
Building a kingdom with the help of summons

an ordinary man who dreamed of being big, in the end ends up transmigrating into the body of a 12-year-old puppet prince, he has a summoning system capable of invoking items, techniques and characters, Hector will now seek to fulfill his dream (world geography will be similar to european continent map only enlarged by 10 times, warriors and sorcerers will be world power system)

takeoffyourbra · Others
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Kingdom of silver is.... france?

Ricardo looked at the being that appeared in front of him, he has a very tall stature, long limbs, black skin and a bandaged arm. He wears a cloth around his waist, a skull mask, and a black cape that covers his entire body, leaving only his masked face in view.

A frightening appearance, but Ricardo felt an enormous confidence in this person.

[Name]; Hassan i Sabbath

[loyalty]; 100%

[level]: level 7 warrior (assassin profession)

[bloodline power]; Presence Concealment (enemies below warrior or sorcerer king level cannot sense Hassan's presence), Zabaniya (same power as his noble ghost)

'holy shit, no one below the king class can feel his presence, doesn't that make him somehow invincible in the silver kingdom?' Ricardo

The Silver Kingdom is over 800 years old, in its heyday it had many king level warriors and some king level sorcerers, the great founder and first king was a supreme sorcerer king, almost a demigod and with his powerful gravity element made it the silver kingdom the strongest and richest in its time

However now, the strongest are only level 9 warriors and the most powerful sorcerer is the corrupt minister himself, André Gales a level 8 sorcerer.

The last warrior king of the kingdom was Ricardo's grandfather, since his death 30 years ago the kingdom has fallen into disgrace and corruption, whether the kingdom of phoenix to the north or the kingdom of Marseille to the east, both have 1 warrior king, fortunately the warrior kings stay in the capital of their countries and do not go to war

"my king..." hassan, he had a sinister but loyal voice

"Hassan I am very happy to finally have a loyal subordinate" Ricardo

"...." Hassan

Ricardo looked at his sinister and inactive subordinate and thought of what to do, with Hassan's skill he could hide and protect Ricardo or perhaps assassinate his enemies.

However both options are bad, Ricardo is now a puppet and André will be the first to protect his safety, as for killing the corrupt minister it would only generate chaos, Ricardo is very weak and has no control over any military general

"Hassan, I have an important order, I want you to leave the palace and find a location, choose people and train them to become spies and assassins under your command, you have my permission to use torture, bribery or theft to obtain investment, however do this with noble families who are not loyal to the Dess family" Ricardo

Ricardo needs information and loyal subordinates, an organization of assassins is perfect for that, not to mention Hassan is simply one of the best at it.

"Yes my king" Hassan

hassan disappeared into shadows, Ricardo once again admired his skill, simply fantastic


Ricardo then ate the snacks and then asked to go to the royal library

André Gales had already taken all the military and political books out of the library, he left only books that a puppet could read, so Ricardo easily entered the library

Ricardo decided that he will train energy methods at night, during the day he will study geography and history of the silver kingdom.

In André's opinion this is useless for a king, but Richard understands the importance of identifying the regions of his kingdom, its borders and noble families.

Ricardo opened a huge book, the official language is called the Sapphire language, it is similar to French mixed with Spanish, something very strange but fortunately Ricardo was fluent, at least André did not prevent him from being literate

The map of the continent is similar to that of Europe, only it is much larger, and Ricardo is almost certain that the kingdom of silver corresponds to where France was located in his old world.

However, to the north there is not a version of the English Channel, in the north there is no access to the sea, but the kingdom of the phoenix is ​​located.

The west is the richest part and has no physical borders, the whole west is the rich sea but it is also dangerous, because on an island to the north is the mighty empire of Britannia which is probably a version of the united kingdom, luckily there is the kingdom of the phoenix that blocks this empire

most of the eastern border is the kingdom of marseille, to the east there is also a small but rich country called republic of golden snow, although it is a republic it is actually ruled by hundreds of rich merchants and has powerful mercenary armies, luckily the kingdom da Prata has good relations with the Republic of Golden Snow

The south is basically the best region of the silver kingdom, in the south there is the huge silver mountain range, which create a natural defense against the barbarian city-states to the south, basically there is no barbarian country but dozens of city-states, although they are called barbarians is not an offense but the official nomenclature of that race

The barbarian race is similar in appearance to humans but much larger and stronger, barbarian women average 1.90 m tall while men 2.20 m on average, even though an ordinary barbarian civilian has no veins energy, their average physical strength is on average 2 times that of an adult human

The great mountain is also where about 80% of the silver, gold and iron mines are located, basically the sacred region of the kingdom's riches.

The most interesting thing about the minerals of this world is that there is Mithril, which are ores with mana perfect to create the strongest weapons and armor, of course they are mice, the silver kingdom has only two Mithril mines

There are also many rivers that make the lands fertile, but Ricardo realized that these huge rivers are not good for logistics, this is because there are many noble territories that create checkpoints and charge fees for crossing the rivers, which makes it very expensive to use the river for travels, Ricardo simply despises the mismanagement of land that exists in the kingdom

As for noble families, there are many, but the strongest are the dukes; FerrĂĄs house to the north, Helenos house and lis house to the east, Gales, Kroos and Eagle houses to the south and to the west there are the Ustra and Pardal houses
