
BTTH: Starts with divorcing xun'er

Gu Fei traveled through the Douqi Continent. He became an eight-star Dousheng of the ancient clan, the grandson of the Black Annihilation King Gu Lie! At the age of sixteen, Gu Fei had become the most outstanding genius of the ancient clan! After that, the clan leader Gu Yuan recalled Xun'er and betrothed her to Gu Fei! However, after the marriage, Xun'er refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for half a year! Although Gu Fei was obsessed with Xun'er before, when he found out that Xun'er's indifference to him was because she was concerned about other men. His heart was completely dead! It turned out that Xun'er said she was not ready, and she planned to leave her chastity to another man! How could Gu Fei bear this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! "No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you!" Xun'er panicked when she learned that Gu Fei was going to divorce her. Novel keywords: Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! No pop-up window, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! txt full set download, Fighting Break Sphere: Marrying Xun'er, but she refused to consummate the marriage! Latest chapter reading

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I can provide any elixir you want!

  "Well, prepare yourself these few days and leave with me."

  Gu Fei reached out and touched Xiao Yixian's head, with a gentle look in his eyes that he had never had since his divorce from Xun'er in the ancient world.

  [Xiao Yixian feels shy, and her emotion value increases by 100]

  She secretly glanced at Gu Fei with a smile in her eyes.


  The edge of the Warcraft Mountain Range.

  "Eight Extreme Collapse!"

  In a dense forest, a black giant ruler chopped a Swift Wind Wolf's waist at a tricky angle.

  Suffering such a heavy blow, the Swift Wind Wolf let out a wail and fell to the ground completely.

  The person fighting was Xiao Yan. He was on the edge of the Warcraft Mountain Range, honing himself in battle every day and growing from life-and-death battles.

  This time, the Swift Wind Wolf that Xiao Yan faced was a second-level Warcraft, known for its speed. It was quite difficult for high-level fighting masters to deal with it.

  If it weren't for the training during this period of time, which had increased a lot of combat experience, Xiao Yan would not have been able to kill the Swift Wind Wolf in such a short time.

  However, although Xiao Yan defeated the Swift Wind Wolf, his neighbor was also injured, and blood was constantly flowing out.

  "Damn beast..."

  Xiao Yan cursed inwardly and walked towards a cave not far away. He did not choose to collect the body of the Swift Wind Wolf, but planned to let its breath scare the surrounding monsters, so that he could relax for a while.

  On the other side, Xun'er and Ling Ying were already very close to this place.

  Xun'er's eyes moved, and she seemed to have sensed something in her heart and stopped at the entrance of a cave.

  Ling Ying looked at her and carefully probed into the cave.

  He sensed a familiar, weak breath.

  "Miss, we found him."

  Xun'er and Ling Ying continued to search for two whole days, and finally found Xiao Yan.

  Xun'er and Ling Ying hurried into the cave.

  Seeing Xiao Yan sitting cross-legged and practicing with his eyes closed, Xun'er was very surprised.

  But when her beautiful eyes turned, she found that there were almost dried blood and scars on Xiao Yan's arm.


  Xiao Yan opened his eyes and was surprised to see Xun'er suddenly appear.

  "Brother Xiao Yan, are you okay?"

  Xun'er asked with concern, bandaging the wound on Xiao Yan's arm with heartache.

  The two met again, and Xiao Yan did not ask where Xun'er had been during this period.

  He knew in his heart that Xun'er was an existence that he could not catch up with at present, and he could not expect Xun'er to stay with him all the time. He

  had to work harder.

  The two sat down, and Xun'er helped him wipe the blood off his arm, her movements were very gentle.

  She bit her lower lip, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Brother Xiao Yan, I'm sorry..."

  Xiao Yan raised his eyes and looked at her in confusion.

  "Someone wanted to kill you before, because of me, in my family... I'm sorry."

  Xun'er lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Xiao Yan.

  But Xiao Yan gently touched her head.

  "It's okay, how could I blame you."

