
BTTH: Starts with divorcing xun'er

Gu Fei traveled through the Douqi Continent. He became an eight-star Dousheng of the ancient clan, the grandson of the Black Annihilation King Gu Lie! At the age of sixteen, Gu Fei had become the most outstanding genius of the ancient clan! After that, the clan leader Gu Yuan recalled Xun'er and betrothed her to Gu Fei! However, after the marriage, Xun'er refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for half a year! Although Gu Fei was obsessed with Xun'er before, when he found out that Xun'er's indifference to him was because she was concerned about other men. His heart was completely dead! It turned out that Xun'er said she was not ready, and she planned to leave her chastity to another man! How could Gu Fei bear this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! "No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you!" Xun'er panicked when she learned that Gu Fei was going to divorce her. Novel keywords: Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! No pop-up window, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! txt full set download, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! Latest chapter reading

xiver17 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

This woman is so tempting!

  "Here it is!"

  After finding a suitable cave, Gu Fei asked the lion king to slowly descend to the ground.

  Next, he told the lion king to take care of Xiao Yixian and Qinglin.

  In addition, Gu Fei also laid a protective energy shield in their range of activities.

  He was worried that the energy fluctuations of the fusion of the strange fire would affect them.

  "You wait here for me, I will refine the strange fire, it shouldn't take long!"

  After the last explanation, Gu Fei walked into the cave and took out the lotus seat in the ring.

  On the lotus, a small green flame was burning faintly.

  In the original work, Xiao Yan survived a narrow escape when he merged the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, and he almost lost his life with the help of Yao Lao. Gu Fei naturally didn't need to worry about these, because the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire was even weaker than the Sea Heart Flame. It would be

  easier to refine the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire with the Sea Heart Flame than the previous time.

  Next, Gu Fei's right palm was facing up, and a ball of blue flames ignited without wind.

  The deep and quiet sea flame, like the sea, and the burning blue lotus earth fire, like the blue lotus, gradually blended in his hands.

  The powerful energy fluctuations swept out instantly with Gu Fei as the center.

  His hair rustled with the wind, and the two flames merged fiercely. Gu Fei looked calm and indifferent.

  Half a day later, a new type of strange fire was born in Gu Fei's hands.

  The formation of this new type of strange fire, the energy scattered everywhere fed back to Gu Fei's fighting spirit, plus Gu Fei's cultivation and precipitation since he came out of the ancient world...

  Gu Fei closed his eyes.

  When he opened them again, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and the whole person's momentum rose steadily.

  The ray of pressure emitted made the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King not far away tremble with fear, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

  Nine-star Dou Zong!

  Only one step away, it is enough to reach the realm of Dou Zun...

  Gu Fei felt the thickness and fullness of the fighting spirit in his body. After a pause, he called up the system's attribute panel.

  [Host: Gu Fei]

  [Age: 16]

  [Cultivation: Nine Star Dou Zong]

  [Qualification: Level 101]

  [Physique: Level 78]

  [Soul: Early stage of Spirit Realm]

  [Skills: Great Heart Sutra (Heavenly Rank Primary)]

  [Fighting Skills: Flame Devouring Cage (Earthly Rank Advanced), Sun Finger (Earthly Rank Intermediate) Heavenly Star Step (Earthly Rank Advanced Body Movement Fighting Skill)...]

  [Alchemy: Peak Seventh Rank]

  [Fusion of Strange Fire: Sea Heart Flame and Blue Lotus Earth Heart Fire]

  [Emotional Value Accumulation: 14930]

  Gu Fei's eyes fell on the last column, and he was very satisfied with his emotional value accumulation.

  Since leaving the ancient world, the emotional value gained in these few short months is more than that gained in the previous few years.

  Because all the people around him are lucky, the emotional value they provide is far more than staying in the ancient world.

  However, although this emotional value seems to be a lot, now he needs much more emotional value than before to improve in all aspects.

  The threshold for improving strength is getting higher and higher, and the emotional value required is also increasing.

  Gu Fei planned to accumulate more and upgrade his skills at that time.

