
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

35. Surprise party

Angelina shifted in her bed, tired of staring at the ceiling.

After talking a few more hours, which involved a rather long game of dare and dare, which Mahaba was adamant would be better than truth or dare. Angelina enjoyed her time with them, there was no reason for her to be lying awake like this.

Yet in these wee hours before the dawn, she found herself getting more and more agitated. There was an itch in her throat, anxious energy building in her limbs.

Go, some part of her was pushing still, go already.

Angelina sat up with a frustrated breath. Go where?

Though she didn't understand what it was that her instincts were pointing at, Angelina could no longer bring herself to stay in this room. There was no point in lying down if she wasn't going to sleep anyway.

She put on her shoes and made sure to keep her footsteps as quiet as if she were on a stealth mission.