
BTTH: Starts with divorcing xun'er

Gu Fei traveled through the Douqi Continent. He became an eight-star Dousheng of the ancient clan, the grandson of the Black Annihilation King Gu Lie! At the age of sixteen, Gu Fei had become the most outstanding genius of the ancient clan! After that, the clan leader Gu Yuan recalled Xun'er and betrothed her to Gu Fei! However, after the marriage, Xun'er refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for half a year! Although Gu Fei was obsessed with Xun'er before, when he found out that Xun'er's indifference to him was because she was concerned about other men. His heart was completely dead! It turned out that Xun'er said she was not ready, and she planned to leave her chastity to another man! How could Gu Fei bear this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! "No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you!" Xun'er panicked when she learned that Gu Fei was going to divorce her. Novel keywords: Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! No pop-up window, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! txt full set download, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! Latest chapter reading

xiver17 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

The Ice Emperor breaks the seal! There is such a wicked person in the world?

  "Can you really break my seal?"

  Hearing Gu Fei's words, Hai Bodong's eyes flickered, and he was obviously a little shaken.

  [Hai Bodong hesitated, and his emotion value increased by 80]

  "Do you know who put the seal on me?"

  But soon, Hai Bodong's eyes showed a hint of sarcasm, and he smiled and said, "You are just a young boy, and you dare to say that you can break the seal that I have been unable to do for decades?"

  [Hai Bodong felt disdain and suspicion, and his emotion value increased by 80]

  "Haha, it seems that if I want you to believe, I must show my cultivation..."

  Hearing Hai Bodong's sarcasm, Gu Fei smiled and shook his head. At the same time, he no longer deliberately restrained his cultivation aura.

  An extremely domineering aura spread from him, and in just a moment, Hai Bodong was stunned on the spot, with his pupils dilated.

  "How is it possible?"

  "Even Queen Medusa back then didn't have such a strong aura!"

  [Hai Bodong was horrified, emotional value increased by 80]

  "This boy is so young, but he actually has such a terrifying strength. It seems that he can really break my seal!"

  Hai Bodong couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart, but at this time, he was also quite afraid of Gu Fei.

  Gu Fei's genius has simply refreshed his worldview.

  [Hai Bodong felt expectation and fear, emotional value increased by 80]

  "Haha, old man, don't worry, since I said I want to exchange, I won't do anything to snatch it..." Knowing Hai Bodong's emotions, Gu Fei smiled and said.

  Hearing this, Hai Bodong was relieved. If Gu Fei wanted to rob him, he would really be helpless, because the momentum Gu Fei showed just now, even if Hai Bodong was not sealed, he would not be Gu Fei's opponent at all.

  "My friend, I'll be honest with you. I was one of the top ten strongest men in the Jia Ma Empire. Hai Bodong, I'm sure you've heard of me!"

  Hai Bodong's address to Gu Fei changed from "boy" to "friend".

  And when he said this, he seemed to have some expectations in his heart.

  "I've heard of it!"

  "The Ice Emperor's name is very famous!"

  Hearing this, Gu Fei nodded.

  His response made Hai Bodong look proud, and he sighed in his heart: "Even if I have disappeared for so many years, my reputation is still spreading in the empire!"

  "Then where are you from?"

  Hai Bodong continued to ask.

  "I'm not from the Jia Ma Empire!"

  Gu Fei said bluntly: "I came here because I learned that there was a strange fire in the Tagor Desert, so I came here to find it!"

  On the side, Xiao Yixian was not surprised to hear these words. Gu Fei had already told her about the search for the strange fire.

  "So that's it!"

  Hearing this, Hai Bodong was thoughtful.

  He did not doubt Gu Fei's words. After all, it was difficult for a place like the Jia Ma Empire to produce a demonic figure like Gu Fei.

  Perhaps, only the vast Zhongzhou could produce such a genius.

  "My friend just said that he was willing to unseal the seal for me, but are you serious?"

  The next moment, Hai Bodong finally mentioned the matter of his seal.

  "Of course it's true!"

  Gu Fei nodded confidently.

  Hai Bodong's seal was done by Queen Medusa. If you want to unseal it, you can choose to use a high-level elixir to unseal it, or you can force the seal to break. With Gu Fei's current cultivation, it is not difficult to do this.   

  "Okay, if you can really break my seal, you can take this fragment. In addition, I have been here for decades, and I can also provide you with some news about the strange fire as a reward..."

  After getting Gu Fei's affirmative answer, Hai Bodong also showed his sincerity.

  "Just this fragment is not enough!"

  After Hai Bodong offered the reward, Gu Fei smiled and shook his head, saying: "There are some traces on one side of this fragment, which is different from the other side. It is obviously divided!"

  "I didn't expect that this boy is not only very powerful, but also very thoughtful..."

  Hearing Gu Fei's words, Hai Bodong's face changed slightly, and he was surprised again.

  [Hai Bodong is shocked, and his emotion value increases by 80]

  "My friend, you guessed right. This thing was indeed divided into two parts by me. The other part was hidden by me. If you can break my seal, I will give you that fragment..."

  Hai Bodong hesitated for a moment and nodded.

  Before breaking the seal, he could not hand over the second fragment.

  "Then let's get started!"

  Gu Fei did not hesitate. Unlocking a seal would not take much time.

  "How do you plan to break my seal?" Hai Bodong asked.

  Over the years, he has been trying to find a way to solve the seal, and found a recipe for a pill called Po'e Dan.

  However, he has been unable to find an alchemist who can refine a sixth-grade pill and possess strange fire, and he still lacks one medicinal ingredient.

  "This kind of seal can be directly broken with Dou Qi!"

  As soon as the voice fell, a hot Dou Qi emerged from Gu Fei's palms.

  This majestic Dou Qi fluctuation made Hai Bodong's face pale instantly.

  He did not have time to react, and his body was wrapped by Gu Fei's powerful Dou Qi.

  Then, a large amount of Dou Qi began to flow into Hai Bodong's body. After

  a while, Hai Bodong's body trembled violently for a while, and his old face suddenly tensed up. On

  his forehead, the strange energy of dark green rapidly condensed.

  After a moment, it actually formed a dark green fine energy snake pattern.

  These snake patterns are the key to sealing Hai Bodong's body's fighting spirit.

  Now, Gu Fei only needs to completely wipe out these snake patterns to break the seal.

  "The next process may be a bit painful, you should be mentally prepared!"

  Gu Fei reminded Hai Bodong, and then the seal in his hand moved, and a stream of energy suddenly surged out of Hai Bodong's body.


  At this moment, Hai Bodong's veins bulged, as if he was enduring great pain.

  But this time was not long. After a while, those snake patterns were squeezed out of Hai Bodong's body by Gu Fei's fighting spirit energy.

  Those snake patterns had just left Hai Bodong's head, and there was a violent tremor, and then turned into a puff of green smoke, which dissipated.

  At the moment when the snake patterns left his body, Hai Bodong's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

  The brilliance shot out from his eyes like a substance, and a fierce momentum, like a lion awakening, surged out from the body that had been suppressed for decades.

  "Haha, this damn seal is finally gone!"

  "I have become the Douhuang again!"

  The seal was broken, and Hai Bodong's face was filled with ecstasy, and he raised his head and laughed wildly.

  (End of this chapter)