
Building Legends: The Rise of RC Deportivo de la Coruña

Saverio Anselmi, a wealthy Italian businessman, has always been passionate about football and dreams of owning a football club. His opportunity finally arises when he acquires Deportivo de la Coruña, a struggling football club in Spain. With his vast knowledge of football, Saverio starts to build a team that can compete with the best in Spain and Europe. At first, the idea seems impossible as Deportivo de la Coruña is struggling financially, and the team is in the bottom tier of the Spanish football league. Anselmi knows that he need to put in a lot of work to transform the club into a top one, but he is determined. Through hard work, dedication and smart investments, Anselmi turns the club around. He brings in new talents, hires experienced managers, immediatly yield results on the pitch. Along the way, we meet other important characters, such as players, reporters, managers, etc. As Deportivo de la Coruña wins game after game and rises through the league ranks, their reputation grows, and they start to attract attention from major football clubs around the world. However, Anselmi is not constent to simply make the club successful-he wants to make a legend. Building Legends: The Rise of RC Deportivo de la Coruña follows Anselmi, and other chartacters as they strive to make the club one of the greatest football clubs in history.

Lil_Scam · Sports
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11 Chs

First Match

The match between RC Deportivo and Racing Ferrol was highly anticipated by fans of both teams. This was the first match for RC Deportivoin the new season and expectations were high. The teams arrived at the stadium in A Coruña early in the afternoon. The stadium was filled with die-hard fans of both teams, waving their flags and chanting their team's songs.

The weather was partly clear, perfect for a game of football. The stadium was packed with enthusiastic and vocal fans, who were eagerly awaiting the start of the match.

The match kicked off at 3:00 PM, and it didn't take long for the action to heat up. In the 10th minute, Ramos, a player for RC Deportivo, seized an opportunity and managed to score a goal on his debut. The fans erupted in cheers, and the players celebrated the early lead.

Racing Ferrol, however, didn't back down and continued to press forward. They were determined to level the score, and their persistence paid off in the 26th minute when one of their players scored a spectacular goal, equalizing the score at 1-1. The fans of Racing Ferrol were overjoyed, and they could see their team building momentum.

Despite this setback, RC Deportivo continued to play well and gradually began to take control of the match. In the 40th minute, Racing Ferrol had a chance to take the lead, but Frandt, the goalkeeper for RC Deportivo, made an incredible save, keeping the scoreline at 1-1. The fans of RC Deportivo breathed a sigh of relief, and their spirits were lifted as they headed into halftime.

As the second half began, Racing Ferrol came out with renewed vigor. They knew that they could not let Deportivo win this game, and they were determined to turn the game around. Racing Ferrol had a slow start to the game, but they were now starting to show flashes of brilliance with their slick passing and coordinated attacks. Just ten minutes into the second half, 56th minute, Racing Ferrol's forward, Garcia, made a brilliant run down the right side of the field, dribbling past two defenders with ease. He then cut into the box, faking out the goalkeeper and slotting the ball into the bottom left corner of the net. The stadium erupted in cheers as Racing Ferrol took the lead, 1-2.

Buoyed by their lead, Racing Ferrol continued to play with confidence, their defense holding strong against Deportivo's attacks. In the 74th minute, Deportivo made a crucial decision, bringing on three substitutes to try and change the course of the game. They took off Wolf, their striker, who had been struggling to find the back of the net, their attacking midfielder, Mazda, and one of their center midfielders, to push for a more attacking formation.

However, Racing Ferrol remained resolute, their defense standing firm against Deportivo's renewed onslaught of attacks. The final whistle eventually blew, and Racing Ferrol emerged victorious with a score of 1-2.

Garcia's goal was the highlight of the match, his individual brilliance and composure in front of goal proving to be the difference between the two sides. He had been instrumental in Racing Ferrol's success throughout the game, constantly threatening Deportivo's defense with his pace and trickery.

As for Deportivo, it was a disappointing day for them. Despite their efforts, they were unable to break down Racing Ferrol's defense and secure a win. The decision to bring on the three substitutes in the 74th minute did not have the desired effect, further destabilizing their already struggling team.

Overall, it was a thrilling match that showcased the passion and skill of both teams. However, it was Racing Ferrol who emerged as the deserving winners, thanks to Garcia's moment of brilliance in the 56th minute.


Saverio sat in his office, his head buried in his hands as he pondered the events of the last few hours. RC Deportivo had just lost their first match of the season, and it was a bitter pill for Saverio to swallow. He had invested so much time, effort, and money in the team, and it was disheartening to see them come up short.

As the owner and chairman of RC Deportivo, Saverio had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders. He was the one who made the final decisions on signing new players, organizing training sessions, and planning strategies for each match. He had put so much effort into building a strong and competitive team, and to see them crumble on the pitch was frustrating.

RC Deportivo's loss was especially disappointing because it was their first match of the season, and they were playing on their home ground. The fans had turned out in force to support their team, and Saverio could feel the weight of their disappointment as he left the stadium.

As he sat in his office, Saverio couldn't help but think about the missed opportunities of the match. They had dominated possession, had more shots on goal, and had seemingly controlled most of the match. But it all came down to the final scoreline, and RC Deportivo had come up short.

