

Get in" he says and I stop to weigh my options. I ignore his offer and start to run home on my own when the chasers burst out of the forest and sight me. They start chasing me and the car comes closer with the door still open. "Get in" he shouts and I shrug "How can I be sure you are not with them and after my life also" I ask and he smiles. The smile was so sinister you could feel the devilish emotion behind it "if I was you would be long dead" he replies and I t felt more like a threat than a sentence. The sentence sends shivers down my spine. Once I get myself I roll my eeyesat the behaviour. What a proud asshole. I look behind me and the chasers were getting closer. I was finally in the middle of the devil and the deep sea. Just as the chasers get close enough I choose the lesser devil and jump into the van. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen.  A single tragedy turns his whole life upside down. Now he has to leave his home, family and everything he has known his whole life to a new world and life he knows nothing about and to spoil it all. He is being hunted by an all powerful being. Follow Jason on his magical and unearthing journey to becoming the most powerful being to step this planet.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Fantasy
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20 Chs



Waking up to the loud ringing of my alarm I groan loudly before hitting it with enough force to shatter it to keep it shut. I'm sure that alarm has seen worse days. I pull my covers over my head trying to go back to dreaming about bunnies and ancient kingdoms maybe that will make me less cranky and livid. How ridiculous right, well it's not my fault I have a huge thing for fantasy. If wishes were horses beggars like me would ride to a kingdom dreams but hell they aren't. Almost immediately my mom arrives in my room screaming with her tiny and very annoying tone of a voice.

"You had better get that black ass of yours off that bed before I whoop it off you now and serve it to the dogs for breakfast" she says loudly threatening me and I turn to face the other side covering my ears with my pillows. She snorts and walk up to my bed, pull the covers off me and begins whooping me with it.

"Ouch ouch, okay I'll get up mom" I scream running off my bed trying to escape her beatings. She chases me round my room for a while before finally giving it a rest. She gives me the stink eye before leaving my room. She was halfway into the hallway before she turns to face me.

"Get ready, I'm expecting you downstairs for breakfast in 10 minutes" she says and I nod quickly in response, she looks me over before strolling out the door. Well not before murmuring under her voice "You won't be late on the first day on my watch" the moment she is out of earshot as I could hear her feet pounding on the stairs I sigh loudly and look round my room.

It was messy, I might even say more than a pig's stable but I couldn't care less. I walk around the whole mess and enter my bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile at myself. I'm just your average black 17 yrs old male teenager. I have jet black curly African hair, with a nice haircut by the way. Handsome as hell and equally brilliant but the only demerit was the glasses which are very stressful to use by the way but I'm used to it anyway. 

I have been using them my whole life and I don't see reason why. A few years ago I removed it for a day and basically I couldn't see anything but colours around me. It was like reality was replaced by rainbows in the shape of humans and animals.

I take a quick shower and walk out the bathroom. I put on brown trousers, a wine shirt with white stripes and black sneakers. I pick up my backpack laying on the ground and toss all my books and stuffs into it quickly. I check my wristwatch and realize I have only 1 min to get downstairs before mom bites my head off my body. I quickly grab my phone, earphones and wallet off my bedside cupboard and my black hood sweater off the chair before running out my room.

It takes me second to get down the stairs and into the kitchen. I check the time to realize I'm exactly on time. Mom notices my arrival first and nods in acknowledgement. I smile in return and mutter my greetings."Bueno dias familia, isn't the sun brighter today?" I greet cheerfully and dad looks up from his paper and smiles at me.

"Well it is, isn't it son, good morning to you too. Did you sleep well" he asks and I reply quickly

"like a baby" I say and he smiles

"When don't you sleep like a log of wood and the sun is the same as always now take your seat and eat quickly you don't want to be late" mom scolds and I take my seat. She made bacon and eggs, within minutes I was done and off

"Bye mom, Bye dad" I mutter as I rush towards the door but mom clearing her voice stops me in my tracks

"aren't you forgetting something young man" she says and I looked lost until suddenly it clicks. 

I walk up to her and place a kiss on her cheeks "good bye mom, and don't you think I'm too old for this" I say and she smiles

"have a nice day son and you are not too old to give your mother a kiss. I shake my head and head out of the kitchen."Don't forget the groceries you have to pick up and don't be late" she says and I was almost out the door so I scream in response "I won't mom". I enter my car and throw my bag in the backseat before driving out and heading to school. 

The short trip to school was normal and quick. In time I was standing at the doors of Charleton High. I walk in with my bag strapped onto my arms and with utmost confidence. I walk to my locker and put my backpack in it. I take all I need and head to homeroom. It was the same as all schools in this shitty world. All the different cliques were all seated together but as the loner I was I quickly found an empty seat at the back. Homeroom went by quickly as usual and the same thing with class and we were finally at lunch. 

I walk into the cafeteria and order my food, a hamburger, an apple and a carton of orange juice. I take my food out the room from the prying eyes and head straight for the tree in the school field. I take my seat and rest my back on the bark of the tree and begin to conquer the war of a meal before me. I close my eyes savoring the taste of the burger on my lips. I place my hand on the tree and I could feel its energy. Weird right?

Ever since I was a kid I have always had this connection with my environment. It's like I can feel the energy in everything and everywhere. The bell rings signaling the end of lunch, by now I was done with my lunch except the apple. I throw it in my pocket as I stand up from the ground, dusting myself I take in a huge breath, breathing in air and filling myself with the enormous amount of energy in it before heading to class.

The rest of the day rolls by quickly and school was finally over. It felt like the whole day passed by me, like I said I'm a loner who doesn't fit in anywhere. I am muscular but lack the athletic spirit and ability, I'm handsome but can't see without my glasses and to top it I'm a freaking geek who is too sarcastic, egoistic and psychopatic to fit in with the geeks. People have called me all kinds of names so I've decided to keep to myself and it has worked well for me so far. We were currently in the final class of the day which was history. 

Mr Hanson was going on about the second world war and I could barely hear half what he was saying. It just felt like the energy in the environment was unstable like it was trying to warn me about something and man was that distracting like hell. The loud ringing of the bell brings my focus back to reality. I pick up my books and walk out the class and after a quick pit stop at my locker to get my stuffs I was out the door and on my way to my car. I enter and immediately start the ignition and I was driving out the school compound. At least this day is done with unto the next then. The drive to link to the bridge took me only a few minutes and the fact that I was a crazy driver just makes it quicker.

I was still driving on the bridge when my phone starts ringing loudly. I ignore it and after calling twice the person stops, it can only be either mom or dad. What is happening now? They should at least know how that I should be driving by now.

I only have 6 numbers on my phone and 3 are restaurants order contacts, the other 3 are my mom, dad and grandpa. Yeah I live a life of complete boredom and solitary living but I freaking love it. No need for unnecessary relationships.

A little while a ding sound on my phone takes my attention to it. I pick it up and check it while keeping my focus on the road. It was a message so I check it and immediately I read it the phone drops from my hand and unto the floor. My whole body was completely stiff and my hands were trembling. I was in so much shock that I lost focus and total control of my steering.

I was so lost in the fear and shivk that I didn't see the speeding car facing me head on. I scream and take immediate action swerving while pressing the brake and it sends my car into a somersault in the other direction. 

Author's note 

Well the first chapter is out guys, what do you think about it. I know alittle too plain, more is coming in the next chapter. Comment and give opinions on plot development❤️