
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

02. Focus on staying alive

The sound of his footsteps echoed on marble floors.

Behind him, Ethan could hear Tyler's near-silent feet, and if he wasn't used to looking out for them, he would've missed them completely.

The building was stripped of furniture, lights flickered dimly along the walls. It was an old museum, supposed to be reconstructed, by now forgotten and locked up.

Unless, of course, you had the key.

Ethan spotted two men standing outside tall oak doors, each wearing an ear piece. They were unarmed, apparently, but he knew better.

"Mr. Parks," One of them nodded in his direction "Mr. David is waiting for you."

He opened the door for Ethan, barely holding back his surprise when Tyler followed, stepping out of the shadows.

The door clicked shut behind them. They stood in an echoing room, portraits along the high walls and at the very back, a table near the windows.

The man that was sitting at the table stood, his thinning hair disheveled. He watched the two Lycans warily as they approached.

"Mr. Parks," David stuck out a hand "I've heard a lot about you."

Ethan glanced at his extended hand, the way he stood rigidly. Then he pulled a chair back and sat down.

"What do you want?" His voice was calm, echoing

David drew his hand back, his smile flickered, and on his face was the look of a man rarely disrespected. Regardless, he sat down, glanced at Tyler's still frame by Ethan's side and then back at the Alpha.

"You're younger than I expected, Mr. Parks." He said, when he got no reply, he picked up a bottle and poured two glasses "I've heard you take care of, err, unusual situations for the government."

Ethan glanced across the room "I admit its never been in the middle of the night."

David tugged at his tie "This is not an official matter."

"I gathered as much."

"Mr. Parks," David leaned forward, pale blue eyes near frantic "I'm being threatened. My family, my reputation, its all at stake. I need your help."

Ethan leaned back in his chair and cast the middle aged man a piercing look. The past week, Tyler had received word that some member of the parliament was looking for them, and trying not to be obvious about it.

A week later, he knew exactly what this was about.

"What did you do, Mr. David?" He asked anyways

David picked up his glass and drowned the drink. He pressed his eyes shut, and his deep breaths echoed.

"They attacked first," he finally said "I was only trying to protect myself. My men captured one of them and…"

Ethan sighed "You killed the vampire, didn't you?"

Vampires were almost all gone, but they were always desperate for an adventure. Desperate to recover their numbers. Usually they went for the nondescript people, the ones no one would miss. Sometimes, they went for the rich, the influential, hoping to make connections that would serve them better.

In the second case, most humans were desperate for immortality.

And when they realized it was more of eternal servitude to a blood thirsty master, they backed out of deals.

It usually never ended well for them.

"Did they make you an offer? Beauty? Immortality?" Ethan asked

David shook his head "I don't know what they want from me."

Ethan could bet his degree David had made a deal. Maybe that was because he had proof of what the human had done.

"And what do you want from me?" The young Alpha swirled champagne in his glass

"Help me," Desperation leaked in his voice "Protect me. I've lost enough men to them, I haven't slept in weeks."

Ethan took a sip of the champagne, and wondered why David bothered to waste such a good bottle on this occasion.

"I'm afraid you've wasted both our time, Mr. David." Ethan stood "Your government is most likely unaware of this, and I don't interfere with Vampires unless absolutely necessary."

He'd taken a step away from the table when David stood suddenly, knocking his chair back.

"5 million."

Ethan raised his brows, David's breathing was harsh, sweat gathered on his brow despite the chill of the night.

"I have no need for money, David." He put his hands in his pockets, thumbs peaking out

"Name your price, Mr. Parks, anything you want, and I'll give it to you." David walked towards him and Ethan thought he might just grab him by the collar

Tyler stepped forward, and David halted, looking torn between desperation and anger.

Ethan cocked his head to a side, considering.

"Alright." He said "I will help you."

Relief slouched the man's shoulders, Ethan's next words made them go rigid again.

"Two days from now, I expect you to have told your government of this deal." He said "And once I know you have, the contract will reach you."

"Two days?" David's brows knotted "What if I'm dead in two days?"

Ethan shrugged a shoulder "Then you better come clean sooner."

David swallowed words, now anger lingered in his eyes "What do you want in return? What would the contract be about?"

"How about you focus on staying alive for now?" Ethan glanced at the windows, the dark sky "Its rather dark outside."

He turned to the door and Tyler followed. Once they were outside, Ethan heard the sound of glass shattering, an outraged roar.

"You should've denied," Tyler said once they were outside the museum "He got what was coming for him."

"The SO team is bristling with violence," Ethan said, though he didn't need to. Tyler knew that already, since he was the leader "They need a mission before someone goes reckless."

"What will you ask for?" The Beta asked

"I have an idea," Ethan said as the slid inside the car "But its debatable. We'll discuss it tomorrow."

Tyler started the SUV, and soon they were rolling down the streets of New York.

"We're being followed," Tyler said, as calmly as if they were discussing the weather

"I know," Ethan said, glancing at rear mirror, where a black car flashed "Turn for the club. It'll be rude not to give them a chance."

Tyler shook his head, no doubt thinking it a bad idea, but turned the car anyways. His Beta had rarely ever disagreed with him, and though he did provide his input, he'd never disregarded a decision.

In the start, Ethan had hated it, tried to push Tyler to be less formal with him. But his beta hadn't budged then, and four years later, he still hadn't budged.

