
Burning Passion

Volume One: COMPLETED (Chap 01-180) "BEAR MY CHILD" “I have loved you my whole life...” Searching for a blood donor, Nikki Lindsey receives a text message from a mysterious man offering medical help for her mother’s surgery. She is tempted to accept the offer, even if it means sleeping with him to bear his child. But to save the precious life of the family she only has, she fought the fear of being touched by a man with closed eyes. However, Nikki fell in love for the first time with someone already engaged. She struggled to avoid this man when he was all over the place and even got closer to her, pushing her harder in love with him. Nikki wanted to forget him, as her body was already purchased by a person with a face she had never seen— but taught her to covet his touch while her heart longed for someone else. How can she get free from him? And how can she avoid another man when both are opening the door to the past? * P. S. (Book Sequels) ~ His Contractual Mistress (Special Appearances) ~ SOMEWHERE TRAPPED IN TIME: I Love You Through Eternity (Next Generation Story) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume Two: WHY LOVE IS COMPLICATED? When a LOVE STORY in the present time opens the box of distant memories... Nina Li has everything in life. But all she ever wanted was to be loved by the man of her dreams. Nina secretly enrolls at Leeroy John Collins University in New Jersey to follow Harry. But when her father found out, she was sent to England instead, and he planned to lock her inside an all-girls Academy. Since Nina is an obedient daughter, she chooses to follow her parents rather than her heart. It was the year the 1980s when communication was through love letters. Nina was happier when she and Harry began exchanging letters. However, Harry seemed not interested in courting her, but his twin brother Steven, was the one pursuing her. Steven confesses that he would fly from New Jersey to England to see her and prove his love. When she chooses the man who loves her, Nina learns that Steven lied to her and Harry. She wants to break up with him. However, her life becomes like hell. Could she ever ESCAPE from him? What PRICE should she PAY for her freedom? What SECRET she's hiding that everyone at the PRESENT doesn't know about it? * * * REMINDERS: Some (or maybe several, the story is still ongoing) Chapters are erotic and inappropriate for younger readers. Please be warned! Halfway is ML’s POV, hilarious/humorous. So enjoy it! But be warned with explicit words from their mouth. This is also a drama— emotion is involved. (for Volume One) The story's climax has violence as part of the tragic experience, but the sweetest surprise awaits. Give it a try to find out more! (Author Words: As mentioned above, ML in Vol. One is mysterious, so there is no Introduction to him. Hehe...) “MY STUBBORN MISTRESS presents Burning Passion.” Stories of individuals and couples how they devoted themselves in the name of love. [Please Read Me! Thanks!] “I have loved you my whole life...” is our BURNING PASSION Book One! Stories to look forward to... STATUS/PROGRESS Volume 1: Story of Nikki Lindsey (Chapter 01-180) Volume 2: Story of Nina Li (Ongoing) Volume 3: Story of Erika Lim (next) Volume 4: Story of Min Xi Hong (next with a short story only) Volume 5: Combine the stories of everyone (Finale!) *Other important characters are from my main novel (My Stubborn Mistress) HAPPY READING!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You can follow/join me: instagram.com/eliseelleneth facebook.com/elise86elleneth Discord: https://discord.gg/8Uq28ef (Disclaimer: I do not own the photo, and all the art credits go to the owner. Found it on Pinterest.)

Elise_Elleneth · Urban
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397 Chs

Story of Nikki Lindsey



I wandered my eyes to the entire lounge the moment I entered the hotel. Like what I already imagined, known people and artists scattered in the lobby and waiting lounge.

There will be a Fashion Show event this weekend. This early, guests already bustling around, preparing for their photoshoots, then walk rehearsals at Glass Garden Castle just a few minutes away from this hotel.

Since it was a Runway, surely Min Xi would also take part in the said event. Crossing paths with her will be just ordinary encounters from now on.

Ignoring the curious onlookers, I head toward the Reception desk. Wearing a white top underneath to a red office jacket I paired it with a black fitted skirt, in which I am trying to match the outfits of the hotel employees. Wearing four inches black heel shoes is hoping to add to my height.

If my overall presence is pleasing enough that made heads turn at me, then I succeed to show off a physical presentation. As Miss Blaire mentioned, she needs a competitive and smart receptionist with a pretty face. I hope I passed on the category of a pretty face.

