
BTTH: Starts with divorcing xun'er

Gu Fei traveled through the Douqi Continent. He became an eight-star Dousheng of the ancient clan, the grandson of the Black Annihilation King Gu Lie! At the age of sixteen, Gu Fei had become the most outstanding genius of the ancient clan! After that, the clan leader Gu Yuan recalled Xun'er and betrothed her to Gu Fei! However, after the marriage, Xun'er refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for half a year! Although Gu Fei was obsessed with Xun'er before, when he found out that Xun'er's indifference to him was because she was concerned about other men. His heart was completely dead! It turned out that Xun'er said she was not ready, and she planned to leave her chastity to another man! How could Gu Fei bear this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! "No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you!" Xun'er panicked when she learned that Gu Fei was going to divorce her. Novel keywords: Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! No pop-up window, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! txt full set download, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! Latest chapter reading

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62 Chs

Yun Yun: He saved me again, how can I repay him?

  Gu Fei was about to touch the little guy's head, but when he heard the system prompt again, his hand movement paused slightly.

  [Queen Medusa has a feeling of surprise and anger, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

  Listening to the system's prompt, Gu Fei was not really surprised.

  He knew that there was another soul in the body of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python at this time.

  Queen Medusa and the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python now occupy the same body.

  It's just that at this moment, Queen Medusa's soul has not yet taken the dominant position.

  However, Gu Fei didn't pay much attention to this.

  He treated the soul of Queen Medusa in the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python like an ordinary clumsy seven-colored snake. He

  touched its head happily. When it was naughty, it liked to bite his wrist, and Gu Fei also patted its head gently as a punishment.

  [Queen Medusa has an angry emotion, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

  [Queen Medusa has a murderous emotion, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

  Gu Fei didn't care much about Queen Medusa's violent temper.

  With his cultivation, he was not afraid that the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python would suddenly turn into Queen Medusa.

  Even if it did, he had ten thousand ways to prevent the queen from retaliating against him.


  At this time, in the holy city of the snake people.

  Slowed down by a group of snake people, Gu He and his party were struggling to kill the surrounding enemies.

  "Queen Medusa's breath suddenly disappeared."

  Yun Yun said in a low voice.

  The next moment, as the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire was taken away by Gu Fei in the temple.

  The breath of the strange fire suddenly disappeared, and no one could sense its existence.

  Gu He was holding a pill in his hand and was about to throw it to the person next to him, but he was suddenly stunned.

  He stared at the temple where the green smoke was gradually dissipating, frowned and said: "The breath of the strange fire... why did it disappear?"

  "The energy fluctuations inside are extremely calm. As for the strange fire, was it destroyed by Queen Medusa?"

  Yun Yun also said with a little hesitation.

  As an alchemist, Gu He knew the energy of the strange fire better.

  "Could it be that Queen Medusa has failed to evolve?"

  Such speculation is useless. Hope is right in front of us. Gu He and his group are heading towards the temple.

  Outside the temple, the purple light curtain shattered, and cracks appeared inside the temple that could not be peeped into.

  Until the barrier left by Queen Medusa was completely broken, Gu He and his group also killed their way into the temple.

  "Damn it, where is the strange fire?"

  Gu He's soul perception quickly enveloped the entire island. He keenly explored every corner, but still did not find any breath of strange fire.

  Then, Gu He's originally calm face showed a rare trace of anger.

  There are many other snake people in the holy city, and they found that the breath of Her Majesty, the most powerful queen in perception, has disappeared.

  The whole city, with the annihilation of Queen Medusa's breath, gradually fell into a deathly silence. After a moment, pairs of hateful eyes turned to Gu He and the black-robed man in the air.

  A snakeman finally couldn't help but shouted angrily: "Your Majesty!"

  Gu He and his group saw that something was wrong and wanted to leave, but were stopped.

  "Come as you like, leave as you like, what do you think our snake people are?"

  Yan Ci, who was in a bad mood, looked down at Gu He and others with a glare of red fighting spirit on his body like a rising flame.

  Gu He's light blue flame swept out, but although the blue flame was extraordinary, Yan Ci was not afraid.

