
BTTH: Start With Saving Yun Yun

After crossing into the world of "Battle Through the Heavens," Chen Mo found himself in the Magic Beast Mountain Range, the place where Xiao Yan and Yun Yun first met. Chen Mo gazed at the young woman in a simple dress, who was standing in the air facing the Amethyst Winged Lion King. In that moment, he made a decision... This translation: 鬥破之從拯救雲韻開始

Betek · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Rapid Breakthrough, Advancing to Dou Shi

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

As night fell, the roars of various magical beasts echoed outside the cave. Inside the cave, Chen Mo and Yun Yun sat facing each other, separated by a fire. Neither spoke, but their hearts were not calm.


A spark flew from the fire, and Yun Yun brushed it off her clothes. She broke the silence first, "Thank you, no matter what."

"Just a small effort," Chen Mo replied, scratching his head awkwardly. I can't tell you I saved you with an ulterior motive. He quickly added, "How are your injuries?"

Yun Yun brushed her hair back and sighed, "The external wounds are fine, but the seal on my body will take several days to lift."

"That's good."


"I mean, it's good that the external wounds are fine. We can stay here until the seal is lifted. They shouldn't find us too quickly." Chen Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead, almost revealing too much.

"Are you hot?" Yun Yun asked, noticing his sweat.

"Ah, a bit," Chen Mo deflected, "Do you have other clothes in your storage ring?"

Yun Yun's dress was tattered, and Chen Mo only had one set of clothes, which wasn't a robe but tight-fitting martial attire.

As a result, Yun Yun was still wearing the tattered dress, revealing her curvaceous figure and fair skin. It was quite tempting.

The mention of clothes made them both silent again. Yun Yun blushed and said quietly, "No, I didn't expect this to happen."

"If you don't mind," Chen Mo offered, taking off his martial attire and handing it to her, "You can wear mine."

Yun Yun was stunned, her eyes lingering on his well-built body, her blush deepening.

"Thank you," she said after some hesitation, taking the clothes and putting them on. The scent of Chen Mo made her shy. She coughed lightly and smiled, "You're brave, venturing into the Magic Beast Mountain Range with just a Dou Zhe's strength."

"This is nothing. My courage is beyond your imagination," Chen Mo thought, his eyes discreetly sweeping over Yun Yun. Aloud, he said, "Cultivation is about fighting against the heavens and the earth. Without courage, how can one reach the peak of martial arts?"

At that moment, a sudden aura emanated from Chen Mo.

Yun Yun was taken aback, her beautiful eyes flickering as she found herself strangely believing this young man.

"What's your name?" Yun Yun asked.

"Chen Mo," he replied. To this world, this name was unfamiliar, and Chen Mo saw no need to hide it or make one up.

Adding wood to the fire, Chen Mo asked, "And yours?"

"Yun Zhi."

"Yun Zhi?" Chen Mo paused while adding wood. If I hadn't read the novel, I might have believed you. He threw the wood into the fire, creating crackling sounds, and clapped his hands. "Nice name."

Yun Yun felt a bit guilty initially but relaxed when Chen Mo didn't seem suspicious.

Their brief conversation ended, and Chen Mo sighed inwardly, The revolution is not yet successful, comrades still need to work hard!


Without more wood, the fire dwindled. Chen Mo closed his eyes, sitting cross-legged, his mind immersed in the divine technique.

Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength.

Why are there only nine levels?

But based on the mantra "Harness Qi to summon the divine, transform into the elephant in a single thought," it seemed correct.

It indeed came from Saint King, though perhaps a simplified version?

According to the description, just the first level was equivalent to a Xuan-level intermediate technique in this world.

The second level was Di-level advanced.

The third level reached Tian-level initial.

The fourth level was Tian-level intermediate.

The fifth level was Tian-level advanced.

The sixth level reached the Emperor-level.

So, just the second level of Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength could surpass all techniques in this novice village.

What if it wasn't a simplified version? The full Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength had twenty-two levels. What kind of level would that be?


Chen Mo was currently at the peak of Nine-Star Dou Zhe.

This was thanks to the system forcibly infusing energy into his body from the newbie gift pack, without any side effects.

Moreover, the newbie gift pack had also refined his meridians and made him a few years younger. He was now sixteen.

Given this, he decided to break through to Dou Shi tonight!

Chen Mo delved into the Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength.

"The human body is composed of 840 million particles. First, transform these particles into giant elephants, and once fully awakened, they rival divine elephants. If each particle attains the strength of a divine elephant, tearing the sky and earth asunder is trivial."

"In the initial stage, follow the concept that the human body is composed of 840 million particles. Awaken the giant elephant's strength within these particles. Soon, a keratin membrane will appear, absorbing most energies and converting them for personal use."

In his lower abdomen, the Qi cyclone spun rapidly. As it rotated, the surrounding Dou Qi frantically surged into Chen Mo's body, flowing through his meridians before merging into the cyclone.

After hundreds of cycles, Chen Mo abruptly opened his eyes.

Simultaneously, the heavens and earth responded.

An immense amount of energy suddenly poured into the cave, flooding into Chen Mo's body.

Upon closer inspection, these energies contained tiny streaks of lightning.

The sudden change startled Yun Yun, who had been secretly observing Chen Mo.

He's about to break through!

"This overwhelming energy, it's beyond what a Dou Ling breakthrough would cause."

Yun Yun's brows furrowed. Such a strange phenomenon would surely attract the magical beasts searching for her.

Danger loomed.

Chen Mo also realized this problem.

He needed to accelerate.

He pushed the first level of Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength to its limit.

His body became like a giant black hole, continually devouring the surrounding energy.

"Chen Mo, stop! This will harm your foundation," Yun Yun warned.

Such rapid absorption left no time for the energy to be refined, clogging his meridians with impurities, potentially leading to a fatal explosion.

In a nearby cave, Xiao Yan opened his eyes during cultivation. "Teacher, what's happening? Why is all the energy converging in one place?"

Yao Lao emerged from the ring, looking in that direction. "Someone is breaking through to Dou Ling, advancing to Dou Wang!"

"Dou Wang!" Xiao Yan exclaimed, eyes full of longing.

Yao Lao tapped Xiao Yan's head, scolding, "With me here, you think you can't reach Dou Wang?"

"You're right, teacher. I was being shortsighted," Xiao Yan laughed, rubbing his head.


"What is it, teacher?"

"Such violent energy. That person has already succeeded!"

"So quickly!"

"This is surprising even to me!"


"What are you doing?" Yun Yun exclaimed as Chen Mo suddenly lifted her, her head spinning as she was pulled into his embrace. The contact with a sensitive area made her panic.

"We need to go. This place is compromised." Without time to explain, Chen Mo rushed out of the cave with Yun Yun in his arms.