"Good morning." A sweet, lively smile plastered on my face, which I am doing for two years already since I work at the café.

"Good morning, ma'am! May I help you?"

Cheerily replied a male receptionist. I glanced at his nameplate. His name is Jim. He was tall with a perfect face like an Asian Actor. A mix of Korean-Chinese must be.

I think his face alone is enough to please any female guests of this hotel. So I wonder how old is he? Probably in his 30s?

"Hi! I was here to see Miss Blaire Ivanov."

"Can I have your name, please?"

Jim picked up a 10-inches super-thin TAB and began scrolling the screen.

"Nikki Noreen Lindsey."

The male receptionist raised his head when a bell rang inside.

"Ah, yes! Miss Blaire is waiting for you."

I did not expect much from my coming here. It seems sister Michelle's recommendation made me feel I was in great favor. How many hundreds of applicants like me who's trying their luck to get a job under Crow Corporation? It must be thousands, not just a hundred waiting in line. They had hotel branches around the world: one in Hawaii, Singapore, Japan, Los Angeles, and New York, and the home of the Crows and Williams, the European branches.

The recent years, the new chairman builds another hotel for the woman he loves. That's why everyone has this craze about the magic of love.


A cheerful voice burst out from a distance, his voice echoing throughout the lounge of this hotel, and so almost everyone was looking in our direction.

"Good morning, bro— Director Isagawa."

"Eh? What's the formality for, Nikki?"

I giggle. He's giving me a frown face, which is just a tease.

"I was here to apply for the vacant position."

"Huh? Did Michelle fire you?"

I laugh once again. His eyes widened in surprise. "Not really, but she kicked me out of Lee Company."

"Hey, is it about?"

Brother Daichi seems to point out that incident at the party. I shake my head while tearing a smile on my lips.

"Nah. She recommends me to Miss Blaire for a position," I uttered. I don't want everyone to hear it, so it was a whisper.

"Ah! Then you will work here soon! That's great, Nikki!"

Uh-uh, his voice was too loud. He's not picking up my act. Well, never mind. This is the character I like about him. Cheerful and witty. So I hope everyone won't misunderstand my closeness to Director Isagawa.

"Now then, let me escort you toward Blaire's office."

Thankful, I bowed to him to show my gratitude. When I lifted my head, my eyes caught Theo from a distance. He seems to observe us keenly. I pulled back my gaze, then follow Brother Daichi toward the elevator.

However, it was a troublesome feeling with many eyes throwing me a suspicious look when Brother Daichi leads me toward a separate elevator instead. It was for the Executives, so I was hesitant to step inside. This lift is exclusively used only for the Chairman, his Executives, and business associates. To an ordinary employee like me, I should use the common elevator, or the stairs if it will be a closer floor.

But since Brother Daichi offered to escort me, obviously the elevator he will use is for the executives. It is one of his privileges to be a Director and so; he need not adjust for me. But I, to bear everyone's jealous eyes.

The lift is ready to climb when the door opens again. Someone holds it up to ride with us.


"Would you mind, Director Isagawa?"

"Oh, not at all, Director Shang! The lift takes 20 people at once!"

I suppress not to giggle. That said like a joke, but it was true actually. This elevator has that capacity, but this is Brother Daichi's character. He's the noisiest one among his circle of friends. He and Doctor Ben are always in jest when they will dine at our store. Back in the days when Papa yet alive. He will sit at their table and drink with them.

Seeing Brother Daichi and the other men made me remember Papa and recall those joyous moments at the store every time they will drop by. Ah, a few teardrops threaten to escape.

Secretly, I shook my head. Theo is here this early. Has he accompanied Min Xi to her photoshoot and rehearsals? Ah, boyfriend's duty. Somehow, I felt jealous when I don't have a title in his life, but possibly just simply a friend.

Later I realized I was standing between these men. Both are tall and have a great physique, I was like a bunny between two lions. Gladly, Brother Daichi was talking to Theo, and they were discussing the upcoming Fashion Month.

The way they discuss the matter, it looks like Theo is the overseer of this event. The Shang must be the major sponsor, and since Brother Daichi assigned the Security Team to all the events here, they have to work together.

