

Get in" he says and I stop to weigh my options. I ignore his offer and start to run home on my own when the chasers burst out of the forest and sight me. They start chasing me and the car comes closer with the door still open. "Get in" he shouts and I shrug "How can I be sure you are not with them and after my life also" I ask and he smiles. The smile was so sinister you could feel the devilish emotion behind it "if I was you would be long dead" he replies and I t felt more like a threat than a sentence. The sentence sends shivers down my spine. Once I get myself I roll my eeyesat the behaviour. What a proud asshole. I look behind me and the chasers were getting closer. I was finally in the middle of the devil and the deep sea. Just as the chasers get close enough I choose the lesser devil and jump into the van. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen.  A single tragedy turns his whole life upside down. Now he has to leave his home, family and everything he has known his whole life to a new world and life he knows nothing about and to spoil it all. He is being hunted by an all powerful being. Follow Jason on his magical and unearthing journey to becoming the most powerful being to step this planet.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs



"Hey kiddo we just got news grandpa Joe is dead.I'm so sorry but your dad needs us now more than ever". MOM

That was what the single two lines message that changed my whole life forever. Seeing the message from my mom left me in a state of inexplicable shock. I couldn't imagine it happening now of all times. Through it all grandpa Joe has always been there, he's the only one who knows about my little talent of energy sensing. This may sound weird but he's the closest I have ever had to a best friend and now he's just gone like that.

I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face like a river as my phone drops from my hand. This little shock made me unaware of the fact that a speeding car that has lost its brake was heading straight for me. I clean my face and look up just in time to see the car almost hitting me. I quickly swerve to the right and press the brake unconsciously while screaming.

Immediately my car flips and starts to somersault in the right direction. I try to break the movement but it all happened so fast. The car finally stops flipping at about 10m away from the other car which has hit the pavement. Loud ringing fills my ear from the whole ordeal but I struggle and come out of my car.

I look myself over and when I'm satisfied I have no injury, wait i font have any injury at all how is that possible. I break my glass to get back in my car and pick all my stuffs. My phone had shattered into pieces but all my other stuffs were perfectly intact, well that can be easily replaced. 

I was still getting my stuffs when I heard noise behind me."Fire, fire get away from there" they kept screaming and at first I ignore it as the overexaggeration of bystanders. The pungent smell of petrol and smoke that fulls the air around me brings me out and I notice the petrol tank was leaking and the leakage was already catching fire. I clutch my bag and run and I didn't make it 3m away from the car when it burst into flames. The flame completely engulfs the vehicle and the impact of the blast sends me flying a few feet away from it. 

I get up- and dust myself and look at my burning car which was completely overtaken by fire and the tears continue to fall. My mom is going to kill me. The ambulances arrive and someone comes closer and cover me with a towel but I couldn't care less. I continue staring at the burning car because it was my last connection to my grandpa. He gave it to me as a gift for my 17th birthday, so it felt like I was losing not only my grandpa but his mementos also 

I was still crying when a nurse pulls me to the ambulance and they drive us to the hospital. PAfter arriving at the hospital, the other driver and his companion were quickly rushed into the theatre for surgery while I was placed in a ward room where nurses came to do series of tests on me before leaving me. I lay on the bed for hours just thinking about grandpa and how much we planned to do together when I come to the cabin for holiday. 

It's been two years I have seen him all because I was too busy trying to be responsible and independent but we always talk on phone and he sends gifts on every single holiday and birthday. I was lost in thoughts when my parents enter the room I didn't notice them immediately

"Oh my baby boy, how are you" mom says in a very calm and worried voice so I give her one of my fake warm smiles

"I'm fine surprisingly but we can talk about that later" I reply and her worry turns into anger almost immediately

"No we need to talk about it now, what were you thinking kid, loosing focus while driving" she asks clearly annoyed and normally I would just apologize but today I have gone through too much to put up with her shit.

"Well I'm not the one who sent a traumatic message to someone who was driving. Thanks for your sympathy mom. I clearly lost the most important person in my life and all you could care about is dad and your principles. Just get over yourself." I reply in a very irritated tone and her mouth drop. She starts to reply but dad stops her.

"We've all been through so much today and are very tense so let's just calm down and take a breath. We'll talk about this when we get home" he says and I nod in reply "the doctor says you are free to go so your mom will take you home while I go work on your car's insurance policy" I nod and pick up my stuff as mom storms out the door and I follow her. 

He pulls me back and whispers in my ears "be nice and calm with her, you know she is not one to express herself the right way but she loves you and you know that" he says and I nod, but does she really do.The drive home was long and awkward, mom was lost in thought and I was lost in my own world. I couldn't stop pondering how I survived such a fatal accident without a scratch and the funny thing was that my parents were not surprised at all. 

