
Building Legends: The Rise of RC Deportivo de la Coruña

Saverio Anselmi, a wealthy Italian businessman, has always been passionate about football and dreams of owning a football club. His opportunity finally arises when he acquires Deportivo de la Coruña, a struggling football club in Spain. With his vast knowledge of football, Saverio starts to build a team that can compete with the best in Spain and Europe. At first, the idea seems impossible as Deportivo de la Coruña is struggling financially, and the team is in the bottom tier of the Spanish football league. Anselmi knows that he need to put in a lot of work to transform the club into a top one, but he is determined. Through hard work, dedication and smart investments, Anselmi turns the club around. He brings in new talents, hires experienced managers, immediatly yield results on the pitch. Along the way, we meet other important characters, such as players, reporters, managers, etc. As Deportivo de la Coruña wins game after game and rises through the league ranks, their reputation grows, and they start to attract attention from major football clubs around the world. However, Anselmi is not constent to simply make the club successful-he wants to make a legend. Building Legends: The Rise of RC Deportivo de la Coruña follows Anselmi, and other chartacters as they strive to make the club one of the greatest football clubs in history.

Lil_Scam · Sports
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Press Conference

Saverio sat at the head of the long table in the press room. An army of reporters sat before him, their microphones and recorders at the ready. Saverio was on the brink of revealing his plans for the RC Deportivo football club.

It was his first official press conference as the owner of RC Deportivo - the Spanish football club he'd recently acquired. He cleared his throat, adjusted his collar, and began to speak.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly, I'd like to express my gratitude for the warm welcome I've received from the club, the fans, and the media. I am humbled to be here as the new owner of RC Deportivo, and I am excited for the opportunities it presents."

Saverio paused for a moment, taking a breath, before continuing, "I know that there is a lot of expectation and pressure on me to prove myself as an owner. But I can assure you, that I am determined to do everything in my power to bring success to this club."

He proceeded to outline his plans for the club, including increasing investment in the youth academy and developing young, talented players. Saverio had a passion for football that started as a young boy, and he had always believed that developing and investing in young talent was the best way to achieve long-term success. And with that vision in mind, he'd spent the last few weeks scouting young talents from around the world and bringing them to the team.

After the press conference, Saverio was approached by the youth team coach who informed him of a 14-year-old American prospect named Warren Parker. "Mr. Saverio, I have been closely monitoring Warren Parker for the past few weeks, and I believe he could be a great addition to the team in the future," said the coach.

Saverio was intrigued. "Tell me more about him," he said.

"He's an incredibly talented young player, with outstanding technical ability and vision on the pitch. He's one of the hardest-working players I've seen in a long time, and he has a real passion for the game. I believe he could become a star in the future," replied the coach.

Saverio nodded, "I want you to pay close attention to him and ensure that he is nurtured and developed well within the academy. We need to ensure that our young players have the best possible chance of success. If Warren Parker has the potential to become a star, then we must do everything possible to support him."

From that day on, Saverio was determined to develop young talent like Warren Parker. He spent many hours watching the young players train, studying their performance, and working with the coaches to improve their skills. He made a commitment to building a team of young, talented players who shared his passion for football.


Saverio had heard great things about the young Costa Rican footballer, and after watching several game tapes, he was convinced that Ramos had the potential to become a star player.

Saverio's first step was to reach out to one of the team's scouts who had previously been deployed to Germany. The scout was able to provide Saverio with some inside information about the German football scene, as well as a shortlist of potential players who could fit the bill.

After narrowing down the list to a few players, Saverio contacted agents and football clubs in Germany to inquire about the availability and interest of the targeted players. Fortunately, one agent responded and shared that the 22-year-old Juan Ramos was ready to move on from his current club and had expressed interest in playing at a higher level.

Saverio contacted Hannover 96 to express his interest in Ramos and to initiate the negotiations. It was a challenging process as both clubs had different valuations of the player, but after several rounds of negotiations, they agreed on a transfer fee of $2.7 million and a 10% sell-on clause.

With the transfer fees agreed upon, Saverio and Ramos met to discuss the terms of his contract. Saverio opened the meeting by commending Ramos on his impressive skills and stating his belief that the young player had the potential to become a top player in the league.

Ramos was excited to join the club and grateful for the opportunity to play at a higher level. He was impressed with the offers presented and was willing to sign with the team. Saverio and Ramos discussed several key provisions such as salary, length of contract, and bonus incentives.

After much negotiation, they agreed on a starting wage of $6,500 per week and a signing bonus of $58,000. The contract was set for three years, and both parties were satisfied with the outcome.

Saverio was thrilled to have successfully signed Ramos to the team. He had scouted the player, initiated the negotiations, and secured the contract terms. The signing of Ramos into the team was bound to elevate the club's level of play, and Saverio felt that he had found a gem that would shine brilliantly in the team's colors.


This season is crucial for RC Deportivo as they have been relegated to Tercera División after a lackluster performance in the previous season. The club has a rich history, having won the La Liga title in the past, but the current situation demands that they work extra hard to get back to their former glory.

When asked about the team's chances of avoiding the drop this season, Kevin Gyan was realistic but optimistic. He knows that Tercera División is a tough league, and every match will be a battle. But the team's goal is to accumulate enough points to survive this season and build momentum for next season. Kevin also added that the team needs to focus on one match at a time, and their first match against Racing Ferrol is the most important one right now.

The reporters were also curious about the new signing, Ramos, and wanted to know if he was ready to make an impact. Ramos is a promising talent who was signed by RC Deportivo during the transfer window. Kevin Gyan believes that the young forward has a lot of potentials and can make a significant contribution to the team's success this season. He said that Ramos is eager to prove himself on the field and is working hard to adapt to the team's style of play. Kevin also mentioned that he has confidence in his entire team and that everyone will need to work together to achieve the club's objectives this season.

The team's training sessions leading up to the match have been intense, and the players are in good spirits. The club's supporters are also eager to see how the team will fare in their first match of the season. The match will be played at the Riazor Stadium, which can hold up to 32,000 fans. The venue has hosted some memorable matches in the past, and the fans are hoping that the team will create new memories this season.

As the press conference came to an end, Kevin Gyan thanked the reporters for their time and support. He reiterated his commitment to the team's success and urged the fans to come out in large numbers to support the team. The first match of the season is always crucial, and RC Deportivo needs all the support they can get. The season is long, and the team will face many challenges along the way, but Kevin Gyan and his boys are determined to give it their all and make the club proud.