
Bugs Bunny sent me to BNHA world

"Nyaap~ what's up doc!" "Do you love anime? I see... you're a man of culture then." Go... You'll reborn in an anime world! Ren is reborn with superpowers and a quirk. With his new life, his mission started, which was left incomplete on earth. But wait a sec. He'll get a slap in his ass, everytime he get his abilities. Bugs the god demanded exchange of ultimate wish is......... Wanna know what happened next? Read the story... ◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑ *Must Read I'm just a amateur writer and It’s my first fan-fic and may contain grammatical errors. (English is not my first language) Mc will have many girls so, it’s obviously a harem. Don't forget to check the tags. If you've read many smut manga and novels from veteran authors, then it’s a pile of shit compared to those. I'm writing it for self-satisfaction. If you hate the story, then please ignore but don’t complain. But you're welcome to suggest me pointers. I hope you'll let me know about my mistakes. If you're looking for action, then go read the manga or watch the anime. Yeah, there are action scenes but not much like real manga/anime. It's just a fan-fic and anything is possible, so don’t dive here to look for logic and things.. Except the mc, I don’t own other characters from BNHA. Cover pic, I choosed it randomly and edited a bit before putting it. I don’t own it as well. ◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑◑ Warning: Must check the tags. If you hate any one of these, then don't read. You've been warned. I'm planning to update new chapters in a website! Please visit the link to read more chapters! https :// asphaltator. epizy. com (visit this website)

MrJabra · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 16 - Encounter with All Might

Next day, one day before the golden week—

"Mom, I might be late today, I'll be back at 7 " Ren put his school shoes on, twisted the door knob.

"Wait, take it with you, mom is also going to visit your grandma, so if I'm late, then drop by Shino's home. Shino told me they would make a special dish tonight." Ayaka gave Ren another pair of key.

"Okay, mom, don't be late and take care." He stepped back and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Don't make troubles out there, good bye, honey."

Ren left for school before it's too late.



In the classroom—

"Look, look, Ren's girlfriend, it's Ren's girlfriend" student A

"Wow, she's so beautiful unlike girls from our class" student B

"heh, what about I propose to her and make her ditch Ren?" student C

"Hahahahahaha, you and propose her...hahahahah" other kids mocked student C and his face got red from shame.

Shino didn't care about those words, she straight walked to Ren, and his face bloomed with a smile.

"Ren, you're late! I've waited for you, but it was getting late, so I came with my friend." Shino reminded him that he was a good student, and he should come earlier than normal ones.

They talked for a while and Shino told him over and over that he must join the dinner tonight with them.

She left before the class started.



5:00 pm, at Takuba municipal beach park.

Ren's everyday training ends, he was now stepping toward his goal slowly, Ren wanted to get the power overnight.

His plan for making all his favorite girls his was delayed for lacking enough power.

He didn't know if there was any effect on the main story of BNHA. What if there is a butterfly effect?

His interfering with other characters and killing villains might change the timeline.

Not that he cares though, but he won't do anything stupid before Izuku gets the One for All.

He may kill the major or small villains if they irritate him or his girls.

He wondered what if there were more powerful existence on the earth that could wipe out the whole humanity.

And why the fuck did the quirk come to an existence within the human body? Was there anyone or anything that caused it?

These powers are alien-like ability. Someone can fly, someone can dive into the earth as if it water.

He was thinking many things and didn't notice someone was approaching him.

"Shounen! What are you doing here at this late!"

Ren saw the shadow of the guy who was maybe as tall as 7 feet.

He knew who that would be.

"All Might!!!" Ren was still excited to see him face-to-face. His one of the fav. hero.

"Hahahaha, no need to get scared, it's me, the symbol of peace!" All might said while posing.

"I wasn't scared, I was training to reach my goal." Ren also made a pose and All Might's interest was picked.

"What's your goal, little boy?"

"To be a hero for fun *saitama entry bgm* " Ren was a top notch fan of Saitama the OPM.

"It's good to hear that you want to be a hero, but for fun? Shounen, hero is not for fun! You'll get it after enrolling in a hero school." All Might tapped his shoulder and said with a smile.

Ren felt his encouragement but still didn't show it.

"But why are you training alone? Don't you have any training coach or friends? This place is kinda dangerous nowadays" All Might asked him.

"I've been training here alone for years, and I think I'm pretty capable without a trainer. What about you training me?", Ren had a smile on his face.

" What school are you in? And you didn't tell me your name yet."

"Ah..haha, sorry for being rude, I'm Ren Uemura, and I'm in the first year at Aldera Junior High" Ren awkwardly said.

"Oh, you're still a middle schooler? Hahahaha, great, you are exactly like me when I was young, but I was taller than you. Well, it's nice to meet you, Ren Shounen"

They shaked their hands.

"I will train you after if you get a chance to U.A Academy or other high schools for heroes"

"Don't forget it then!" Ren excitedly replied.

"Of course, I will! So, return to your home now, it's dangerous. I'll be seeing you around, and if you're training, then don't slack off. Just scream my name when you're in danger, I will definitely come to save you." Saying that, he gave a long jump and was almost gone from the sight in a few seconds.

'Phew... It's good to have a chat with him. I will be looking forward to when he gets a gift from me in the future, hehehe....' Ren then turned to take a quick check on his future lovers.

He had vague information about where Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui lived.

He had always thought how it would feel under Tsuyu's meaty thighs.

Her breasts are bigger than they are shown in anime.

He was excited to meet her but not today. He just wants to locate where they exactly live and will have some fateful encounter like a knight saving his princess, no, a boy saving his girls from car accident or villain attacks, which will most likely be caused by him.

It all is an act to get acquainted with two or three of them.

Ren didn't see or sense that a very ugly man was spying on him from far away.

"Reporting, the white hair boy had a conversation with All Might, over."

"Agent-8, left the spot, All might might notice you, we don't want to lose anyone right now." A deep voice ordered from the other side.


"Roger, agent-3" agent-8 vanished from the place.

Everything was unbeknownst to Ren, he didn't know a branch of a secret organization which was led by a very powerful personal who was stronger than many powerful heroes all around the world.

That organization had many branches in every country, holding top secret information on every hero and every person who had quirks.

Jp government, even the hero council was unaware of their existence.

Their existence was known by the top head of the country who is also a part of the same organization.

If you want to know, then they are the one who have the absolute power over the world. The one who was the head of that organization was older than the oldest one alive on the earth.

He was the strongest, could crush any country with his power alone in mere minutes.

He wasn't aware of Ren's existence, Ren didn't display what he had besides the quirk, but later after knowing some of Ren's secrets, he may try to have a hold on him.

Who knows? What the future hold.....


This story is different than the canon and story plot will change depending on the situation.

But some main events will happen, when Ren will be handling both the organisation and the story part of the canon.

I'll try to make it interesting. I don't feel like those villains are powerful like other shounen manga.

No offence but even db super noseless Saitama (Krillin) can wipe them out pretty easily.

So, I'll bring some powerful villains from....

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Have a saefo ando niso day!


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