And I guess this event was made for Min Xi. The Shang will definitely back her up since she will be a madam soon; once she and Theo get married. Literally, the Shang favored her a lot. Every woman would be jealous of her position and I would be honest, probably I was one of them. Because I was dreaming about him, and the reality yelling at me. It breaks my heart because I have no right to feel anything. It was just a one-sided-Love.

Later, Theo gets off on the 12th Floor. I know this floor. Could rent a huge room for special dates or business dinner meetings, even exclusive family gatherings. And it cost to the pocket of a poor like me.

We finally arrive at the 20th floor of this hotel. The Peninsula base on Mainland only has 21 floors, but it was more spacious than the Empire Dragon Hotel with 72 floors.

Trailing down the corridor, Brother Daichi led me to Miss Blaire's office. He knocks on the door three times, then enters the office. Knowing their relationship, they treat each other as family.

"Good morning, Blaire!"

"Brother Daichi, hi— oh, you're with? Ah, Nikki!"

"Good morning, Miss Blaire," I greeted.

"Hello, come on in!"

Miss Blaire sat up from her chair behind the table. Striding toward the sofa, she gestured at me to come closer.

"All right, girls! I have a meeting with the Team. So I will go now."

"Thank you for escorting me, Director Isagawa," I said and bowed at him.

"Eh?? I'm not used to being called by you by this address."

Smile playing on my lips.

"Can we keep a secret? Don't call me Director when we're not at work," he whispered.

I giggled and blush. Glancing at Miss Blaire, she gave me a warm smile.

"Since I am not hired yet, officially. This is our secret, brother Daichi. Thank you." I said that made him laugh loudly.

"Okay! That's great!"

Brother Daichi exited the door, and so I took the seat Miss Blaire offered me.

"I am so glad you appeared as soon as possible," Blaire stated.

"It was my honor to work with you, Miss Blaire."

"Michelle highly recommends you to me. Since I know you already, I grabbed the opportunity I could hire you."

It surprised me, but at the same, I was happy to hear this great news. I never expect things would turn out this way.

"Then, have you brought your resume?"

"Yes, Miss Blaire," I handed her all the documents I prepared yesterday.


She muttered while reading my resume.

"I will send this to Brother Kier immediately to prepare your contract."

Attorney Kier Lawrence, second son of the Lawrences. One of the Five Giant Directors of the Crow Corporation. Like brother Daichi, they were the closest friends of the Chairman, at the same his most trusted Executives.

"Is this about my two-months training?" I asked curiously.

"Hmm, let us put it this way. But I am giving you the contract for our Regular employee, would you mind that?"

"Oh, not at all. But what if I can't meet your expectations after two months? I mean, I promised to work hard, but throughout these two months maybe I—"

"Are you worried that you will cause an issue?"

I nodded. She has a sharp understanding, which it's not a wonder for her personality she has.

Miss Blaire softly laughs. "Alright. If that worries you, I believe you can handle the job I am assigning you. Michelle told me you attempt to decline the offer. Listen, Nikki. I won't judge you by what kind of lifestyle you have. As long as, you keep it on your mind that once you sign a contract with us, you are obliged to maintain a good reputation as one of many faces of our hotel. All of my employees, I keenly remind them of this."

This was actually a sharp word like a knife from a boss. It's not just a simple responsibility, but it is a huge one.

"Clearly, I understood, Miss Blaire," I replied.

If my lifestyle is unlikely, the guilt is within me, in which only I who knew the whole story of my life.

"So, would you like to start your training today?"

"Yes, Miss!" I already prepared myself for it, and I am glad to begin sooner.

"Great! Wait for a sec. I will call the front desk to assist you and tour you around."

"Thank you, Miss Blaire."

I waited patiently, and I heard Miss Blaire mentioning the name Nina to come up to her office.

'Things are getting better, Papa.'

Aha! I do have a height issue. lol, but thinking a tall guy and the short girl seems perfect MCs... ayee!

Welcome, brother Daichi! I missed him. No biased, but he's my most fave character among the hundred ones I have.. lol (but I won't mention them here, they have their own stories. ^_^)

Hoping everyone had a great day. Enjoy reading!

Thanks! xoxoxo ❤❤❤

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