
BTTH: Starts with divorcing xun'er

Gu Fei traveled through the Douqi Continent. He became an eight-star Dousheng of the ancient clan, the grandson of the Black Annihilation King Gu Lie! At the age of sixteen, Gu Fei had become the most outstanding genius of the ancient clan! After that, the clan leader Gu Yuan recalled Xun'er and betrothed her to Gu Fei! However, after the marriage, Xun'er refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for half a year! Although Gu Fei was obsessed with Xun'er before, when he found out that Xun'er's indifference to him was because she was concerned about other men. His heart was completely dead! It turned out that Xun'er said she was not ready, and she planned to leave her chastity to another man! How could Gu Fei bear this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! "No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you!" Xun'er panicked when she learned that Gu Fei was going to divorce her. Novel keywords: Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! No pop-up window, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! txt full set download, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! Latest chapter reading

xiver17 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Xun'er: What did you do in there, a man and a woman?

  "I won't stay in the Monster Mountain Range for long."

  Gu Fei paused, then continued: "Since I saved you this time, it can be considered that we are destined to be together. Next, I will help you break the seal of your body..."

  Considering that the little medical fairy is still in that small valley, waiting for him to return alone, Gu Fei doesn't want to stay here any longer.

  [Yun Yun feels grateful, and the emotion value increases by 100]

  "Thank you!"

  Hearing this, Yun Yun showed a hint of gratitude in her eyes. She wisely didn't ask Gu Fei why he was in a hurry to leave.

  Gu Fei was about to start helping Yun Yun, but he paused again and said bluntly: "To help you break the seal, I need my palm to touch your body and input the fighting spirit into your body."

  "Well, I'm not the kind of person who sticks to details!"

  Yun Yun smiled, looking unconcerned, and responded softly.

  Next, Gu Fei's palm gently rested on Yun Yun's slender back.

  His big palm was hot, and the hot body temperature carried the fighting spirit into Yun Yun's body continuously.

  Yun Yun's stagnant meridians were gently impacted by Dou Qi, and suddenly broke open.


  Yun Yun couldn't help but moaned softly because of the feeling of pain and warmth.

  When she reacted, the tip of her ear was instantly filled with a crimson.

  Although Yun Yun was not young and was the leader of a sect, she had almost no experience in men and women and had never had such close contact with men.

  [Yun Yun felt shy, and her emotional value increased by 100]

  She twisted her body with some struggle, but Gu Fei held her shoulder with one hand.

  "Don't move."

  He whispered in Yun Yun's ear, his expression quite focused.

  Yun Yun's whole body stiffened, her cheeks flushed, and her fingertips were shyly pink.

  [Yun Yun felt shy, and her emotional value increased by 100]

  The seal was almost broken, and Gu Fei released his hands.

  "Thank you..."

  She whispered, her eyes were erratic, and she still acted a little shy.

  Gu Fei received the emotional value reminder and looked at her thoughtfully.

  "Your purpose of coming here is to obtain the Purple Spirit Crystal to refine the Purple Spirit Pill."

  "The Purple Spirit Pill has the effect of improving the cultivation of people at the Doushi and Great Doushi levels... This pill has a better effect than the Purple Crystal Pill!"

  Gu Fei took out a pill from his ring and gave it to Yun Yun.

  This was made by him personally, and the effect was much better than the Purple Crystal Pill.

  [Yun Yun felt grateful, and her emotion value increased by 100]

  "This... I really thank you, you have helped me so much."

  Yun Yun did not refuse, took the pill, secretly glanced at Gu Fei, and thanked him again.

  "Then let's go."

  After sending the pill, Gu Fei stood up and walked out of the cave first.

  Yun Yun stopped where she was, staring at his back for a moment, and then caught up with him.

  She realized what she had just done, and her mood was a little subtle.

  [Yun Yun felt reluctant, and her emotion value increased by 100]


  "Hello, Master!"

  Outside the cave, the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King saw Gu Fei coming out and greeted him respectfully.

