
Building The Technology

In this story, we will journey with Virtya Markov as he struggled to bring about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization. Although Virtya Markov didn't have a cheater like system to help him to achieve his goals very quickly, he was not devastated because he was not only a genius but he was also a "librarian" in his past life. He knew his bad reputation and the lack of charisma will become a stumbling block in his path, thus, he thought of a plan, yes, a plan to not only unify the kingdom but also to bring it to newer heights in terms of development. But how will he manage to fabricate "heavenly" stuffs from his previous life when he didn't have the system or an extensive knowledge about engineering? Thus, Virtya Mariov came up with a plan... "I will build Shanghai, Tokyo, New York and Dubai. All these cities will stand in our kingdom!" Virtya uttered determinedly before he stared at the disoriented crowd which was giving him weird looks as if he was a clown. /"What is Tokyo city? Is it a new delicacy? When did our king start to cook for himself? Ok, What about New York? Is it a carriage?" The crowd was ablaze as Azuhai denizens discussed among themselves.../

plot_twist · Fantasy
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58 Chs


The office space was small and a few paintings were stuck on the wall but the exquisite look of the office had been tempered by the many papers on the floor.

"Call Tanya for me." Virtya ordered the knight who had reported Grisha's presence.

One should know that the two highly trained knights who were always by Virtya's side could not leave his side, even when he was in his office, the knights would stand outside the office door so that no one unofficial could be allowed in.

Virtya didn't care if Grisha saw what he was writing down because it was just simple things that any blacksmith out there should know and fortunately, Grisha didn't ask much about it.

"Your majesty, you wanted to see me." Tanya walked into the office.

"Yes. It is good that you are here. The reports that I am getting from Lithao province and Polkok district are not good. There is too much opposition in these places... What do you think we should do?" Virtya asked Tanya who stood before him, but beside her, it was Grisha who stood there silently.

"Your majesty, leave this matter to me. I know how I am going to solve it, next time when we go to Polkok district, no one will dare to impede you again." Tanya uttered coldly.

Virtya gulped down some water and stared at her without uttering a word. He rubbed his glabella and said,

"Don't go there. I need you here the most... Just order the knights to do what is needed."

Tanya hesitated for a moment before she nodded her head. She knew what was supposed to be placed first and that was the safety of king Virtya thus, she needed to be close to him and accompany him where he needed to go.

In that week, thousands of knights were deployed into Polkok district and Lithao province and wails and deaths followed but these people were tenacious they didn't back away even when they saw the knights killing their fellows, instead, the death of their fellows only added to their anger. 

Some knights died and many of the denizens died in the scuffle. There was mayhem, unwavering opposition and the knights didn't stop to beat these opposers untill king Virtya stepped in and stopped the fight between the knights and these opposers.

"We can't force them to accept this change. If they have refused to change, then let them be... They will later regret their decisions." Virtya said to Tanya with a low voice. He couldn't force the people to accept to his own way because they were always against him. He would move on with the people who would accept to follow what he wanted.

Those bastards from Polkok and Lithao have even saved his money that he would have spent on them.

"We are going to Chanya farm today, tell Vlad to join us." Virtya said to Tanya in with a laid-back voice. After Lithao and Polkok refused his ways on education and agriculture, Virtya chosed to spent the manpower that would have been spent in Polkok to Chanya. 

As one should know, Chanya was an insanely large scale farm in Brovon district and Virtya planned to visit that place so that he could initiate the planting there.

After all, Chanya had been in limbo for decades after the lands in that region were declared to be barren but with the manure from the compost pit and the pit latrines Virtya was sure that he would revive the plantation.

"Your majesty, it is time to go." Tanya called upon Virtya and together with Vlad, they boarded the royal carriage.

All the knights who were sent to restore order and force a change in the people of Polkok and Lithao had came back and together, they headed to Brovon district.

It was in the midday and the temperature was high, it seemed like it would rain in the evening but this didn't stop Virtya from going out for this journey.

And just as usual, a fleet of carriages drove out of Whiten towards Brovon district.