Saverio's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Wolf, the striker of RC Deportivo. He too was feeling disheartened after the match, as he had been unable to find the back of the net despite having numerous chances.

Saverio offered him a chair and they began to discuss the match. Wolf was frustrated that he had missed so many opportunities, and as one of the team's key players, he felt responsible for the loss. Saverio listened patiently and tried to encourage Wolf, reminding him that he was a vital part of the team and that they would bounce back from this loss.

Mazda, the attacking midfielder, soon joined them in Saverio's office. He too was disappointed in his performance, as he had missed a golden opportunity to score a goal early in the match. He was struggling to shake off the disappointment, and Saverio could see the frustration etched on his face.

Saverio encouraged Mazda to keep working hard and reminded him that there were plenty more matches to come in the season. He tried to lift their spirits and keep the morale of the team high, reminding them that they were still a strong and talented group of players.

The last person to join them was Frandt, the goalkeeper of RC Deportivo. He looked despondent, as he had let in two goals during the match, which ultimately cost the team the victory. Saverio could see that he was beating himself up over it and was struggling to move past it.

Saverio talked with Frandt, reminding him that every player made mistakes and that his errors did not define him as a goalkeeper. He too tried to lift Frandt's spirits and told him to keep his head up and keep training hard.

As the meeting ended, Saverio knew that there was a lot of work to be done. He needed to rally his team, lift their spirits, and help them to stay focused on the upcoming matches. But he was confident that with their talent, commitment, and hard work, they would overcome this setback and emerge stronger than ever.

As the owner of RC Deportivo, Saverio was responsible for the success of the team, but he knew that success was only possible when everyone worked together and remained focused on the end goal. Together with his players, Saverio was ready to overcome this loss and lead his team to victory in the upcoming matches.


As the final whistle blew, Vong walked off the field feeling dejected and frustrated. He knew that he could have done more to support his teammates in the backline, but he just couldn't shake off the nerves and pressure of playing in such an important game. It didn't help that the opposing team had some really talented attackers who kept getting past him.

As he made his way back to the locker room, Vong couldn't help but feel like he had let everyone down. He knew that his teammates were counting on him to hold his own on defense, but he just couldn't seem to keep up with the pace of the game. He felt like his performance had been subpar, and he didn't want to face his coach or his teammates after the game.

However, as he was getting changed, his boyfriend Fang showed up outside the locker room. Fang had been watching the game from the stands and saw how anxious and nervous Vong looked on the field. He knew how much this game meant to Vong and how hard he had been working to prepare for it.

"Hey, Ha. How was the game?" Fang asked, peeking his head into the locker room.

Vong looked up and saw Fang's warm smile. It was like a balm to his wounded spirit, and he felt a little bit of his anxiety melting away.

"I didn't do so well," Vong said, shrugging off his jersey.

Fang walked over and gave him a hug. "Don't worry about it too much. You did your best, and that's all that matters."

"But I could have done better. I let them score too many times," Vong muttered, feeling guilty.

Fang rubbed his back reassuringly. "It's okay. Sometimes things don't go our way, but it doesn't mean we give up or stop trying. You'll get better, I promise."

Vong sighed and leaned into Fang's embrace. He was grateful for his understanding boyfriend. Fang always knew exactly what to say to make Vong feel better, even when he was feeling down and defeated.

After a few moments of hugging, Fang pulled away and smiled at Vong. "Come on, let's go home. I'll cook us dinner."

Vong smiled back and nodded. "That sounds nice. Thanks, Fang."

As they walked back to their apartment, Fang kept up a cheerful chatter. He talked about his day at work, the funny things that happened on the subway, and his plans for the weekend. Vong felt his mood lifting with each word Fang spoke. He loved listening to Fang talk - his voice was so soothing and comforting, like a warm cup of tea on a cold day.

When they got home, Fang immediately set to work in the kitchen. He rummaged through their pantry and fridge, pulling out ingredients for a stir-fry noodle dish. Vong watched him chop vegetables and fry meat, feeling grateful for Fang's cooking skills. He was a terrible cook himself, and he knew that Fang always put in extra effort to make sure they ate well.

As they ate dinner, Fang asked Vong about the game again. Vong hesitated at first, not wanting to dwell on his less-than-stellar performance. But Fang was persistent, and he knew that Vong needed to talk about his feelings. So Vong opened up, describing how he felt nervous and anxious on the field, how he couldn't shake off the pressure of the game, and how he felt like he let his team down.

Fang listened attentively, nodding and murmuring words of encouragement. "It's okay to feel nervous, Ha. Everyone gets anxious from time to time. You're not alone in that. And as for the game, well, it's just one match. There will be more opportunities for you to show your skills. Don't beat yourself up over it."

Vong felt a sense of relief hearing Fang's words. He knew that Fang was right - he needed to be kinder to himself and not let one bad game define his entire season.

As they finished their meal, Vong suddenly remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot. Juan scored a goal today! He was so happy."

Fang grinned. "That's great! I'm glad someone on the team is happy. We should invite him over for dinner someday and celebrate."

Vong smiled back, feeling happy at the thought of having his teammate over for dinner. Maybe next time, he would feel more confident and be able to contribute more on the field, like Ramos did today. But for now, he was grateful for Fang's encouragement and support, and for the warm meal waiting for him at home.