  Gu Fei responded calmly, not even paying attention to Xun'er.

  Xun'er, on the other hand, saw Gu Fei coming out of the cave, and quickly stood up, intending to explain the misunderstanding to Gu Fei.

  Suddenly, her expression froze.   

  Yun Yun, who was standing behind Gu Fei, had a ruddy complexion, a warm look in her eyes, and her hair was a little messier than before she went in. After

  a careful observation, Yun Yun and Gu Fei were standing very close to each other, and there was an inexplicable special atmosphere between them that no one else could get in on.

  Xun'er couldn't help but have some strange thoughts in her mind: "Could it be that something happened between the two of them in the cave just now..."

  [Xun'er feels sad, and her emotion value increases by 100]

  Thinking of this, Xun'er didn't know why she felt inexplicably sad.

  So, the explanation that she had carefully prepared for a long time was thrown behind her all of a sudden.

  Xun'er took a few steps forward, stared into Gu Fei's eyes, and asked loudly: "What did you do when you stayed in there alone for a whole hour!"

  [Xun'er feels angry, and her emotion value increases by 100]

  Hearing Xun'er's words, Gu Fei didn't react at once, but Yun Yun knew that she had misunderstood.

  At the same time, this righteous questioning tone also let her know that Gu Fei had a special relationship with the beautiful and noble girl in front of him.

  She ignored the emotion in her heart and wanted to explain: "This girl, it's not what you think..."

  However, Yun Yun was interrupted by Gu Fei before she finished speaking.

  Gu Fei looked a little impatient and said coldly: "What I did, what does it have to do with you?"

  [Xun'er feels jealous and angry, emotional value increases by 100]

  Hearing Gu Fei's answer, Xun'er couldn't help but feel jealous.

  The next moment, she blurted out the words without thinking.

  "Gu Fei, I didn't expect you to become like this..."

  "Take a good look, this woman is so much older than you, you still like her?"

  Yun Yun's appearance is mature and elegant, noble and tall. Compared with Xun'er and Gu Fei, who are so young, she really looks like an elder sister.

  [Yun Yun feels unhappy, emotional value increases by 100]

  But Yun Yun was very unhappy when she heard these words without thinking.

  She wanted to explain, but was completely annoyed by Xun'er's thoughtless words.

  Xun'er's words at this time seemed very harsh. Yun Yun should have ignored her attack, but she felt a strange emotion.

  She had a high status in the Jiama Empire. When had she ever been looked down upon like this?

  Not to mention, she was still a young girl.

  Since Xun'er suspected that something had happened between her and Gu Fei, and she said that she was old!

  What else could be more embarrassing for Xun'er than to fight back with her own hands?

  [Yun Yun has a competitive emotion, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

  Yun Yun, who was aroused by the competitive spirit, actually reached out and held Gu Fei's arm.

  At this moment, Gu Fei's expression was a little stiff, like a piece of wood.

  He couldn't pull his arm out, and he couldn't not pull it out. He could only let Yun Yun lean on him tightly.

  Yun Yun smiled charmingly.

  "Little girl, although my sister is a little older, she knows more than a little girl like you..."

  "Gu Fei doesn't like you, and it makes sense."

  Yun Yun looked at Xun'er provocatively, and her voice seemed to have a hook, and she said these words deliberately to anger Xun'er slowly.

  She even blinked her eyes artificially and leaned towards Gu Fei.

  Feeling the stiffness of Gu Fei's arm, Yun Yun's lips curved upward.

  Usually, Yun Yun was cold and noble, and never approached any man on her own initiative.

  She was always high and mighty, and her eyes could not see any thoughts other than cultivation.

  If the people of the Jia Ma Empire knew about this behavior now, I'm afraid they would all be shocked.

  How could this still be the noble, cold and beautiful sect leader? She is clearly a goblin.

   One more chapter will be added today, and it will be updated on time after 12 o'clock in the evening

  (this chapter is finished)