
BTTH: Starts with divorcing xun'er

Gu Fei traveled through the Douqi Continent. He became an eight-star Dousheng of the ancient clan, the grandson of the Black Annihilation King Gu Lie! At the age of sixteen, Gu Fei had become the most outstanding genius of the ancient clan! After that, the clan leader Gu Yuan recalled Xun'er and betrothed her to Gu Fei! However, after the marriage, Xun'er refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for half a year! Although Gu Fei was obsessed with Xun'er before, when he found out that Xun'er's indifference to him was because she was concerned about other men. His heart was completely dead! It turned out that Xun'er said she was not ready, and she planned to leave her chastity to another man! How could Gu Fei bear this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! "No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you!" Xun'er panicked when she learned that Gu Fei was going to divorce her. Novel keywords: Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! No pop-up window, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! txt full set download, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! Latest chapter reading

xiver17 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

You will thank me in the future!

  [Queen Medusa feels ashamed, emotional value increases by 100]

  [Queen Medusa feels resentful, emotional value increases by 100]

  Although Queen Medusa's pretty face also blushed due to embarrassment, there was more of a murderous intent.

  The blush of shame on her cheeks was because it was the first time she had such close physical contact with a man.

  But this boy... dared to offend her so much!


  Queen Medusa shouted coldly, and a delicate and slender arm like white jade quickly reached out to Gu Fei's neck.

  The soft fingertips were about to touch Gu Fei's skin, and the boneless little hand seemed to break his neck in the next second.

  However, her speed was very slow in Gu Fei's eyes.

  The moment before Queen Medusa was about to succeed, Gu Fei quickly reached out and pinched her snow-white wrist.

  The thin white wrist was circled in his palm, and the burning body temperature made her delicate body tremble slightly.

  "Queen Medusa, how can you repay kindness with enmity?"

  Seeing Queen Medusa's murderous intent, Gu Fei smiled and said slowly.

  Hearing this, Queen Medusa's pretty face was slightly cold, and her beautiful eyes were full of coldness.

  She said coldly: "Repaying kindness with enmity, what favor have you given me?"

  [Queen Medusa has anger and surprise emotions, and the emotion value increases by 100]

  Although Queen Medusa's face was like this, she was still a little surprised in her heart.

  Gu Fei's strength was far beyond her imagination.

  She just stretched out her hand to attack, seemingly without using any fighting spirit, but it was already the fastest speed. With that force, as long as an ordinary Dou Wang was touched by her, his neck would be broken.

  But at that time, Gu Fei did not seem to use fighting spirit, but the powerful grip made her have no power to resist.

  "If I hadn't fed you the earth fire lotus seeds, how could you recover so quickly?"

  Gu Fei smiled.

  "This king can still get such resources in the clan!"

  After hearing what he said, Queen Medusa said unconvinced.

  [Queen Medusa is dissatisfied, and

  her emotion value increases by 100] This is clearly a forced sale!

  "You were so weak at that time. If you were found by Gu He and his group, you would be in great danger!"

  Gu Fei continued.

  "Hmph, you have also seen the foundation of my snake people. Gu He and his group are not good enough!"

  Queen Medusa said with disdain.

  In short, she did not recognize that Gu Fei had done her a favor.

  However, what Queen Medusa said was indeed correct.

  The strength of the snake people is definitely not comparable to that of the Gama Empire.

  Because their enemies are several surrounding empires. If the people of the Gama Empire can threaten the snake people, then the snake people would not have existed for so many years.

  Gu He, a mere Gu He, could not really do anything to the snake people even if he brought a large group of helpers. This time, it just happened that she merged with the strange fire, which gave them an opportunity.

  "It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it. In short, you will definitely thank me in the future."

  Seeing that Queen Medusa was stubborn and refused to admit it anyway, Gu Fei just snorted and laughed, and did not continue the topic.

  There was a brief silence between the two, and Gu Fei's eyes became more and more erratic.

  At this moment, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the snow-white scenery under Queen Medusa's neck.

  The soft and perfect lines rose and fell with Queen Medusa's breathing, and the slight vibration of her chest when she spoke was also particularly attractive.

  This was the first time Gu Fei saw a female body, and Queen Medusa's body was so perfect and hot, he unconsciously breathed a little faster.

  [Queen Medusa has anger, and the emotion value increases by 100]   

  "Human, when I recover, I will tear you to pieces! How dare you stare at me so offensively?"

  Queen Medusa was of course keenly aware of the fiery gaze falling on her naked body. She gritted her teeth, and her beautiful eyes flashed with dazzling flames.

  However, she also knew that she was no match for Gu Fei.

  "Are you going to keep me as a pet?"

  After a moment, she suppressed her anger and made a tingling sound.

  The voice was hoarse and seductive, as if it had a small hook.

  Gu Fei smiled and shook his head, saying softly.

  "It was the little guy who was willing to follow me!"

  He looked at Queen Medusa staring at him angrily, with the corners of his mouth raised, and then continued: "Don't be so irritable, follow me, you can recover quickly and reach a level you have never reached before!"

  Gu Fei seemed to feel that something was wrong, and after saying this, he let go of Queen Medusa's wrist.

  It was really the excessive contact between the two that made Gu Fei's face red, and he didn't know where to look.

  As soon as Gu Fei loosened his hand, Queen Medusa quickly pulled the quilt on the edge of the stone platform and covered her body.

  The charming curves, even with the quilt covering them, still looked extremely attractive.

  On the edge of the stone platform, a lavender snake tail gently drooped and swayed slightly, releasing a wild temptation. To be honest, facing such a hot body, Gu Fei almost couldn't help it.

  If Queen Medusa had restored her human form at this time, without the snake tail, I'm afraid Gu Fei would have been unable to resist and executed her on the spot.

  Such a seductive and charming woman, any man would be excited.

  "Human, if you don't kill me now, you will regret it in the future. I will never let you go. Today's humiliation will be repaid another day!"

  Queen Medusa looked at Gu Fei again and shouted coldly.

  The delicate body slowly crawled down, and suddenly, the quilt wrapped around the body was compressed into an attractive arc.

  Immediately, a strong light burst out, and Queen Medusa's body slowly shrank, and finally turned into the colorful little snake.

  Gu Fei lifted the little snake up and touched her cold body helplessly.

  In the deep of the magnificent palace in the capital of Jiama, in a hall.

  At this moment, in the hall, an old man in a linen robe sat at the first seat in the hall.

  Next to the old man, there was a tall woman in a luxurious brocade robe.

  The woman had a beautiful appearance and a cold and beautiful temperament. Moreover, under this cold and beautiful temperament, there was a bit of majesty cultivated by the royal family.


  The old man and the young woman next to him looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise.

  "A sixth-level monster appeared on the eastern border?"

  Looking at the letter in his hand again, Jia Xingtian couldn't help muttering.

  On the side, Tian Ye continued his words, with the same surprise in his voice.

  "A teenager can actually ride a sixth-order magic beast?"

  You know, sixth-order magic beasts are extremely rare in the entire Jiama Empire, not to mention that there are people who can ride on their backs.

  Moreover, sixth-order magic beasts are very arrogant and will fight to the death if they are offended by humans. How did this sixth-order magic beast become the mount of a human boy?

  Jia Xingtian looked depressed.

  "I just received news that the leader of the Yunlan Sect and Dan Wang Guhe and others seem to have gone to the eastern border during this period."

  He and Tianye looked at each other and felt that the matter was becoming more and more confusing.

   Recommend a wave of food and grass!

  (End of this chapter)