
Buggy D Clown

An adventure that takes you to the heart of Impel Down, right before the epic Marineford War, with an unexpected twist. Meet our self-inserted character, who finds himself in the shoes of none other than the comical and infamous Buggy the Clown. As the story unfolds, this new Buggy is thrust into the treacherous depths of Impel Down, the world's most impregnable prison. Surrounded by some of the most dangerous criminals in the Grand Line, our protagonist must navigate the perils of this nightmarish facility. But He is not just any ordinary inmate; he possess knowledge of the upcoming Marineford War that could change the course of history. With Buggy's knack for comedic mishaps and antics, this fanfiction promises a unique blend of humor and action as the self-inserted character interacts with familiar faces from the One Piece universe. Whether it's forming unlikely alliances or attempting daring escapes, Buggy's journey through Impel Down will keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the Marineford War looms on the horizon, the fate of the world teeters on a knife's edge. Can this unassuming Buggy make a difference in the face of overwhelming odds? Join them on this extraordinary adventure filled with laughter, chaos, and unexpected heroics as they set out to carve their own legend in the world of One Piece.

Marioni · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 82

The next day, a raspy roar echoed from a ship en route to Wanokuni.

"What?! What did you say?"

"Sugar is in a coma. All the toys have turned into humans."

"What's become of the SMILE factory? Were all the weapons stolen?"

"Your castle is gone! Riku and his family took over Dressrosa. The people have revolted!"

The tension skyrocketed in the room. Doflamingo's forehead veins bulged as he clenched the Den den mushi snail in his hand and bellowed furiously.


His hoarse shout reverberated through the ship.

At that moment, every member of the Donquixote family clenched their teeth in frustration. They never expected that in just two or three days. They would lose everything they had built over the years.

The empire they had established through murder, arson, human trafficking, arms dealing, and countless vile deeds was now gone in the blink of an eye.

Two or three days of chaos had obliterated more than a decade of illicit gains.

Even though they had taken plenty of treasures with them when they left. They had left more than half of their wealth in Dressrosa which now had vanished.

"Buggy the Clown," Diamante roared, "Doffy let us take him on!"

But Vergo standing nearby, spoke indifferently, "You fools are no match even for one of his lieutenants!"

"Then what's our new plan? Shall we just swallow this silently? We've lost more than a decade's worth of money!" Trebol growled.

"That's enough!" Pika's sharp voice cut in.


Doflamingo waved his hand, his expression dark.

"Let's go to Kaido first! I'll remember this grudge! Dressrosa King Riku can't run away, right? Well, I, Donquixote Doflamingo will return sooner or later!"

Doflamingo let out an enraged roar then turned and entered his cabin.

Doflamingo finally comprehended that in this world only strength reigned supreme. What blasted conspiracy! In the face of absolute power, all else was mere talk!

The Celestial Dragons were nothing! Only strength remained absolute!

At this moment, Doflamingo had a realization.

He decided that while in Wanokuni, he and his crew would dedicate themselves to enhancing the power. No matter what it took to eliminate that man.

Watching his departure Donquixote's family's members breathed heavy sighs.

Finally, they understood the chasm separating them from the world's strongest.

Unbelievably, the empire they had constructed over a decade crumbled within days, a surreal nightmare. At this moment, they finally understood why the Yonko were called Yonko.

Their sole remaining hope might lie with that man from Wanokuni.

Meanwhile, in the skies above Whole Cake Island, Kaido who had risen from Wanokuni had already arrived.

Storms gathered clouds converged over Cake Island and thunder boomed. This scary phenomenon alerted all the elites of Whole Cake Island that something was amiss. They emerged from their dwellings and gazed upward.


Vaguely, amidst the lightning flashes, they discerned a colossal black silhouette within the dark clouds above the sky.

Just as everyone on Whole Cake Island was bewildered, Linlin's sharp laughter echoed through the castle.

"Kaido, come down immediately when you are already here! Playing tricks on my head—do you want me to bring you down?!"

What's going on?!

Upon hearing their mother's words, several Sweet Commanders and a group of Charlotte's children gazed skyward in sheer astonishment.

But at that moment, from high in the sky amid the dark clouds. A colossal dragon's head emerged, and it burst into uproarious laughter.

"Worororo... Linlin, your old hag your Haki is quite something. This way I feel at ease."

Detecting the ferocious azure dragon head, the atmosphere on the Whole Cake Island abruptly shifted. The expressions of everyone transformed as if they were confronting a formidable adversary.

"Kaido! It's truly Kaido of the beasts!"

"Why is he coming to our Cake Island? Does he want to fight us alone?"

"This guy is insane!"

