
Building A Kingdom with A Gacha System

Kameron, a teenage boy who tragically died alongside the girl he was falling in love with, is granted a second chance at life. But with his resurrection comes a mysterious Gacha system, which tasks him with the challenge of creating a brand new kingdom, giving him complete control over its destiny. As he navigates this unknown world and builds his empire, Kameron must face new challenges, unexpected twists and turns, and forge new alliances to establish his reign. But will his newfound power ultimately be a blessing or a curse? Hello, Zero here... this is just a book I’m writing for fun. Do I expect this to take off? No. I am just doing my own thing as original as can be. I have plans for this story but it probably won’t get that far. Give this story a review and you can be as tough as you want on me but please be aware that I am human and I have feelings.

AstralGodZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Checking the rewards (2)

Even Kameron didn't know how to attempt to guess what the other orbs could contain. Deciding to just finish opening the rest of the rewards he reached towards the next rainbow orb, cracking it open as a floor of light appeared it as the orb simply ceased to exist.

[Congratulations the Host has obtained Loved by fate(UR)]

Fate is more likely to favor you in certain situations.

Luck increased by 50.


"Isn't this a bit much? I'm not some WebNovel character. Why does fate have to like me too? Hopefully this doesn't mean I will attract a lot of girls..." Kameron placed his hand on his face while sighing in exhaustion before thinking a bit more into this reward.

"If luck is a hidden stat does that mean I will get better things from the gacha?"

(It does. I'll explain a little about the world you are now in since you will definitely need it. This world functions kind of like one of those RPG games from your old world. If you want to know why I know what those are it's because I was reading your memories while you were opening the orbs.)

"Ahh I see... wait reading my memories!?"

(Yes, how else am I supposed to understand you if I don't read your memories?)

"Can you stop doing that please?"

(I already finished reading them all)



"So then you saw everything?..."

(Yep, and I saw you had a big friend down there as well)


Deciding to once again ignore Ina, Kameron walked around while attempting to clear his thoughts. "No need to think about the horny system, let's think about these last 4 rewards."

As Kameron stopped beside the edge of the forest he leaned against a tree while reaching his hand out to crack open the next reward orb.

[Congratulations the Host has obtained Blessing of the Yggdrasil (SSSR)]

As the tree of life and sacred tree of the elves, the blessing of the Yggdrasil is similar to being accepted as elven royalty.

Movement speed within a forest or grassland is increased by 100% and attack speed is increased by 40% under the same conditions.

Elves are more likely to speak with you without turning you away.


"Another blessing. Will it also speak to me?"

Kameron waited a bit for the voice of the presumed world tree but was only given silence. "If the world tree is powerful enough to give me a blessing then it might be able to speak to me similarly to the world. Yet it hasn't done so."

Thinking of why the tree had not spoken to him he came up with a few ideas. "This world has probably captured and sold elves into slavery. If this is anything like how I imagine the world being, the elves have probably hidden the sacred forest with magic and the world tree is silent as the spirit of the tree is working to protect the remaining elves."

Satisfied with his hypothesis Kameron sighed and looked toward the remaining three orbs. "Knowing how fate works I will probably end up saving elves at some point and they will bring me to Yggdrasil. Let's just finish these three orbs so I can find the nearest town or village." he then reached out his hand out and tapped all of the orbs of light, opening them at the same time.

"I'd rather not waste any more time opening the three rewards individually"

[Congratulations the Host has obtained Master Craftsman (Innate) (SR)]

[Congratulations the host has obtained Gluttony(Innate) (UR)]

[Congratulations the Host has obtained The Forbidden Summoning Scroll(-)]



"Well, I didn't expect this... Ina, how rare are these unranked skills?"

(Unranked rewards should be rarer than the Ultra Rare rewards since they can even be rated across the scale)

(Don't expect to be this lucky again. Ultra Rare tickets aren't obtainable very often)

"I see... Thank you for answering my question"

Kameron looked at the locations the three orbs were. In two locations were a tattered black book and some kind of symbol floating within a sphere.

"Let's look at the information for each reward and then I'll think of what to do."

Shifting his focus over the information that appeared within his mind he quickly read through it with the help of his Genius Intuition innate.

[Master Craftsman (Innate) (SR)]

The owner of this skill can craft weapons, armor, items, and structures with a low amount of flaws.

The skill is a passive and has high synergy with any intuition-based skills.


[Gluttony(Innate) (UR)]

The user is able to devour any and all things, gaining a skill unique to what was devoured. Unique characteristics of some devoured things may be assimilated by the user.

Cooldown: 10 minutes


[The Forbidden Summoning Scroll(-)]

Can summon a random Legendary Being (Person or Animal) regardless of the world or reality they belong to. The summon will have a moderate loyalty to the owner but in the event that their loyalty hits 0. They will be freed from the summoning contract.

Summon level will be linked to the Summoner

Gods cannot be summoned. Demons cannot be summoned.

The user can limit the possibilities of the summoning choices by focusing on a specific reality or world.


"Well, the summoning scroll is simply broken beyond reason. Why is this able to pull anyone or anything from any reality? How much mana would this even take? Would it scale with how powerful the existence summon is?"

Kameron thought of a few questions while holding the book within his hand. He decided to ignore it for the time being and focus on the floating rune in his other hand.

"The rune of Gluttony. This should be a rune from one of the seven deadly sins but here it is. It is also missing the tag of a rune of sin. Maybe this isn't linked to the seven sins... if there were sins in this world they would probably already be attached to people. So it's probably fine to use this."

Looking at the orb with the rune inside Kameron was a bit confused with how to use the rune until Ina came to the rescue.

(Put it in any part of your body and the rune will be absorbed by you)

"Could I put it in my inventory?"

(You probably could. The only thing you can't have in your inventory are items soul bound to people)

After taking a deep breath, Kameron decided to put the rune on his right arm since that was his dominant arm. As the rune was pushed against his skin the orb around the rune itself seemed to evaporate. The rune disappeared into his arm and dark clouds began gathering above in the sky.

Red lightly streaked across the clouds ad they all converged above Kameron's location. People within the forest were alerted by the anomaly and ran away while others in the nearby villages and city went to it thinking about a possible profit from the rare phenomenon.

"What's going on with the sky?"

"I'm leaving. This is too weird for me!"

"Come brothers, we Little Rock Bandits can profit from this."

"In the name of the Marquis, we need to locate whatever is disrupting the peace of the area and capture it. Soldiers mount your horses. We leave immediately."

Fortunately or maybe unfortunately the person behind the ominous clouds was standing at the epicenter of the entire ordeal.

Sadly, just as Kameron was going to ask about what was going on, the lightning within the clouds converged right above him before striking right at his location.

(You can think of the attack on titan lightning strikes that fall when titan shifters transform. The difference is that this is red lightning.)

(AN: The final rewards have been revealed but maybe this chapter was a bit late. The next chapter will be out later tonight, probably around midnight if you live on the east coast. This was pretty fun to think of so now we will build this world together.

Thanks for reading and remember to give suggestions for a possible summon character. It can be anyone that isn't a god or demon. I myself and thinking along the lines of someone to help create Kameron's future kingdom. Many possibilities though. It can also be an extremely powerful pet. If this is too ridiculous please say so. I'll nerf it if needed.

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