
Buggy D Clown

An adventure that takes you to the heart of Impel Down, right before the epic Marineford War, with an unexpected twist. Meet our self-inserted character, who finds himself in the shoes of none other than the comical and infamous Buggy the Clown. As the story unfolds, this new Buggy is thrust into the treacherous depths of Impel Down, the world's most impregnable prison. Surrounded by some of the most dangerous criminals in the Grand Line, our protagonist must navigate the perils of this nightmarish facility. But He is not just any ordinary inmate; he possess knowledge of the upcoming Marineford War that could change the course of history. With Buggy's knack for comedic mishaps and antics, this fanfiction promises a unique blend of humor and action as the self-inserted character interacts with familiar faces from the One Piece universe. Whether it's forming unlikely alliances or attempting daring escapes, Buggy's journey through Impel Down will keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the Marineford War looms on the horizon, the fate of the world teeters on a knife's edge. Can this unassuming Buggy make a difference in the face of overwhelming odds? Join them on this extraordinary adventure filled with laughter, chaos, and unexpected heroics as they set out to carve their own legend in the world of One Piece.

Marioni · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 83

"Absurd Deeds in Broad Daylight on Dressrosa were exposed!! Nearly thousands Dressrosa Citizens Rise Against the Doflamingo's Reign Collapses!"

"Doflamingo's Secret Identity as the Joker Revealed – Underworld Emperor and World's Most Notorious Slave and Arms Dealer!"

"Blackbeard Pirates Launch an Assault on Hive Island. Defeating Edward Weevil and Ochoku!"

"Blackbeard Devours Weevil's devil fruit. Unleashing the Terrifying Dark Fruit Power – the only man in the World who possesses two devil fruit powers!"

"Marshall D. Teach, Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates. Wields Both Dark Fruit and Shock Fruit and fends off Marine Admiral Aokiji – Becomes the Fifth Emperor of the New World!!"

Buggy chose to ignore the first three headlines, but what caught his attention was the demise of Weevil, who had been incredibly powerful. His Devil Fruit ability was also stolen. It seemed Blackbeard getting the Gura Gura no mi was inevitable.

Blackbeard not only acquired the Gura Gura no mi but also defeated Weevil and Ochoku before repelling Aokiji. Buggy couldn't deny Blackbeard's extraordinary strength. He remembered the three scars Blackbeard had inflicted on Shanks more than a decade ago, indicating Blackbeard's potency.

Shanks had easily handled Kidd who had a bounty of 3 billion which hinted at Blackbeard's abilities. Buggy couldn't help but wonder about potential future conflicts with Blackbeard, considering the unpredictability of the pirate world.

Clutching the newspaper, Buggy pondered the implications of these events.

On the other side, Robin sat down and leaned on Buggy's shoulder, gazing at the newspaper with amazement. She began, "Buggy..."

"What 'Buggy'?" Buggy questioned with a touch of irritation, wondering why she was being so polite.

Ignoring his response, Robin pointed to the newspaper and asked, "Can anyone do this? Doesn't eating a second Devil Fruit mean certain death? How can Blackbeard consume two Devil Fruits?"

Buggy chuckled inwardly at her question, aware that he technically had eaten two Devil Fruits as well. However, he refrained from mentioning it and replied, "Robin-chan, you've hit a gap in my knowledge. I'm not well-versed in this area."

Robin playfully teased him, "So, there are things in this world that you don't know."

Buggy played along, saying, "Of course, for instance, I haven't fully grasped the depths of our dear Robin's knowledge. Perhaps I should explore it further!"

With a sly grin, Buggy approached Robin like a hungry tiger.

The day's plan commenced in the morning. Two hours later, Buggy wearing a satisfied expression made his way to the palace castle hall.

By this time, everyone had already gathered and were stunned by the newspaper and were rendered speechless after that.

Spotting Buggy, Gabban immediately waved the newspaper he held and asked with utmost seriousness, "Buggy, what do you make of this? Could it be that what's written in this paper is true?"

A silence fell over the others who had been engaged in heated debates and all eyes turned to Buggy.

Buggy, feeling somewhat helpless, shrugged and replied, "How should I know?"

With that, everyone turned their heads and launched into frenzied debates once more.

Buggy shook his head in bewilderment and suggested, "If you want to know the real deal, why not call Morgan over and ask?"


"Master Buggy, can you do such a thing?" Violet, who had been pretending to be asleep with her niece and Rebecca on the other side both looked curious and surprised at Buggy's suggestion.


