
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

03. Coffee has stopped many wars

A single night is twelve hours long.

Alright, maybe not exactly twelve hours long but you get the point.

When you're sleeping, it doesn't feel like any time at all.

But when you're lying awake, staring at the ceiling, your eyes drooping but your mind snapping them open each time, it feels a little too long. And annoying.

Ethan glanced at the alarm clock on his side table. It was 2 in the morning, and he still couldn't sleep. This hadn't happened in a while.

He'd done everything he possibly could to make the most of his time and get tired enough to sleep, but it hadn't exactly worked. His mind was oddly restless, and he couldn't decipher the reason.

Ethan sighed and rubbed his eyes. He was going to have gardens of lavender under his eyes tomorrow.

Lavender. A thought struck him, and he was surprised he hadn't about it sooner. Ethan opened a drawer in his side table and pulled out a small notebook.

He brushed his fingers along the edges of the cover, detailed with autumn leaves. The scent it used to carry was gone is the last two years, but he remembered what it was like.

Ethan flipped it open and started reading.

There were bits of quotes from books, but most pages contained all the thoughts he could never put in words. He'd read it so many times, he knew each entry by memory.

But looking at the neat writing, reading the words was oddly soothing.

Ethan stopped at a page, and started reading.

Most nights are spent awake, not quiet in bed, but somewhere in memory and thought. It's a place I both love and hate, because I cant seem to control where it takes me.

Sometimes its forwards, to a place I haven't yet discovered, among people I haven't yet seen. But mostly its backwards, to places I'd rather forget and people long gone.

His chest tightened. Ethan kept reading.

Tonight though, as I write this, I'm very much in bed. Sleep is miles away and I'm bone tired. There's a storm trapped at the very back of my mind, restless and not here yet. I'm not sure if I've gotten so used to war, that being at peace sometimes rattles me, maybe the instinct to be up and prepared kicks in sometimes, not ready to believe the war is over.

Whatever it might be, when the sun comes up, not having slept well will be just an excuse. The world will not stop, and I have to keep up with it. So I will close my eyes, and worry about the storm when its actually upon me, and I will make myself sleep.

The entry ended, and Ethan stared at the words. Did it work? He wanted to ask, but he knew the only way to get an answer was to try.

He closed his eyes, putting the notebook down at his chest, because if he kept looking at it, he'd start thinking of the owner.

And then he wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

When he came to, Ethan felt something solid digging painfully in his cheek.

Sunlight came through the shattered window, filtering the dust particles in the air—

Wait, that wasn't right.

Ethan pushed himself up, realizing it was the notebook that had been digging in his face. He frowned as he looked at the window. Why hadn't he heard the shatter?

The door knocked again. Loudly.

Ethan realized that must've woken him up in the first place. He walked over to it, rolling his stiff shoulders and opened it to find a scowling Vincent, a bump forming on his nose.

"What happened to your nose?" Ethan raised a brow

"Are you on drugs?"


"You can tell me." Vincent walked inside his room "I promise not to tell Victoria."

Ethan watched his gamma "Vincent, are you on drugs?"

"Even if I was, you'd have knocked me to consciousness." Vincent said, and held up a hand

That's when Ethan saw what he was holding. His alarm clock.

"There I was, minding my own business and running laps around the garden when this smacks me in the face," Vincent tossed it on the bed "Still beeping, might I add."

That explained the broken window.

Vincent held up three fingers in front of Ethan's face "Tell me how many fingers you see?"

"I'm not on drugs, Vincent." Ethan batted his hand away

"Then why are you running away from confrontation?" Vincent narrowed his eyes suspiciously

Ethan sighed, long and exaggerated "I haven't slept in days. What do you expect?"

The Gamma nodded, slow and wary "Whatever you say, man."

Ethan gave him a look and went to pick up the alarm clock from his bed. His eyes fell to the time.

8:33 am.

Every thought evaporated from his head.

He had an exam at 9.

Ethan made it in time.


"Mr. Parks," Professor Quentin looked down at him, hunched as he was at the door of the class "You're rather late."

Ethan held up his illuminated phone screen, breathing hard "There's still one minute, Sir."

Professor Quentin curled his lips distastefully "Have a seat, we're about to start."

And thus huffing and victorious, Ethan sat down in the first empty seat he found.

After more than two hours, it was over.

Ethan stretched his arms above his head, hearing a few pops as he left the class.

The hallway outside was a sight. Almost everyone was on the verge of tears, half the people from happiness, and the other half from despair.

His stomach growled, and Ethan was suddenly reminded that he hadn't eaten since yesterday evening. This called for celebration.

Not half an hour later, he was holding his second coffee cup, sitting in the library.

"This is life," Inhaling the scent of coffee and books, and no task demanding his immediate attention

He could live like this forever.

And as soon as he thought that, the librarian told him he'd have to leave since she needed to catch an early bus home.

Ethan descended the stairs, taking a sip of his coffee—

Rushing footsteps came from behind, someone bump into his shoulder—

A yelp reached him, and he reflexively caught whoever it was before they could roll down the stairs.