  On his face, there was a sneer of disdain. He

  stretched out his palm and clenched it slightly. The red fighting spirit on his body suddenly condensed into a flaming palm and shot out violently.

  The flaming palm wrapped the blue fireball, and the blue flame was crushed.

  At the first contact, it was obvious that Yan Ci had a slight advantage in strength.

  "I'll stop them, you go find the strange fire, and then find a way to escape!"

  Faced with so many strong people, Yun Yun could only use the worst strategy, after all, she was the only Dou Huang among the few.

  Hearing this, Gu He nodded heavily, and then fled quickly under the protection of Yun Yun.

  "Get back here!"   

  Seeing the actions of Gu He and others, the three Yan Ci shouted angrily and launched an attack.

  Yun Yun easily summoned thousands of blue wind blades, each of which had a terrifying pressure.

  "Your opponent is me."

  She said lightly.

  However, in the stalemate, Yun Yun's movements suddenly paused.

  She looked to the northwest and muttered to herself: "Two more people have come... It seems that I should retreat."

  The blue wings of fighting spirit behind her spread out, and Yun Yun turned into a black light and disappeared quickly.

  She fled to the outside of the Holy City of Medusa, but was caught up by them again.

  The five people surrounded her, but Yun Yun's fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high!

  She drew out the long sword, her figure was as light as a wild goose, and she attacked quickly.

  "Damn it!"

  From Yun Yun's sudden attack to the time when one of the five snakemen was injured and retreated, it was only a short ten seconds!

  When everyone came to their senses, the green-robed snakeman, who was among the strongest in the snakemen, had already been injured and was running back in embarrassment.

  "She's too fast. Don't fight her alone. Use the Five Snake Poison Seal!"

  The gray-robed old man shouted anxiously, looking at the injured green-robed snakeman.

  Immediately, at the moment when the five people formed the seal, a circle of faint energy shield appeared out of thin air, wrapping them tightly in it.

  "Five Snake Poison Seal! Start!"

  After a moment, an extremely huge energy column suddenly appeared in the sky.

  The huge energy column suddenly began to churn, and after a moment, the energy column turned out to be a ten-foot-long energy green snake!

  Yun Yun and the green snake tangled up, and the snake people continued to join the battle.

  The green snake's strength was not so terrible, but it was very annoying.

  If she dragged it on, I'm afraid that ten Dou Huangs would not be enough to consume it!

  At this moment, a faint voice came from the sky.

  "I didn't expect that when we met again, you would step into this dangerous situation again?"

  [Yun Yun was shocked, and the emotion value increased by 100]

  Suddenly, Yun Yun heard a familiar voice and looked up in disbelief.

  Just in time to meet the deep dark eyes of Gu Fei who was walking in the air.

  He tapped the air with his finger and a flame flew out from his fingertips.

  The huge green snake of energy, just touched by a little flame, rolled violently and disappeared completely in a few breaths.

  This combined attack technique was broken, and the five fighting kings of the snake people suffered a serious backlash.

  [The Yin world produces fear and suspicion, and the emotion value increases by 20]

  "Sir... do you want to save this person?"

  Gu Fei glanced at him coldly, and a majestic pressure swept over.

  The five fighting kings of the snake people looked at each other, their eyes full of fear.

  [Yan Ci produces fear, and the emotion value increases by 15]

  "Sir, we have recorded today's account!"

  Yan Ci and the others restrained their fighting spirit, said a cruel word, and left with the surrounding snake people in disgrace.

  [Yun Yun feels grateful, and her emotion value increases by 100]

  [Yun Yun feels excited, and her emotion value increases by 100]

  "I didn't expect that he would save me again. How can I repay him?"

  After Yun Yun recognized Gu Fei, she kept her eyes on him.

  [Yun Yun feels grateful and moved, and her emotion value increases by 100]

  "Who is this? He is so young, but he actually has such a terrifying cultivation!"

  In the distance, Gu He, who was fleeing in a hurry, of course saw this scene, and his usually calm face once again set off a huge wave.

  [Gu He feels shocked and confused, and his emotion value increases by 50]

  (End of this chapter)