Buggy simply smiled at the two beauties and snapped his fingers.

"Got it!"

It must be acknowledged that Blueno was indeed one of the most useful crew members. He promptly grasped Buggy's intention and utilized his power to pinpoint Morgan's location and open a spatial door.

"Everyone! Gather around; today's newspaper is mind-blowing!"

"Hahaha, the entire world is going to be in awe of us today! You guys are the best!"

"Let's get to work on those articles! I'll review them later and don't worry, you'll be getting double overtime pay today."

"Hahahaha, I, Morgan will be the News King!"

They heard the triumphant laughter emanating from the other side of the spatial door. The group in the palace hall exchanged glances before breaking into smiles.

Buggy raised his hand, pulled Morgan through the spatial door and with a hearty laugh, addressed him, "Alright, News King join us for breakfast. Look at those dark circles under your eyes. Haven't you slept at all? Get your staff to come over for breakfast. No need to be so formal."

Gasps of astonishment filled the air at this sudden turn of events, and the "World Economy Newspaper" employees stared in disbelief at the man on the other side of the spatial gate.

"Yo... Yonko! Godslayer Buggy?!?"

"Our boss is chatting and laughing with this guy?"

"This is our boss; this is the man who will become the News King!"

"Hey, it seems like the God Slayer invited us to breakfast."

"What do you think? Should we go?"

"The boss called; let's go."

After a while, a group of "World Economic Newspaper" employees also materialized in Dressrosa's castle hall, where they began to eat with delight while marvelling at the grandeur.

The palace's cuisine was far superior to what they typically had at their headquarters. Moreover, most of the food they consumed was energy-infused, brought from the Boin Islands, leaving them feeling energized.

This extraordinary fare was prepared using Kamabakka's Okama recipes. Following a confirmation from Morgan, Buggy and the others acquired the most authentic reports of what happened on the Hive Island.

Everything unfolded precisely as detailed in the newspaper: Blackbeard had indeed acquired Whitebeard's Gura Gura no mi and had also captured two devil frit users from Ochoku'd crew. The specifics of these abilities were unknown to his flock of birds, but it was certain that Blackbeard possessed the traits of a hunter who was hunting devil fruit users now.

Amidst his meal, Morgan, seemingly struck by a sudden realization, twisted his beak and addressed Buggy, "Oh, by the way, Buggy, I have news about the person you tasked me with finding. His name is Panz Fry, right? The giant chef?"

"That's correct."

Buggy's eyes sparkled with interest upon hearing this news. They desperately needed a chef capable of managing the ship's cuisine. Relying on the Boin Islands for food every day was impractical and troublesome.

Moreover, a change was necessary from time to time. The absence of a chef on their pirate ship felt odd to Buggy, so he persisted in his quest to find Panz Fry. The chef was someone Buggy was optimistic about. He possessed strength and a reliable character, making him an ideal partner.


Morgan hesitated for a moment before speaking, "As far as I know, he seems to be hunted down, oh yes, by the NEO Marine. The organization was founded by the former Marine Admiral, Black Arm Zephyr."

"Where are they now?" Buggy inquired directly.

"They are currently near New World's Secon Island. There's a sea train station there, and it's one of the islands protected by the government. Why do you wish to go there?" Morgan asked.

"Yes, I value Panz Fry's culinary skills, and I want to invite him to be the chef on my ship," Buggy revealed openly.


A glint of understanding flashed in Morgan's eyes, and he continued, "In that case, you should hurry; I received this information a few hours ago. If you go now, there's a significant chance that Panz Fry might have been captured by the NEO Marine. Those guys aren't weak!"

"Oh? Let me think about it. The Secon Island is quite far away," Buggy mused.

"I have an eternal pose to Secon Island. If you need it, I can provide it to you," Morgan offered.

"What are the conditions?" Buggy inquired with a half-smile.

Morgan chuckled, displaying a familiar expression. "Can the news be published tomorrow?"

Understanding Morgan's implications, Buggy pondered for a moment before agreeing, "In two more days, after I find Panz Fry. You won't need to press any further."

"Good!" Morgan nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, Blueno opened a door for Morgan and Buggy received the eternal pose from Morgan. Since Blueno hadn't been to Secon Island before Buggy had to fly there himself. Once he reached Seacon Island Blueno could locate him.

Without hesitation, Buggy bid farewell to everyone and flew to the sky, transforming into a streak of white-gold light!