  As for the alchemy technique, although the panel showed that he was only at the peak of the seventh rank.   

  However, Gu Fei already had the ability to refine the eighth-grade elixir.

  Because his huge soul power had already entered the spiritual realm.

  The soul realm of the pharmacist is divided into four levels: the ordinary realm, the spiritual realm, the heavenly realm, and the emperor realm. Each realm is divided into three small levels, the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage.

  Reaching the spiritual realm means that the pharmacist can refine the eighth-grade elixir, the heavenly realm can refine the ninth-grade elixir, and the emperor realm can refine the emperor realm elixir. Since ancient times, no one has reached such a realm.

  Gu Fei's soul power has reached the spiritual realm. He only needs to try to refine an eighth-grade elixir to successfully upgrade and become an eighth-grade pharmacist.


  While Gu Fei was thinking in his heart, the seven-colored swallowing sky python suddenly crawled out of his sleeve and called to Gu Fei like a spoiled child.

  It rubbed his head anxiously.

  "Little guy, are you hungry!"

  Gu Fei smiled and took out a lotus seed from the ring for the little snake to swallow.

  [The Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is dissatisfied, and the emotion value increases by 50]

  The Earth Fire Lotus Seed looks like a small one. The little snake glanced at Gu Fei with disdain, and her eyes seemed to say: How can this fill her up?

  However, Gu Fei had already handed it to her, and she swallowed it reluctantly.

  In fact, the Earth Fire Lotus Seed, which looks inconspicuous, takes a hundred years to condense.

  The energy contained in it is huge, and even if a strong person in the Douhuang realm takes it, it will be of great benefit.

  After the little snake took it, violent energy suddenly rushed into its body, and its stomach bulged a little, as if it was a little difficult to digest.

  "Little guy, it seems that you can't digest this thing. Do you want help?"

  Looking at the little snake's slightly bulging belly, which even looks a little funny, Gu Fei smiled, stretched out his hand, and was about to touch the little snake's abdomen.

  When he was about to help, suddenly, a strong light suddenly burst out from the body of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python.

  The light surged, drowning the small snake in the center. Gu Fei squinted his eyes. At this moment, he could clearly feel that the seven-colored swallowing sky python in his hand, which was originally a small body, suddenly became larger.

  At the same time, it seemed to be softer and more delicate.

  After a moment, the empty feeling in Gu Fei's right arm had disappeared.

  Instead, there was a soft place full of flexibility.

  The smooth touch like a tender catkin filled Gu Fei's senses. After touching the soft thing like a woman's body with his palm, Gu Fei seemed to remember something.

  At that moment, his face suddenly became extremely strange.

  "It seems that the soul of Queen Medusa has temporarily gained the upper hand..."

  Gu Fei slowly lowered his head and looked directly into the beautiful eyes of the woman in his arms.

  He saw a pair of bright and evil eyes, staring at him with a bit of coldness.

  Her face was full of anger, her eyes were cold, and the murderous intent that seemed to want to cut Gu Fei into pieces slowly climbed up Gu Fei's back.

  [Queen Medusa is angry, emotional value increases by 100]

  Her beautiful eyes are raised, the corners of her eyes are flying, her red lips are tightly pursed, and there is a fascinating charm in her every frown and smile. Just staring at him fiercely, Gu Fei was stunned.

  Looking at that perfect face that can be called enchanting, Gu Fei almost couldn't take his eyes away for a while, and his face was hot.

  This enchanting face is like a masterpiece of God. Even with such bright eyes, there is still an enchanting charm that is difficult to conceal.

  This woman is almost a beauty in every man's heart.

  At this moment, Queen Medusa's delicate body is not wearing a single piece of clothing. Her elastic and tender skin fits closely with Gu Fei, and the enlarged pretty face in front of him brings him a great shock.

  Queen Medusa lies in Gu Fei's arms in this charming posture, which can be said to bring Gu Fei an incomparable pleasure.

  He only felt his cheeks burning, his whole body stiff, and a ball of evil fire surging in his abdomen.

  (End of this chapter)