It was like they already knew I would come out like that, they are clearly keeping something from me and I will find out one way or the other. We finally arrive at home and mom parks and gets down. Without sparing me a glance she strolls into the house. I get down and slam the door shut before heading in. Once I walk in she was seated in the living room legs crossed. I walk towards the stairs and she begins as expected.

"You destroy an over a million dollar vehicle through reckless driving and all you can say is I should get over myself. How rude and arrogant" she screams and I get on the stairs

"I can't do this now mom" I say and continue my ascent up the stairs but she continue

"You will leave me standing here, you are a bastard for doing that. I thought I trained you better but I guess I was wrong and it's not your fault but that of that old idiot of a man you call a grandpa who gave a very expensive car to an irresponsible kid like you" she says and I burst out in anger

"That's it mom, you have gone too far by calling grandpa an idiot. What exactly is your fucking problem. You act all high and mighty and call me all sorts of things whenever I make a mistake. I know you hate me and that's freaking okay even though I don't know why but why disrespect grandpa spirit all because you want to make a point.

How rude and annoying can you be. I was just in an accident and all you are about is the expensive car that spoilt. Did you even care if I was okay when you asked or you were just preparing to rant all over again as usual. I regret that day I was born not because of life but because it put you in my life. I don't care if you hate me but if you ever say shit about grandpa I will make sure you pay dearly for it." I scream at her and say the past sentence with a solid and threatening tont that even scared me. I walk out the door and just keep running trying to reduce the tension.

Fuck her.


I was in my car driving back to the motel we were staying for the little while we would be staying on this fucking planet. Thank Elros we were leaving the next day. Agent Careen was beside me lost in the annoying time consuming device with him. I was driving in high speed and also admiring this part of the world, it was plain and that is not something I see regularly. 

People were all in their cars speeding to Elros knows where but it was mind blowing how normal the environment was and the amount of powerful energy in the environment these people fail to notice and tap into. I was still admiring the city when I was brought out of my thoughts by Careen's irritating voice.

"General look" he says hastily

"What is it now" I snap at him and he flinches before replying in a very shaky voice.

"Look our crystals are glowing" he says and I look down and lo and behold they were glowing brighter than I have ever seen them do before. I look at him and his were doing the same

"are you doing this" I ask and he shakes his head "this is clearly impossible, how can our crystals be channeled by someone and who is doing this. It's even impossible for someone to isn't it" I ask and he reply

"It is except" he says and goes quiet in thought for a while and the suspense was killing me.

"Except what" I snap and he his brought out of his though before looking at me.

"Oh nothing it is clearly impossible" he says nonchalantly and I was visibly seething

"what is" I ask and he replies

"unless there is a manipulator around here. According to folklore and mythologies they are the only ones who have been known to channel other people's crystals" he says and I scoff

"Of course it is impossible, there has not been any since the lord Mel Whoi" I say and I begin to doubt my statement as the crystals die down and go back to normal. I look up and a group of cars were parked blocking the road. I park and we alight. There was clearly an accident because the road was blocked and and ambulance was on ground already. A car was burning and another was smashed on the pavement. 

"Can this be why our crystals were lighting up, maybe the manipulator is here" Careen says and I look at him skeptically and he just keeps looking forward unaware of my thoughts. I walk away and he follows me. I seat in the car and close my eyes.

"What are you doing" he asks and I smirk."Trying to find out what happened here" I reply and he nods giving me space. I close my eyes and focus on my crystal and channeling my ability. I focus for about 5 minutes trying to feel and manipulate the time energy around me before releasing. I feel my spirit leave my body and travel through time as the crystals on my hands shine a very bright grey that the whole light encompasses me. I finally stop travelling and open my eyes.

I was on the bridge and cars were going normally, I keep walking back trying to see the burning car before the accident. Then I sight it, a black 2022 model Porsche speeding normally on the express when the other grey Toyota jeep which has clearly lost control was heading directly for the car and it seems the young driver was not focused. I try to scream at him to warn him but I was in astral form so no amount of noise can be heard. 

Last minute he surprisingly hears me which only a fellow very powerful air channeler should be able to do by the way. He swerves right and presses his break abruptly which flips his car over and over and I couldn't but watch. What was shocking was not the accident but the fact that through it all he was kept in a ball of energy which was floating on its own accord as the car flipped around it. the car comes to a stop and the shield drops. I stop time and focus on him trying to find his crystal but I found none. Careen was right. 

There is another manipulator. 

Author's Note 

Well here is the first chapter. It is a longer one and I hope it meets your expectation. Pls don't forget to comment, like, vote and give opinions.❤️