
Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization

Jiang Fan had transmigrated to a world where everyone could awaken a planet. The larger the planet, the higher the origin energy, and the stronger the civilization. Some people made theirs with qi to create a martial arts civilization. Everyone on the planet was a martial arts practitioner. Some people made theirs with magic power to create a magical civilization. Everyone on the planet was a mage. Some people made their spiritual energy to create an immortal civilization. Everyone on the planet was an immortal cultivator. Everyone was trying their best to construct all sorts of extraordinary planets. Jiang Fan, on the other hand, used his memories from his previous life to create a technological civilization! “Your Star Destroyer directly pierced through the opponent’s planet, and the opponent lowered their head.” “Your two-way foil turned the opponent’s immortal cultivation planet into a piece of paper. You scared them silly!” This is a story that uses technology to break through all sorts of extraordinary civilizations. Sorry, my English is average, so forgive me if there is a mistake. The later chapter will have better quality, This novel and the cover are not created nor is it owned by me. I am only translating it to English. Credit to the Original Author. The cover art is from: ( https://www.desktopbackground.org/download/800x600/2014/06/26/783994_civilization-5-wallpapers-and-images-wallpapers-pictures-photos_1366x768_h.jpg )

Sokdavid · Sci-fi
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466 Chs

The Power of Science And Technology! Shock The Audience and The Trembling of The Immortals

The finals.

Although there is the previous battle between Jiang Fan and Tang Qingqing, people look forward to it.

But it is an unprecedented high level of attention.

Even the city lord of Jiangcheng came here in a hurry to watch this game.

"City Lord.''

"City Lord.''

"City Lord.''

Teachers and leaders shouted respectfully.

The city lord of Jiangcheng nodded slightly, then looked at the projection and asked.

"Which two schools are Tianjiao in the finals?"

"City Lord.''

The leader of the nearest school immediately answered.

"The finalists are two outstanding students from No.1 and No.7 Middle School."

"One Middle School and Seven Middle School?"

The city master of Jiangcheng said.

"I know that in the first middle school, it should be the girl Jingyue. Who is the seventh middle school? Tang Qingqing?"


The school leader explained.

"No. 7 Middle School is an excellent student named Jiang Fan."

"Jiang Fan?''

Jiangcheng City Lord Lu thought for a while and said.

''It seems that this name is somewhat familiar."

"Jiang Fan is the student who broke our Jiangcheng record when he awakened the planet."

The school leader explained.

"It was him.''

The city lord of Jiangcheng suddenly realized, and immediately said with some doubts.

"I remember that Jiang Fan's awakening is not the civilization of ordinary people?"

"It's common people's civilization, but...''

The school leader continued to explain.

"The diameter of the planet Jiang Fan awakened is estimated to be very large, and many ordinary people were born, relying on the advantage of numbers and various means.''

"Jiang Fan defeated others, including that Tang Qingqing, all the way to the final."


The city lord of Jiangcheng nodded slightly.

For all the geniuses in Jiangcheng, as the lord of a city, he was only slightly concerned.

It won't pay too much attention either.

After all, a genius who has not yet grown up will always be a genius.

Not to mention.

The city lord of Jiangcheng back then he is also the strongest genius in his place.

Every year, he has witnessed one genius after another.

These years.

Come and go.

I don't know how many geniuses are able to get to his level.

But there are very few.

If it weren't for the big competition, it was organized by the City Lord's Mansion.

This final wouldn't interest him much at all.

''This final, it is estimated that the girl Jingyue will win it."

The main road of Jiangcheng City.

"It should be no surprise."

The school leader echoed.

"Jiang Fan is not bad, but he is definitely not Bu Jingyue's opponent.''

"The super-energy planet awakened by Bu Jingyue has created a civilization of immortals. Everyone on the planet is a cultivator, not comparable to others."

"I also heard that Bu Jingyue created a very rare race in the immortal cultivation civilization, which is more powerful than the ordinary immortal cultivation civilization.''

''Previously, every game of Bu Jingyue was very easy, and it is said that she still had a hole card."

"The only suspense in this battle is... Can Jiang Fan force out Bu Jingyue's trump card?"

