
Burning Passion

Volume One: COMPLETED (Chap 01-180) "BEAR MY CHILD" “I have loved you my whole life...” Searching for a blood donor, Nikki Lindsey receives a text message from a mysterious man offering medical help for her mother’s surgery. She is tempted to accept the offer, even if it means sleeping with him to bear his child. But to save the precious life of the family she only has, she fought the fear of being touched by a man with closed eyes. However, Nikki fell in love for the first time with someone already engaged. She struggled to avoid this man when he was all over the place and even got closer to her, pushing her harder in love with him. Nikki wanted to forget him, as her body was already purchased by a person with a face she had never seen— but taught her to covet his touch while her heart longed for someone else. How can she get free from him? And how can she avoid another man when both are opening the door to the past? * P. S. (Book Sequels) ~ His Contractual Mistress (Special Appearances) ~ SOMEWHERE TRAPPED IN TIME: I Love You Through Eternity (Next Generation Story) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume Two: WHY LOVE IS COMPLICATED? When a LOVE STORY in the present time opens the box of distant memories... Nina Li has everything in life. But all she ever wanted was to be loved by the man of her dreams. Nina secretly enrolls at Leeroy John Collins University in New Jersey to follow Harry. But when her father found out, she was sent to England instead, and he planned to lock her inside an all-girls Academy. Since Nina is an obedient daughter, she chooses to follow her parents rather than her heart. It was the year the 1980s when communication was through love letters. Nina was happier when she and Harry began exchanging letters. However, Harry seemed not interested in courting her, but his twin brother Steven, was the one pursuing her. Steven confesses that he would fly from New Jersey to England to see her and prove his love. When she chooses the man who loves her, Nina learns that Steven lied to her and Harry. She wants to break up with him. However, her life becomes like hell. Could she ever ESCAPE from him? What PRICE should she PAY for her freedom? What SECRET she's hiding that everyone at the PRESENT doesn't know about it? * * * REMINDERS: Some (or maybe several, the story is still ongoing) Chapters are erotic and inappropriate for younger readers. Please be warned! Halfway is ML’s POV, hilarious/humorous. So enjoy it! But be warned with explicit words from their mouth. This is also a drama— emotion is involved. (for Volume One) The story's climax has violence as part of the tragic experience, but the sweetest surprise awaits. Give it a try to find out more! (Author Words: As mentioned above, ML in Vol. One is mysterious, so there is no Introduction to him. Hehe...) “MY STUBBORN MISTRESS presents Burning Passion.” Stories of individuals and couples how they devoted themselves in the name of love. [Please Read Me! Thanks!] “I have loved you my whole life...” is our BURNING PASSION Book One! Stories to look forward to... STATUS/PROGRESS Volume 1: Story of Nikki Lindsey (Chapter 01-180) Volume 2: Story of Nina Li (Ongoing) Volume 3: Story of Erika Lim (next) Volume 4: Story of Min Xi Hong (next with a short story only) Volume 5: Combine the stories of everyone (Finale!) *Other important characters are from my main novel (My Stubborn Mistress) HAPPY READING!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You can follow/join me: instagram.com/eliseelleneth facebook.com/elise86elleneth Discord: https://discord.gg/8Uq28ef (Disclaimer: I do not own the photo, and all the art credits go to the owner. Found it on Pinterest.)

Elise_Elleneth · Urban
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397 Chs

Story of Nikki Lindsey


Theo did not leave after lunch but stayed and chatted with the older woman. I locked myself in the bedroom, but mama knocked on me. I couldn't say no when she asked me to send Theo downstairs. I want to reason he is not a small kid anymore to lead him until by the door. But of course, I can't show this rudeness in front of mama.

Silence indeed can be deafening. No one attempts to say a word when we are inside the lift. Gladly this only took a short time, and we arrived at the ground floor.

"I'm going now, Nik."

Theo said when we reached the lounge of this apartment building.


But Theo hasn't left yet; it seems there's something he wanted to say. 

"Nik, I know you're still mad at me. Even you won't forgive me, but I'm sorry if I lost control when we were in the hospital."

Lost control? Is this what he wanted to talk about in private? To apologize for losing control? I don't know if his apology should move me, but I am not prepared to bring up this issue. Still, I don't see it needs to talk about in private. He could do it anywhere as long as he is sincere. Besides, I feel a warning sign when I speak with him alone and in private.