As Big Mom's children panicked, a tall man with a close-cropped haircut and his mouth concealed by a scarf emerged while holding a trident. He looked at Kaido in the sky and spoke indifferently, "Kaido! You've come to our Cake Island alone; what's your purpose? Or do you underestimate us?"


The colossal dragon in the sky let out a thunderous roar. Then, to the astonishment of all, the gigantic dragon transformed into a seven-meter-tall man and plummeted towards the ground.

With the earth shaking, Kaido emerged from the crater. He gazed at the trident-wielding man and grinned.

"Worororo... Katakuri, you're quite the character! Linlin must have the incredible luck to have a child like you. It's said that some people are more gifted than others and some goods are more valuable than others! Don't fret; I haven't come to brawl with you. I have something to discuss with Linlin."

Naturally, the other Charlotte children found this hard to believe. After all, Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates had been locked in combat for years. It was improbable that Kaido had come to find their mother just like that.

At that moment, Katakuri's unwavering voice broke in, "No one moves; clear the way."

Others might be unaware of the connection between his mother and Kaido but Katakuri knew it all too well. On the Rock's ship, they were like siblings. Kaido even received his Devil Fruit from her!

Their relationship wasn't like that of life and death comrades but they were certainly close friends. Although the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates had frequently contested territories over the years. Those were minor and necessary skirmishes.

As his mother's right-hand man, he was privy to it all. These two had some plan or were waiting for something. For years, Katakuri had pondered this question. What were they waiting for?

It wasn't until the day of the Summit War. After Whitebeard's words before his demise, it became clear.

If Whitebeard wasn't dead; no one would dare lay claim to his throne!

Katakuri believed that following Whitebeard's death, all factions would make their move to claim One Piece But they likely didn't anticipate the rapid rise of Buggy the Clown.

No one could have foreseen that the Gura Gura no Mi would end up in the hands of the so-called Whitebeard II, Edward Weevil!

Although Edward Weevil might be intellectually challenged. Even so, his strength and mastery of Haki were extraordinary.

With the Whitebeard's devil fruit now in hand and partnering with the former renowned pirate, Ochoku!

With this formidable alliance, as reported in the News Paper, there's a high likelihood that they will become the Fifth Emperor in the New World in the future.

Perhaps this was the very reason that Kaido couldn't stay put.

Numerous thoughts raced through Katakuri's mind, yet he refrained from taking any action. He simply nodded to his younger siblings.

Upon hearing Katakuri's words, the other siblings had no objections and obediently stepped aside.

Kaido laughed heartily, took a swig of wine, and strode directly into the castle.

Upon entering and laying eyes on Charlotte Linlin, who was as rotund as ever, Kaido sighed, "Linlin, you've aged! You've truly become old and plump."

"Boy, if you can't speak properly. Just keep your mouth shut!"

This retort shattered the dam of restraint and the Linlin was so incensed that she unleashed her Conqueror's Haki without reservation, "Believe it or not, Kaido, I'll kill you!"


Kaido burst into laughter and his tyrannical Conqueror's Haki erupted. One red and one blue these potent forces intertwining black lightning crackling wildly.

The clash of these two mighty forces reverberated through the entire castle and shook it to its core. Subsequently, the two Conqueror's Haki, red and blue clash reached to the sky rending the dark clouds apart once more.

Katakuri and the Charlotte children standing outside the castle gazed in awe.

"My goodness! The sky is splitting!"

Many spectators exclaimed in astonishment. Katakuri involuntarily smiled. Was this a battle on the level of the Four Emperors?

'Could I do this if I were to confront Kaido?'

Katakuri subconsciously wanted to remove his scarf but considering the many siblings present. He thought better of it and suppressed his restless desire.



After more than ten seconds of the fierce clash between the two Conquerors, Haki dissipated. They had cleared the dark clouds away, revealing the radiant moonlight. Then the laughter of the two Emperors echoed across Cake Island.

The tremendous commotion on Cake Island had drawn the attention of Marine and World Government spies but they couldn't get close to the island!

It wasn't that they were physically unable to approach; rather, it was because of a particular individual on Cake Island—the one possessing Observation Haki who could foresee the future.

Any deviations would be detected by this extraordinary individual. A lesson the Marines and World Government had learned the hard way over the years.

Inside Cake Island Castle,

Kaido seated himself cross-legged about ten meters away facing Linlin. He began pouring himself a drink.

Linlin peered at Kaido, narrowing her eyes and remarked, "Kaido, tell me, you've arrived in the middle of the night—don't tell me you've come to finally decide to have children with me?"

Kaido couldn't contain his surprise and sprayed a mouthful of wine all over her face.

"Kaido you rascal!" Big Mom exclaimed, her temper flaring again.

Kaido quickly stopped refraining from drinking any more wine, fearing it might provoke further anger.