Seeing an opportunity to speak.

Teachers and leaders rushed forward one by one.

They all spoke in front of the city lord of Jiangcheng.

"Bu Jingyue is one of the most enchanting geniuses in the history of our Jiangcheng."

The city lord of Jiangcheng said.

"It is acceptable to be defeated in her hands."

"Watch the game."

Soon, the game officially begins.

Because there is the Lord of Jiangcheng.

Plus this game really doesn't have much suspense.

There was almost no chatter from the crowd.

"The toughest battle ever."

In the battle room.

Jiang Fan observed the situation on the field and couldn't help but sigh.

The big match this time is really painful.

Kai was getting old.

Now full of white hair.

Can't see any black at all.

His eyes were bloodshot.

He sleeps less than five hours a day.

But mentally there is still a trace of fighting spirit that has never been seen before.

Especially after reaching the finals.

Kai's body.

The fighting spirit seemed to be on fire.

The finals.

Kai has done every preparation and arrangement imaginable.

Bu Jingyue's game video.

He and the transcendent research team watched it over and over again.

The Great Wilderness Army mobilized reached 30,000.

This is all the Great Desolate Army.

This time it all appeared.

Kai also wanted to recruit more people to come up.

But helpless.

The playing field is so big.

Previously no one thought of it.

A planet that has just awakened for a month.

There are actually tens of thousands of people outrageous.

But seeing so many people.

No one thought that Jiang Fan had a better chance of winning.

It is well known that Bu Jingyue in the previous game was not showing her full strength.

It can be said to be rolling over all the way.

Even Lin Qiangfei and Fang Zhenting, who were arrogant and powerful, were defeated.

No wonder.

Everyone agreed.

Even Tang Qingqing, who has awakened dual-energy is Bu Jingyue's opponent.

Super civilization compared to an advanced civilization.

It can almost be regarded as a qualitative leap.

It is not just a little bit.

After the Great Wilderness Army debuted.

The immortal cultivators trained by Bu Jingyue also entered.

This is a team of 500 people!

Each one looks like a human.

But compared to humans.

There is an aura of embroidery and agility on his body.

The skin is very fair.

Especially those eyes.

Gives you a feeling of inspiration.

"The Xiuling Clan!"

Jiang Fan slowly spits out these three words.

What Bu Jingyue created was not an ordinary cultivator.

But in the immortal civilization.

An extremely rare and extremely powerful race, the Xiuling clan.

That is to say.

Even the people of the Xiuling tribe do not need to train specially.

It will also automatically absorb the aura between heaven and earth all the time.

Overtime their strength will automatically increase.

If you practice.

That's faster.

This is only one of the talents of the Xiu Ling family.

There are other terrifying talents too.

All kinds of talents add up.

Let the Xiuling clan be recognized as an extremely powerful race in the immortal civilization.

Five hundred Xiuling people.

Although not much.

But scary enough.

On most Xiuling people.

Jiang Fan saw something familiar, Bow and Arrow.

This is also a talent of the Xiuling tribe.

Very close to nature, and good at archery.

Rumored to be in the jungle.

Not many races.

Dare to fight against the Xiuling people.

But it is different from the bow and arrow of the Great Wilderness Army.

These bows and arrows are all made of wood, and they are smaller and more exquisite.

It seems to be some kind of material from an extraordinary plant.

And arrows are all made of wood.

Also an extraordinary-looking material.

Although it does not contain metals.

But if anyone underestimates this bow and arrow, that would be a big mistake.

The power of this bow in the previous games has been vividly shown by the Xiuling people.

Lin Qiangfei and Fang Zhenting are two talents.

All were defeated by such a powerful bow and arrow.

"There are several types of arrows used by Xiuling people.''

Kai is having a final consultation with the transcendental research team.

"The most powerful one is comparable to our giant crossbow.''

''The power of ordinary arrows is stronger than our bows and arrows, and the speed is faster.''

"Almost as fast as our sound-absorbing arrows!"

"And, most importantly, the Xiuling people are extremely skilled in archery!

"It can be said that it is a hundred hits, and it rarely misses, even the other extraordinary people before."

"If our soldiers are targeted by them, there is basically no escape!"