  Immediately, he narrowed his eyes, and his still young face was a little cold.

  "Just because you are a powerful force, you can take people's lives at will?"

  Xiao Yan's words were inevitably filled with anger. He had not yet learned how to restrain his emotions. Thinking of Yao Lao who had not yet awakened in the ring, Xiao Yan frowned.

  The ancient demon had just said it casually before, but his men had come all the way to the northwest continent, and as soon as they met, they killed him.   

  Of course, Xiao Yan could not fight against the strong men of the ancient clan, and he was in a situation of life and death.

  If it were not for the critical moment, Yao Lao saw the opportunity to rescue him, he would have died.

  So at this moment, Xiao Yan was still angry, of course, he did not blame Xun'er.

  Xun'er's life experience was mysterious, and I was afraid that she was helpless.

  After that, Xiao Yan told his next plan.

  "Xun'er, I want to experience it in the Warcraft Mountain Range. While improving my cultivation, I will also look for elixirs to restore soul trauma."

  Even now, Xiao Yan still did not mention the existence of Yao Lao to Xun'er.

  Xun'er also understood him and did not ask him why he suddenly wanted to restore soul trauma.

  She remembered the mysterious strong man beside Xiao Yan before, and because of the previous things, she felt very guilty, and said seriously: "Brother Xiao Yan, don't worry, I will find the medicine to restore soul trauma for you as soon as possible..."

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with a touch of emotion, and he agreed. He closed his eyes again and took the time to restore the consumed Dou Qi.

  The cave fell into silence.


  Misty Valley.

  After living in the valley with Xiao Yixian for two or three days, Gu Fei was finally ready to leave.

  That day, he took Xiao Yixian to the back of the lion king and planned to cross the Monster Mountain Range.

  Gu Fei held Xiao Yixian's slender waist, jumped up, and landed on the lion king's broad back.

  [Xiao Yixian feels reluctant to leave, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

  After Xiao Yixian came up, she looked back at the small valley with a nostalgic look.

  "Brother Gu Fei, can we come back here in the future?"

  Gu Fei touched her furry head.

  "Of course, I will take you back whenever you want to come back."

  Xiao Yixian smiled sweetly.

  Then, a transparent energy shield appeared on the back of the lion king.

  This is to protect the people inside from the hurricane caused by high-speed flight. This

  Monster Mountain Range, which is extremely dangerous to the people of the Jia Ma Empire, does not affect Gu Fei at all.

  Those low-level monsters, sensing the breath of the lion king, all crawled on the ground, how dare they come out to block the road.

  The purpose of Gu Fei's trip was to cross the Warcraft Mountains and go to the eastern border of the Jiama Empire. The eastern border was close to the Tagor Desert, where Gu Fei needed the strange fire and the second demon fire remnant map.

  When the lion king flew for a long time, Gu Fei took out a pill from a jade bottle and planned to feed it to the lion king to restore its strength.

  "Is this the pill? It's really not comparable to the rough fusion of medicinal materials I used with ordinary flames."

  Looking at the roundness and luster of the pill surface, Xiao Yixian was amazed.

  "Not everyone needs to make pills. I will be by your side in the future. I can make any pills you need!"

  Gu Fei said softly. He knew that Xiao Yixian's dream was to become an alchemist, but unfortunately, the attributes did not match.

  [Xiao Yixian is moved, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

  Listening to Gu Fei's words, Xiao Yixian nodded obediently, with a smile in her eyes. She

  was relieved that she could not become an alchemist.

  After a few days of flying, the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King finally arrived at the edge of the desert.

  Perhaps because it is close to the desert, the weather here is quite dry and hot. The scorching air makes the travelers sweat profusely. The scorching

  sun shines down from the sky, baking the ground underfoot and emitting suffocating heat.

  The heat rises slowly, causing people's vision to be distorted and blurred.

  From a distance, the entire desert seems to be distorted.

   Add one more chapter, and update two chapters on time at 12 o'clock in the evening!

  (End of this chapter)