"You are the Alpha," Tyler had once told him, straight faced as ever "Act like it. Your word is final, and everyone is to follow it without a doubt. Accept nothing less."

Now they parked in front of a familiar club. Their pursuers obediently parked a few feet away.

Wolf's Howl was in full swing. One of the few clubs in the heart of New York where only Lycans were allowed. Neon lights flickered over the mass of dancing bodies, music pulsed through the air.

Tyler grimaced "I don't understand how anyone can stand this."

"Different people need different escapes." Ethan loosened his tie "If we're both alive by the next hour, we'll meet by the car."

Tyler nodded, moving swiftly through the crowd and soon, Ethan couldn't see him. The young Alpha made his way to the bar, shrugging off his jacket and putting it on his arm.

A bartender nodded in greeting "Alpha, what's the occasion?"

"You wound me, Grey." Ethan gave him a look "Cant I come here just to have a good time?"

"I doubt you can get drunk anyways, Ethan." Grey picked up a glass, cleaning it "I don't have any special information tonight, if that's what you want."

The best place to get insight about other packs was to listen to a Lycan's drunken blabber. And if you owned the club, well, the staff was obliged to tell you.

"But," Grey leaned forward, pushing a shot towards him "Alpha Texan is abdicating his position soon, to one of his two first born children."

Ethan raised his brows "When?"

"Not far. Maybe a month from now." The bartender straightened "Enjoy your drink, Sir."

Ethan felt a hand slid over his shoulder, a warm presence leaning over him. He looked up to find bright emerald eyes staring back at him.

"Alpha Parks," The girl's rogue painted lips curled in a smile "Sitting here alone? You look like you need some company."

Ethan smiled back, took her hand off and pressed a kiss to its back "Please, call me Ethan."

Most Alphas didn't give away their first name easily, as it was considered an honor. Ethan could never understand the hype.

Her smile turned suggestive. She was beautiful, really, with mid night hair spilling over her shoulders, the green dress complementing her eyes.

"Ethan," She said slowly, and he felt a knot forming in his throat "An Alpha's name shouldn't be spoken so freely." She leaned down, so her lips brushed his ear "I can think of a better setting for it."

He pulled back, and threw back his drink. Then Ethan stood and gestured elaborately for her to lead the way.

She wrapped her arms around one of his and led him upstairs, where private rooms were made. Ethan opened the door for the one at the very back and soon, it was locked shut behind them.

Ethan felt the door at his back, the cool metal of a blade at his throat a moment later, the point of another under his ribs, where it could be shoved to his heart.

"Really?" he drawled out "You could've at least kissed me first, love."

The blade dub deeper in his neck, Ethan felt a trickle of blood leak out. The girl's emerald eyes were sharp, her smile sharper.

"Apologies, Alpha." She said, voice sleek with mock sincerity "But I don't tumble thieves."

"Ouch," Ethan put a finger at the blade on his neck, trying to give it a push. Blood trickled down the digit "Did I steal your heart already?"

She breathed out a laugh "Pity, I had no idea you would be so fun." In the dim lights of the room, her eyes were dark "Tell me what you did to the drive?"

"What drive?" Ethan raised his brows

A threatening push of the blades "Don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about."

He pushed off the door, and stepped forward. His captor moved back, keeping the blades in place.

"Why don't you kill me to find out?" Ethan kept walking

Her eyes narrowed "Don't tempt me."

Ethan snorted "Come on, I'm curious." His hands shot up to catch her wrists "Do you really think you can?"

A flash of panic, then they were at the back wall, made entirely of one way glass, their positions exchanged. He twisted one of her hands, and the knife at his ribs thudded on the floor, the other held at her neck.

Ethan waited until she realized struggling would not help, they stood too close for her to kick out, then there was her own blade at her jugular. She barred her teeth, canines elongated.

"If you kill me," She snapped, but a hint of fear tainted her voice "You wont get away with it."

Realization came quick. Lyon knew she wouldn't be able to kill him. He wanted Ethan to kill her. He wondered if she knew that.

Ethan pressed her wrist harder at her neck, and she hissed at the blade's bite "I need you to take back a message for me, love."

He stepped closer and reached one hand over their heads "If he wants to kill me, tell that son of a bitch to come for me himself."

His fingers found a latch and pulled. The glass gave way to a window, and he let go. He saw the girl's emerald eyes widen, her own weight making her stumble back and out. Ethan heard her scream, then a splash echoed.

He looked down and saw a blotch of darkness in the fountain on the back side. Ethan tossed the other blade out too, then closed the window and left the room.

Soon, he was back downstairs, grabbed his jacket from the bar where Grey had kept it safe and was out.

He found Tyler leaning against the SUV. The beta pushed himself straight and Ethan caught sight of a splatter of blood at the cuff of his shirt.

"How many?" Ethan asked, pulling open the car door

"Three warriors." Tyler replied "It wasn't much trouble. And you?"

"A clever trick." Ethan said, the cut at his neck had stopped bleeding already "But he'll have to do a lot better."

"He will, no doubt." The engine roared to life

Ethan opened and closed his fists, the skin of his palms itching. He wondered what Grey put in that drink to try and fail to get him drunk.

"Let him come," He told his beta "He wont be the first to try."

Hello my amazing people! How's life going? Mine is hetic as hell

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