The old scholar spoke slowly.

The person next to him frowned even more.

Fang Zhenting was also a super-genius with an awakened planet with a diameter of more than 30 kilometers.

It is not much different from the diameter of Bu Jingyue's planet.

But still fragile!

The main reason is it can't stop the bow and arrow of the Xiuling tribe at all!

One hundred arrows go down.

Fang Zhenting's extraordinary team.

One hundred people fell.

How is this game played?

Even Tang Qingqing's Dou Qi warrior and Lu Tao's rock monster.

Stronger defense.

Should be able to withstand a round.

But definitely can't stop the second round of shooting!

"But we have one biggest advantage!

The old scholar glanced at everyone and then said.

"That is, we have a lot of people! We have 30,000 soldiers in the Great Wilderness!"

"And the arrows of the Xiuling people.''

"Although the power and accuracy are great, it can only hit one person at a time!"

Kai nodded slightly.

If the Xiuling people's arrows are group wounds.


This game may not have to be played.

"But archery is only the most obvious killer move of the Xiuling people.

The old scholar continued, saying.

"Without bows and arrows, they themselves have very powerful combat power.''

"According to the classification of extraordinary civilizations.''

"The immortal civilization is almost the most powerful of all civilizations.''

"A cultivator of the same level is stronger than a martial artist, magician, etc.!"

"If only these Xiuling people."

"It is also difficult for the other side to gain the upper hand."

"So I guess, the other party will definitely play the so-called hole card.''

The voice just fell.

Just heard a sound coming from the opposite side.

Everyone looks.

I saw behind the five hundred Xiuling people on the opposite side.

The access door didn't close.

Instead, two more behemoths came out of it!

With the emergence of these two behemoths.

Not just the Great Wilderness Army.

It's the people in the viewing room.

He couldn't help but talk in shock.

"God! Bu Jingyue's trump card is this?"

"The Xiu Ling clan has already surpassed the standard, she is still here, do you want to live?"

"The tree man, the spirit tree man! How could Bu Jingyue cultivate such a thing?"

One by one in amazement.

"On a first-level planet, being able to cultivate a spirit tree person is indeed a gifted evildoer."

A teacher couldn't help but praise.

"Even in the immortal civilization, the probability of the emergence of a spirit tree is extremely low on a first-level planet."

Another teacher continued.

"Bu Jingyue can actually cultivate it, which shows that her talent is still beyond our guess!"

"Enough to compete with the top ones in the province!"

A teacher is very sure.

"I've seen quite a few super-geniuses."

The city lord of Jiangcheng said.

"This Bu Jingyue is indeed one of the most outstanding people, and the future is limitless!

"I have to thank Jiang Fan, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to see the details of Bu Jingyue.''

A teacher said with a smile.

"Thanks to Jiang Fan, according to the grapevine I heard."

Another young teacher lowered his voice and said.

"This time Bu Jingyue didn't plan to participate in the competition.''

"But because when she woke up, he broke the record first, and then was surpassed by Jiang Fan, so..."

"Bu Jingyue only participated in this competition to save her glory!"

"Is there such a thing?"

"Tell me the details.''

Teachers are still gossiping.

Inside the arena.

Two behemoths walked in.

These are two giant trees twenty meters high and five meters wide!

Only unlike ordinary trees.

They have two big hands.

On the trunk, there are also has a pair of big wooden eyes!

Exactly, it's a tree man.

A very rare life.

It can only be born in the immortal civilization.

Kai and the people from the extraordinary research team couldn't help but widen their eyes!

"Is this a tree-like superhuman?"

A scholar asked speculatively.

"Lingshuren, the product of immortal civilization.''

At this time.

Jiang Fan uses air oscillations.

Pass the sound to Kai.

no way.

The spirit tree man who appeared suddenly.

Kai and the research team didn't understand at all.

There is no way to find out.

This tree man is rare though.

But information can also be found online.

Jiang Fan used voice transmission to pass the information to kai.

"This is a spirit tree person, a kind of intelligent creature that cultivates immortal civilization.''

Kai said.

The people discussing next to him suddenly stopped.

Everyone is used to it.