"Linlin I'm not joking with you; I've come to propose an alliance!"

Upon hearing this, Big Mom's pupils constricted and she fixed her gaze on Kaido, "Kaido, are you serious?"


Kaido's face sank into solemnity, "The time has come. Let's ally Linlin!"

Katakuri, who stood alone at the castle gate, embraced himself. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock. 

What had he just heard?

An alliance!? Are two Emperors allying together? What could be the reason for this? What event could drive these two mighty figures to such a decision?

Katakuri looked up at the bright moonlight and let out a deep breath, astounded. The times were indeed on the brink of chaos!

Whether the world government or Buggy won't go mad or not shortly. Katakuri couldn't say...

All he knew was that he might go mad!



For the past two days, there had been a nightly party in the Dressrosa palace. Though it was more of a hangover than a banquet.

Who would have thought that upon waking up one night, everything would indeed turn up like this?

The top floor of the Royal Palace was perched atop Dressrosa Hill. On a massive, round bed several flawless beauties lay. Among them were Rebecca, Violet, Robin and Kalifa.

Littering the floor were torn clothes and a conspicuously placed Devil Fruit.

Buggy clutched his head and quietly slipped out of the room.

The situation before him was truly absurd.

"Hey! It was a mistake to drink, a mistake... huh? Maybe it wasn't a mistake." Buggy halted abruptly, pinching his chin, lost in thought.

At that very moment, on a distant windowsill, a white-haired old man in combat gear chilled, leisurely sipping wine and occasionally popping peanuts into his mouth.

As if noticing Buggy, he grinned cheerfully and remarked, "Yo is Buggy-san awake now? Tsk, from afternoon to dawn, you truly live up to being one of the Four Emperors! I'm impressed. Care for a bite?"

Buggy's expression darkened. He waved his hand and retorted, "I mean, King Riku, you've been waiting here for me for quite a while. Guarding the stairs for an entire day haven't you?"

"Almost, can't have others disturbing you. Hehe."

The old man wore a smile only a man could interpret.

Buggy rolled his eyes, approached him, grabbed a bottle from the pile of wine bottles on the ground took a swig, and then tossed peanuts into his mouth. He stared at King Riku and said, "Alright, old man, you've been here waiting for me for so long. You didn't come just to eavesdrop, did you? If you've got something to say, spit it out."

"Hey, you are quite straightforward for a Yonko!"

King Riku grinned and, to Buggy's surprise, climbed down from the windowsill. He took a few steps back, then knelt with a resounding "bang." Placing his hands on the ground, he knocked his head on the floor and spoke earnestly.

"I thank you for helping us. I thank Buggy-san for saving Dressrosa. I truly don't know how to express my gratitude. This is the least I can do!"

No, you've already done enough, old man!

Two daughters—well, one daughter and one granddaughter—are both on my ship.

Honestly, Buggy was in a rather awkward situation. What could he possibly say when his daughter and granddaughter are both... well, you get the idea?

Buggy let out a soft sigh and helped the old man to his feet.

"Look at this situation! We're all in this together; no need to make a fuss!"

Of course, Buggy couldn't voice this sentiment aloud. As long as they didn't bring it up themselves, he intended to act as if nothing had happened.

Robin. Well, she was the real deal! She had always been a woman of singular focus as was widely known.

Hancock even mentioned joining the crew in the future, which also fell under the category of unwavering determination.

But what was this? A queen, an empress and two princesses were part of his crew now. That was certainly something unique!

After exchanging some insincere pleasantries with Riku and letting the old man be drunk to tears. Buggy quickly slipped back to the hall to join the others for a drink.

However, he didn't anticipate that a mischievous smile would grace the old man's face after the tearful Riku turned away.

This time, Dressrosa needn't worry about destruction! Even if Doflamingo was a celestial dragon, he wouldn't dare to return to Dressrosa.

He lacked the power to protect his people so he'd entrust it to those who did! Moreover, his daughter and granddaughter were in charge, which was quite splendid!

If only those two girls could become pregnant tonight.


King Riku's laughter grew louder. Buggy hadn't expected to be the one getting pulled into Dressrosa's royalty. But even if he knew he was being pulled along, he'd only enjoy the ride. He might make some enemies but he wouldn't be at a loss.

Early the next morning,

Buggy was roused from his slumber by the blushing Robin. He took the newspaper, began reading, and was left dumbfounded.

What was going on? Had the world gone mad?

Kalifa usually brought him the newspaper but she couldn't make it on board today. So Robin had to step in.

Seeing Buggy's stunned expression. Robin was also filled with curiosity. After glancing at what had caught Buggy's attention, she too exclaimed in disbelief, "How is this possible? Two Devil Fruits? Can one person consume two Devil Fruits?"