
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 18: Opening the Heart

Calamity Poison Body!

A rare and unique innate constitution.

It allows the user to cultivate toxic energy by consuming poisons, rapidly becoming stronger, and even reaching the level of a Dou Zong within a few short years.

This is terrifying, even more so than Dou Qi transformation.

Dou Zong!

A realm that countless martial artists dream of their entire lives. Such a powerful figure is already considered formidable across the entire Dou Qi Continent.

They can support an entire faction and be revered.

But the Calamity Poison Body can achieve this level by merely consuming poisons within a few short years.

While others are still at the Dou Qi stage, this body type advances at an alarming rate.


The Calamity Poison Body bears a natural multicolored pattern on the lower abdomen, containing the origin power and mysteries of the poison body, but it is also an extremely deadly poison.

The length of this pattern grows as the poison body is activated and matures, gradually creeping upward past the navel.

When the multicolored line reaches the heart, it marks the pinnacle of the Calamity Poison Body.

Simultaneously, it will unleash completely, causing the host to suffer the agony of a thousand poisons attacking the heart, leading to a loss of sanity.

Within a thousand miles, all living beings perish.

This is an extremely dangerous and universally feared constitution, dreaded and hunted by all.

Every emergence of the Calamity Poison Body spells disaster.

On the bed…

Wei Yang lay back against the headboard, holding the petite beauty in his arms. His right hand gently stroked her delicate back as he frowned in thought.

Xian'er's poison body hadn't been fully activated yet.

Once truly activated, her strength would enter a rapid explosive phase.

But it would also be a dangerous phase.

The faster the power surge, the closer to death.

This is an irreversible process because those with this constitution have little resistance to poisons.

It's like an addiction.

The more poison consumed, the stronger the toxicity, the faster the power growth, and the quicker the Thousand Poisons Heart Attack, leading inevitably to death.

Activating the poison body prematurely?

Another theory suggests that the Calamity Poison Body loses control because the power surge is too rapid for the user to master, ultimately leading to a breakdown.

In the end, Wei Yang shook his head.

It wasn't time to activate the poison body yet; Wei Yang needed more time to grow.

The Multicolored Poison Sutra couldn't be given to Xian'er yet.

They would wait a bit longer.

Plans for the future.

Three types of strange fires weren't hard.

For Wei Yang, this was the easiest to achieve.

Yao Lao had the Bone Chilling Flame.

The Tagore Desert had the Green Lotus Core Flame.

The Black-Corner Region had two types of strange fires, no, three.

The Bodhi Body Saliva was also in the Black-Corner Region.

The remaining seventh-level magic core, the Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast, was in Central State.

As for the Poison Pill method, trading with Yao Lao would suffice.

This Poison Pill method wasn't a highly valuable treasure in Yao Lao's eyes; a little cost would suffice to obtain it.

No major issues.

Having understood all this, Wei Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

«Brother Yang…» Xian'er nestled in his arms, looking up timidly, «What are you thinking about?»

«Your constitution,» Wei Yang smiled.

«Do you despise me because of it?» Xian'er anxiously asked, worried.

«Stop overthinking,» Wei Yang sighed, giving her a light slap on her small backside.


Mmm, it felt very nice and bouncy.

Xian'er trembled, her face reddening as she lay against his chest, her face filled with attachment and happiness, «Naughty.»

Wei Yang gently stroked her soft back, «Will you still overthink?»

«No,» Xian'er shook her head, answering adorably.

«Do you often study poisons secretly?» Wei Yang asked.

«You… you knew?» Xian'er glanced nervously at Wei Yang.

«Of course,» Wei Yang rolled his eyes.

Xian'er bit her lip, «I was curious. Sometimes I can't help myself.»

«Did you take any poisons?» Wei Yang frowned.

«No,» Xian'er shook her head quickly, «Although seeing those poisons makes me want to consume them, I know it's bad, so I resist.»

«Good girl,» Wei Yang praised, patting her head, «For now, don't study poisons or touch them, understand?»

«Oh,» Xian'er nodded obediently, then asked curiously, «For now?»

«Yes, for now.»

«Brother Yang, do you know something?» Xian'er asked.

«Yes,» Wei Yang nodded, «You have a unique constitution. You've probably noticed it's related to poison and very dangerous.»

Xian'er bit her lip and nodded, her expression gloomy, «I'm afraid I might hurt you one day.»

«You won't,» Wei Yang comforted her, «Your constitution hasn't fully activated, so as long as you don't touch poisons, you'll be fine.»

«Does touching poisons activate it?» Xian'er asked.

«Low-level poisons won't matter much if you don't overdo it. But for now, avoid them completely,» Wei Yang said seriously.

«Okay, I won't touch them again,» Xian'er promised, nuzzling against his chest.

«It's not as exaggerated as it seems. We'll wait a year or two. By then, activating the poison body won't be a problem. Though dangerous, your constitution can be managed,» Wei Yang reassured her.

«Really?» Xian'er sat up, her eyes filled with hope.

She hated her constitution immensely and wished to be a normal person.

«It's not what you think, but it can be controlled, becoming part of your strength,» Wei Yang explained, «Your constitution is called the Calamity Poison Body…»

He explained the Calamity Poison Body and the Poison Pill method in detail.

After listening, Xian'er murmured, «Calamity Poison Body, huh? Calamity… it's a fitting name.»

«Silly,» Wei Yang hugged her, «It's okay, trust me. I'll help you solve this.»

«I trust you,» Xian'er nodded, hugging him tightly, «But will the Poison Pill method really work?»

«Yes,» Wei Yang nodded.

«But even if controlled, I'll still be a poison girl. Will you despise me?» Xian'er asked, her insecurities showing.

«How could I?» Wei Yang laughed, «Once controlled, your toxic Dou Qi can be wielded at will, just like any other attribute.»

«Your Dou Qi will just have a poison attribute, like fire, thunder, wind, etc.»

«Only your enemies will fear you. Your strength will be terrifying, and I'll need to hold onto you.»

«Really?» Xian'er's eyes sparkled.

«Absolutely,» Wei Yang smiled.

«Hehe, I won't let you hold onto me, bad guy,» Xian'er giggled, her mood lifted.

«Oh, you've got guts,» Wei Yang tickled her, «Will you let me or not?»

«Ah~ it tickles, haha, stop, haha, I will, I will…» Xian'er surrendered, laughing.

«Naughty, tickling me…»

«I'll tickle you if you misbehave.»

«Okay, I'll be good.»

Wei Yang sighed in relief, having comforted her.

Xian'er cuddled against him, a smile of contentment on her face.

After a while.

«If controlled, can I have a baby like other women?» Xian'er asked softly.

«Of course. You'll give me two lovely babies, a boy and a girl,» Wei Yang teased.

«Naughty, who wants to have babies with you?»

«Will you? Or should I tickle you?»

«No, no tickling, okay, I'll have them…»

«Can I really have babies in the future?»

«Sigh, why are you asking again?»

«Tell me.»


(End of this chapter)

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