This kind of popularization of knowledge is like opening and hanging.

More shocking video projections before.

They all accepted.

Not to mention this.

The people of the extraordinary research team.

Now more and more believe that behind Kai, there really is a god there.

"I will write down the relevant information about them, and you will study them immediately."

Kai said, and picked up the pen.

Write directly and quickly.

Copy everything you just heard.

Soon, everyone in the extraordinary research team has seen the true face of this tree man!

"It's not a tree spirit, its own race is a tree person, with feet and legs?"

"Great strength, gentle in nature, is the natural good friends and companions of the Xiuling people?"

"In the first-level planet, the spirit tree people belong to one of the most powerful races that can be cultivated?"

Look at them one by one.

All a little surprised.

Follow these.

The spirit tree people are simply beyond class.

Even if there are only two on the opposite side.

But there is almost no way to deal with it.

"The opponent is moving.''

A general shouted.

Kai hurriedly looked.

He saw two spirit tree people walking in front of the five hundred Xiuling people proceed slowly towards the Great Wilderness Army.

Five hundred Xiuling people followed behind the Spirit Tree people.

Follow along.

"The other side wants to use the spirit tree people to block our attack, and then get close to us, and then deal with us?"

A scholar immediately guessed.

"should be."

The old scholar nodded and said.

"If they shoot bows and arrows, their number of arrows is definitely not enough.''

"Rather than wasting arrows in vain, it's better to directly use the high defense of the spirit tree people."

''Wait until close up, then deal with our soldiers."

Many of the great weapons of the Great Wilderness Army have lost their usefulness.

For example, arrow rain, kerosene, giant crossbow, and so on!

"Don't let them get close!"

kai made a quick decision, glanced around, and shouted.

"The heavy cavalry attack, go around behind them, and attack the Xiuling people!"

"Prepare the archers, cover the cavalry!

"The giant crossbow is ready, the kerosene technique is ready!"

"Which team can solve these two spirit tree people, the post-war battle will be doubled!"

Following Kai's command.

All the teams moved quickly.

But this way, it also disrupted the previous deployment of the Great Wilderness Army.

In the previous deployment.

It is all about dealing with the Xiuling people.

But no one thought of it.

Bu Jingyue actually has such a supernatural thing as the Spirit Tree Man!

Now the strategy can only be changed temporarily.

In short, the Xiuling people must not be allowed to approach.

Once in close combat.

Even with the 30,000 Great Wilderness Army.

There is no chance of winning either.

Besides this small arena, 30,000 people can't attack at the same time.

Not getting the best out of it!



The bow and arrow team took the lead.

An arrow rushed towards the spirit tree man.

There was a twenty-meter-high spirit tree man standing in front of him.

The Xiuling people in the back couldn't shoot at all.

All arrows were blocked by the spirit tree people.



An arrow shot at the spirit tree man.

It was only slightly sunk in.

Thousands of arrows.

Most are blocked by dense foliage.

The leftover is densely nailed to the trunk and branches of the spirit tree people.

Then everyone was surprised to see the huge body of the Spirit Tree Man shook slightly.

These arrows are like beans.

All shaken off!

The spirit tree people have no influence at all.

Keep going slowly!

"Change to rocket.''

Seeing that ordinary arrows are useless against spirit tree people.

Kai immediately thought of the rocket.

At the same time.

A kerosene tank was also placed on the trebuchet.

The first to cast out on the giant tree and shattered.

The oil inside was dripping down.

Dripping down the branches and leaves and trunks!

And the rockets of the bow and arrow brigade.


As soon as the kerosene hits the rocket.

Immediately it was on fire.

The branches and leaves of the spirit crystal, the crystal tree, and the human crystal were also ignited.

Burning quickly.

"Fire attack works!''

Seeing this scene.

The people of the extraordinary research team are all excited!

However the next moment.

They can't laugh anymore.

The five hundred Xiuling people behind the Lingshuren.

At this time, a few beautiful women walked out.

Each held a translucent, jade-like thing in each hand.

These beautiful women.

Throwing the translucent jade card to the spirit tree man.

Immediately the speed at which the flame spreads...

Slow down visibly to the naked eye!!