
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 19: The Great Fighter

A month later, Wei Yang broke through to a Nine Star Fighter.

Two months after that, he naturally advanced to a Great Fighter.

This was much faster than Ye Xian'er had estimated, which was around a year.

At this time, he was just over sixteen years old.

His foundation was incredibly solid; he had been cultivating steadily without ever using pills.

All of his Dou Qi was accumulated through his own cultivation, without any shortcuts, so there was no sense of instability. He hadn't overexerted his potential either, so he naturally broke through without encountering any bottlenecks.

In his dantian, the previous liquid energy had completely disappeared.

Instead, there was now a deep crimson diamond-shaped crystal, no larger than a thumb, quietly floating in the center of the dantian's energy vortex.

The surface of the crystal shimmered with a faint golden glow.

Wei Yang stared in amazement at the deep crimson diamond-shaped crystal, which seemed to stand in the eye of a storm.

The moment this crystal appeared, he could clearly feel a sense of comfort emanating from the depths of his soul.

His soul was getting stronger.

As a fighter's cultivation level increased, their soul would gradually strengthen over time as well.

This crystal in his dantian was the key to becoming a Great Fighter: the Dou Crystal! Containing immense energy, it was the result of energy condensing to a solid state.

For fighters, energy was in a gaseous state. For warriors, energy was in a liquid state. For Great Fighters, energy was in a solid state.

In the eyes of many strong fighters, only with a Dou Crystal could one truly be considered to have stepped into the realm of Dou Qi cultivation.

The Dou Crystal was the crystallization of all the Dou Qi in a fighter's body, containing an astonishing amount of energy.

Wei Yang was somewhat mesmerized as he looked at the newly formed deep crimson diamond-shaped crystal.

After a long while, he finally withdrew his mind.

In the room, Wei Yang's eyes suddenly opened, and deep crimson light shot out from them.

At the same time, a powerful aura erupted, forming a storm within the room.

After a moment, everything slowly calmed down.


He exhaled a long breath, feeling the unprecedented surge of power within his body. Wei Yang murmured to himself, «This is a Great Fighter!»

With a thought, a layer of light appeared on his body, gathered, and then quickly solidified into a deep crimson armor covering his body.

The surface of the armor was etched with faint golden patterns, looking majestic and extraordinary.

Dou Qi Armor!

This was a mark that only Great Fighters could possess.

Although this deep crimson armor was still in its early form and not yet solid enough, the faintly emanating aura made it clear that it was far superior to the previous Dou Qi Robe.

«A Great Fighter at last.»

Wei Yang sighed, retracting his Dou Qi Armor, his aura becoming restrained. He stood there, a smile appearing on his handsome face.

«A Great Fighter at just sixteen!»

Stretching his body, his bones crackled and popped.

Since he began cultivating, each of his breakthroughs had come naturally.

Unlike the protagonist, Xiao Yan, who always had thrilling and heart-pounding breakthroughs, often relying on pills to forcefully advance, leading to many side effects.

While it might seem exciting, Wei Yang found it hard to accept.

To him, cultivation should be an enjoyable process of pursuing power, with steady and gradual progress.

Constant reliance on external aids always had many drawbacks and was a way of depleting one's potential.

If Xiao Yan weren't the protagonist with extraordinary luck and numerous opportunities, someone else doing the same would have been doomed long ago.

Of course, Xiao Yan had no choice. Time was pressing, and he had to quickly improve his strength.

Thinking about it, Wei Yang couldn't help but feel pity for him.

Shaking his head with a smile, he thought, «If I can help him in the future within my abilities, I will. After all, we are from the same hometown.»

In this world, Wei Yang often felt lonely.

Though he had lived here for more than ten years, there was always a faint sense of loneliness in his heart.

He always felt like a stranger in a foreign land.

So, for Xiao Yan, a fellow countryman, he subconsciously felt a sense of kinship.

Thinking of this, Wei Yang looked towards the direction of the Xiao family in Wu Tan City.

Currently, Xiao Yan had fallen from grace for more than a year, going from a genius to a laughingstock.

He had become the talk of the town in Wu Tan City, with people ridiculing him at every turn.

The more they envied him before, the harsher they mocked him now.

The story was about to begin.

Creak~ The door opened, and Wei Yang stepped out.

At a glance, he saw Ye Xian'er standing not far away, dressed in white, looking like an ethereal fairy, quietly waiting for him.

Seeing Wei Yang come out, her eyes lit up, and she ran over quickly, «Brother Yang.»

«Xian'er.» Wei Yang pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead lightly, «Did you miss me?»


Ye Xian'er nodded, rubbing her face against his chest, smiling, «You've been in seclusion for three days this time.»

«Three days?» Wei Yang nodded.

«Did you succeed?» Ye Xian'er asked curiously, looking up.

«Of course, breaking through to a Great Fighter is as easy as eating and drinking for me,» Wei Yang laughed.

«This…» Ye Xian'er was left speechless, her pretty face full of shock, «Brother Yang, you just turned sixteen not long ago, and now you're a Great Fighter… This is too… A sixteen-year-old Great Fighter! I've never heard of this in the entire Jia Ma Empire.»

Even though she was prepared, Ye Xian'er was still deeply shocked.

For others, becoming a fighter at sixteen was already considered a genius.

In the Jia Nan Academy's admissions, a sixteen-year-old fighter was rated with the highest S-level talent. (Don't ask why there's English on the Dou Qi continent; the author has the final say.) Wei Yang, on the other hand, was a Great Fighter at just sixteen.

And Ye Xian'er knew very well that Wei Yang had never used any pills; all his Dou Qi was cultivated bit by bit on his own.

This was unbelievable.

Seeing Ye Xian'er's shocked face, Wei Yang felt a sense of satisfaction and pride. He tightened his grip around her waist, feeling her increasingly alluring curves pressed against him.

Ye Xian'er's face turned slightly red, and she rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, her eyes full of affection and attachment.

«Have you been cultivating properly these days? Or have you been slacking off?» Wei Yang asked, ruffling her hair.

«Hmph, I haven't been slacking off,» Ye Xian'er pouted, wrinkling her nose cutely.


«Yes.» Ye Xian'er nodded affirmatively and then added proudly, «I'm almost at the third stage of Dou Qi. I feel like I can break through in a few days.»

«Not bad, my Xian'er is also a little genius,» Wei Yang praised.

Less than a year, and she was already at the third stage of Dou Qi! Wei Yang was impressed.

Xiao Yan would probably be envious too.

«Hehe.» Ye Xian'er was delighted by Wei Yang's praise, her eyes forming crescent moons.

«Brother Yang, are you hungry? Should I make you something delicious?»

«Yes, please.» Wei Yang put his arm around her shoulder, and they walked towards the hall, «Did anyone come to buy medicine these days?»

«Yes. I even treated four or five injured people.»

«I told you, just sell them the medicine. We don't need the money, so why bother treating them?»

If it weren't for Ye Xian'er enjoying it, he wouldn't even bother selling medicine anymore; they didn't need the money.

«I saw they were badly injured and came to our house for medicine. I couldn't help but bandage them up.»

«You silly girl.» Wei Yang sighed.

He really couldn't bear to see his precious girl bandaging up a bunch of burly mercenaries.

But there was nothing he could do; Xian'er loved being a healer and treating people.

(End of Chapter)

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