Again, I'm sorry." He then turned and left inside the house.

I was left on the steps of the house/base but I couldn't enter just yet, I put down the bag and I sat down to try and figure out this entangled ball of yarn that was being revealed to me. At first I thought it was Barton who killed my family, but now he says that it could be Jen's company that 'cleaned up' my family? What was the truth? I needed answers but I had a feeling that nobody around here had them. The ones I needed to talk to were the people behind who wanted to experiment on me.

I walked into the house and in front of me was a huge open room that had multiple tv's, multiple game consoles, pool tables and things like that. It was a huge game room that was currently being used by the group that just came back to relax. Barton saw me come in and walked over after pausing a game where the player was in a 2d world and Barton paused it just as a huge thing made of what looked like flesh had appeared that took up the entire right side of the screen.

I looked at Barton with resolve. "Since you don't have answers that must mean the ones who experimented on me does, right? What do I do to talk to them? Obviously right now I'm not strong enough so I'm down for getting powerful, then I want to go get my answers also I have to pay someone back for the deaths of my family."

He smiles and nods. "That's only fair, We here at the Midnight Shifters are behind you one hundred percent. RIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS!!!"

The whole room erupted in loud cheering and hollering. Then after it died down he looked at me again. "It'll be a hard road, but with our help I know you can make it.