I avoid looking him in the eyes. Also, I don't know how to respond to him. After what had happened, I couldn't be comfortable with him anymore.

"I— you need not mention. I was working on forgetting it sooner. All right, I'm going back now." I said, then turned around.

"Nik, I—"

Theo was about to grab my arm, but he was taken aback.

"What? There's more you wanted to say?" I asked coldly. "I am tired. I wanted to go back upstairs to get rest," I said, which was true. I felt lazy and just wanted to sleep than handle stressful situations like this.

"Okay. Never mind. Go back and take a nap. I'm leaving now. Thank you for your time, Nik." He said and dragged his foot to leave this place.

On the other hand, he seems sincere. But like what I'm thinking a hundred times. I want to keep a distance from him. If not, Mama, I won't allow him to visit and spend a meal with us.

* * *

Now I completed all the requirements. I'm ready to submit my application and meet my new boss tomorrow. I want to start working sooner. Doing nothing all day leads me to overthink the entire day. It was way more exhausting than doing an actual job.

So then, now I should sleep early to look fresh. If I were asked to begin my training tomorrow, I would prefer it.

"AHH!" I stretch my arms. I haven't run around in the neighborhood lately. But I haven't consulted Doctor Yonah if running is advisable for me to do after she prohibits me from doing heavy and stressful work.

I'm not yet pregnant, so maybe I can still jog around tomorrow morning before heading to The Peninsula Hotel. I made plans.

Setting the digital alarm clock on my bedside table, my phone showed the new arrival message. It was him!

Is he going to ask me for us to meet soon? That's right. It was mama's treatment next week. I pick up my phone and open the message. It doesn't sound good.

"I heard that you resigned from the café to apply for work in the hotel."


"Why didn't you consult me first?"

It surprised me. Why should I do that? "Do I need to ask your permission first?" This annoys me.

"We agree for you to give birth to my child. That includes whether you will work once you are pregnant!"

"What do you mean by that?" Is he telling me I don't have a say in any decisions for my life from then on?

"If paying your mother's medical bill is insufficient, you need not work. I'm paying double what you will receive from your new job."

My mouth dropped, reading his reply.

What the heck???

Is he offering me the crown of a Mistress? No way!

Tying down my life is the last thing I would let him do with me. There is no way he will own everything about my life. I have no plan to become his toy. Having my body, letting him do what he pleased and what satisfies him in bed, that's the farthest I would go. But to control my life, I won't allow him to do as he pleases.

"I have been dreaming of working at this hotel. I won't let it just slip off my hands. I have been waiting for this opportunity. I will do my obligation to you and will take care of myself when I get pregnant and will take care of your child after I give birth."

Damn. We're like newlyweds arguing about the new setup of our life that we never realize will happen to us. Indeed, it never crosses my mind. Now everything is clear. There will be more differences once I have our child. Things will not get easy. But I can't give up on the offer.

As long as I work hard, the hotel will take care of me. And if I will rely on everything to him, how if one day I was ripped off from the title of being a Mistress? Right, that was the closest position to what he was offering me. But I can't accept the Crown of a Mistress.

"Not. Once you get pregnant, you will stop working but will receive a monthly allowance."

He's kidding me.

"You need not do that. I can feed myself." I said and wanted to turn off my phone.

But I should not anger him further. Mama's treatment is by next week. I have to be nice to him. At the same, I won't let him do what he wants.

"Why won't you listen to me?"

"Did Doctor Yonah hasn't reported to you?"

"About what?"

"That I shouldn't be stressed? What you are doing now is stressing me."

This was just a tease. I wanted to know if it was effective, and the result surprised me.

"Erika will pick you up tomorrow."

"Make it the next day after tomorrow."

I waited for another five minutes before he replied.

"Go to bed now. You shouldn't stay up late."

It is what he only said. He didn't say yes but did not say no either. There's one thing I realized. I don't know if it's just me, but it looks like I could make demands from him. Once related to my pregnancy, he won't argue the issue. I haven't noticed my lips tear into a silly smile.

Now I was more intrigued by who he was. Sometimes I felt like I was talking with Theo. Shot! I thought of him again. I have been struggling to forget him. So how could I not forget him if he kept popping out in my head? I need to place my head in order and have to sort out the thing that I should only think about.

Anyway, he will never know the part of the reason I was eager to get this job.

It was because I was trying to catch you.

Yay! I fall asleep halfway editing the chap. lol

Here's another chap!

Thanks for reading! ❤❤❤

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