Due to the urgency of the situation, Buggy swiftly converted the Crush magic from his "Nuclear Crush" into a thruster-like Rocket. He then added an extra layer of conqueror's haki to his legs, further doubling his speed. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a white-gold streak and vanished into the Dressrosa sky.

Enel, lying on the castle terrace and witnessing this spectacle exclaimed in astonishment, "Why do I have the feeling that the captain's strength has surged again? His flying speed increased dramatically. What's happening? Could it be that he's using Conqueror's Haki to propel himself? That would be outrageously extravagant!"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Who uses Conqueror's Haki to fly?" Bullet approached, bewildered. He gazed skyward and froze as he sensed the remnants of Conqueror's Haki lingering in Dressrosa's skies.

"He's using Conqueror's Haki to propel himself! Is Buggy's Conqueror's Haki already this level?!" Everyone in here exchanged bewildered glances.

While the Buggy in the sky wore a surprised expression. This incredible flying speed surpassed that of an aeroplane. At this rate, Buggy wouldn't take long to reach Seacon Island. Compared to Doflamingo's swift journey from Dressrosa to Punk Hazard, even that was dwarfed by his current speed.

Buggy reflected that his speed was now many times faster than Doflamingo's.

After just over two hours, Buggy arrived above Secon Island, unmistakably recognizing it by the sea train tracks below. [Neo Marine] should be nearby, if not right on this island, so Buggy wasted no time using his advanced Observation Haki to scan the entire island.

Seacon Island had two active volcanoes and its primary source of income was tourism and hot spring resorts. However, being a government-protected island hinted at a more intricate role. Perhaps it possessed a Poneglyph.

"Yes! It's still here." Buggy soon located the Neo Marine ship and observed a massive raft being towed behind it. On the raft sat a giant, bound in chains and cloaked to obscure his identity.

Buggy couldn't help but grin upon seeing this scene. This giant, now captured by Neo Marine appeared to be there because of his mission to seize food for the hungry. This action bore a striking resemblance to Sanji's cooking creed.

With this realization, Buggy flew directly above the massive raft without hesitation. At that moment, Panz Fry found himself tightly bound, akin to a rice dumpling and suspended from a massive wooden cross on the central square.

Suddenly a figure appeared near Panz Fry. This person shot out a beam of platinum Crush magic, shattering Panz Fry's head cloak.

The abrupt burst of light made Panz Fry squint his eyes until he identified the man floating before him. The man possessed a distinctive blue ponytail, with a few strands of hair gently dancing upon his forehead. His clown makeup sported a captivating smile and a flowing white cloak fluttered in the sky. His suit added an extra layer of elegance.

The dashing man nonchalantly slid his hands into his pockets and grinned at Panz Fry. 

"Are you... Godslayer Yonko—Buggy?" Panz Fry finally regained his senses and exclaimed in shock.

The response from the figure was affirmative, as Buggy nodded and responded with a smile, "That's right. I just heard that you were captured by Neo Marine. So I flew here from Dressrosa."

Buggy paused briefly and continued, "I can't stand seeing heroes suffer, you know."

Panz Fry was visibly moved by Buggy's words, responding with excitement, "It's an honour to be recognized!"

Then, a worried expression crossed Panz Fry's face as he urged, "But you better leave now; the one who captured me is the former Marine Admiral, Black Arm Zephyr! You're alone; it's not safe for you."

Buggy glanced at the harbour in the distance, spotting a burly man with purple hair and sunglasses leading a group of individuals approaching their location.

"It might be too late for that," Buggy remarked with a smile, causing Panz Fry to grow anxious. Panz Fry struggled to move but found himself immobilized.

Without hesitation, Buggy raised his hand, unleashing a platinum beam once again onto a chain as thick as an adult's thigh. In the stunned gaze of the Panz Fry, the chains shattered. Buggy then grinned and extended an invitation.

"I came here to invite you to my crew as a chef. How could I run away because of them, Panz Fry? You, the creator of the most unique volcano cuisine in the world, a Pirate Hero!

"Would you like to join me and be part of my crew in this chaotic time, Panz Fry?"

Panz Fry was incredulous. He momentarily forgot about the approaching Neo-Marines, unable to fathom that he was being invited by this man. Ever since witnessing the live broadcast of the "Battle of Punk Hazard," he had been captivated by the dream of this man.

With unbridled excitement, Panz Fry declared, "Buggy, it is my privilege to contribute to your dream!"

A pleased smile crossed Buggy's face at Panz Fry's response. This was the start of a new friendship, one filled with excitement and adventures. Panz Fry was ready to join Buggy on this extraordinary journey.