A newly familiar face stared at him, surprised. Ethan couldn't put down where he'd seen this girl before.

"Are you alright?" He let her go once she was steady on her feet

"Yeah," She said, shaking her head as if chasing away a thought "Thank you."

It took Ethan a moment to realize who'd taken the fall in her stead.

He picked up his now empty coffee cup "Rest in peace, caffeine. Know that I will not forget you."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." The girl said "Let me buy you another."

"Its fine," Ethan shook his head "You were in a hurry. It happens."

She winced "It's the last day before Winter break. I feel awful for ruining it for you."

Once again, he wondered if he'd met her before. Ethan tossed his empty cup in a bin at the adjoining staircase.

"I admit coffee is close to my heart, but it'll take a bit more to ruin my day." He smiled "Thanks for the offer though."

"Have I—" She cut herself off with a gasp "It's you! From the party!"

Memory clicked in place. Ethan raised his brows "Fancy seeing you here, my lady."

"Now you have to let me buy you a coffee," She said "We're acquaintances after all."

Ethan sighed, realizing she wouldn't give up and gestured for her to lead the way.

"Most Lycans don't care for human studies," She said as they started downwards "Unless its business."

"So that's what you're doing?"

"Moon forbid, no." She shook her head "I'm in English Lit. You?"


She raised an eyebrow at him "Why study Human Law? Its not much help for us."

"Just like that." Ethan shrugged a shoulder, smiled "Call it curiosity."

"I suppose I should watch out then," She grinned "Wouldn't want to make enemies with someone who studies law for fun."

His smile deepened "You avoided a ditch there. Coffee has stopped several wars."

They reached the ground floor, and she stepped in front of him, sticking out a hand "I'm Roselyn."

He shook her hand "Ethan."

"Ethan," Roselyn nodded as they started for the cafeteria "Where are you from?"

Well, that was direct "You first."

She narrowed her eyes "Alpha Lyon's pack."

That was easy enough to guess. From the four major territories on the east of the continent, only Lyon's was known to let pack members go to colleges or universities.

"Now if I've gained your trust," Roselyn said "Your turn."

Ethan considered what harm there was. It was the last day before winter break, he took most of his classes online, so coming to the university was rare anyways.

"From Parks Territory."

Roselyn chocked on her breath "What? No."

"Yes, actually."

"How did he give you permission?" She asked, wide eyed "Your Alpha?"

Ethan raised his brows "I asked."

They entered a café, and Roselyn only looked away long enough to order two cups of coffee. Just as they settled on a table, she picked up where they'd left.

"Don't get me wrong, but," She hesitated "Alpha Parks is insane. I'm just surprised."

"What makes you say that?" Ethan cocked his head to a side

Roselyn watched him a moment, gauging if it was worth telling him.

"Too much power, too young," She said, throwing caution to the wind "It got to his head."

"He's never done anything insane, per say," Ethan said

"There are fifty feet high walls all along his territory," Roselyn said "It looks like a war camp. He never comes to any meetings unless mandatory."

"He's pretty busy most of the time."

"I've heard even his pack members rarely see him," Roselyn said "Is it true?"

Ethan took a long sip of his coffee, considering. He tried his best, but it was rather hard "You could say that."

Alpha Lyon was abdicating his position soon. Ethan wondered what else Lyon's pack thought about him.

"What else have you heard?" Ethan asked "Rumors rarely reach within the walls."

"A lot," Roselyn either didn't fear discussing a supposedly insane Alpha, or was too blunt to hold back the words "Like that he has a whole shelf of souvenirs from his enemies. And he has spies in every pack. That he's a back stabbing liar, which is why all the packs in the west hate him."

Ethan slowly nodded. He needed to check for any leaks back home.

"And that's not even the craziest," Roselyn leaned forward, dropped her voice "I've heard that he paid a witch to make him so charming, that he can seduce any woman from any pack, and glean all their secrets."

For a moment, all Ethan could do was stare at her.

He turned his head down, shoulders shaking. He put a fist to his mouth.

"Ethan, are you—

He burst out laughing. The stomach hurting, wheezing laughter. A few heads turned his way.

"How much do you think it cost?" Ethan wheezed out, and broke into another laugh

"Go ahead, laugh." Roselyn shot him a glare "Its possibly true."

"No offense, I just," Ethan composed himself, grinned "What about guys? Can't he seduce guys?"

She narrowed her eyes and Ethan held his hands up in universal surrender, unable to stop grinning.

"I'll have you know that is absolutely untrue," Ethan said "Flattering, but not true."

Roselyn rolled her eyes, but the curve of her mouth betrayed amusement "Guess he cant seduce guys, after all."

Ethan opened his mouth to say something but Roselyn's phone buzzed. She swore under her breath.

"I forgot what I was in a hurry for," she stood "I gotta run."

"See you around, My Lady." Ethan raised his coffee cup in salute

Roselyn smiled "You too."

She raced off, and Ethan leaned back in his seat.

Perhaps it was time to pay Alpha Lyon a visit.

Sup peeps!

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