
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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50 Chs

Chapter 13: Kill!

On the official road.

A group of well-equipped and formidable mercenaries stood there, blocking a rather spacious and luxurious carriage.

There were about thirty of them, all exuding a fierce aura.

Obviously, these were the elite members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, each of them at least a three-star Dou Fighter.

Leading this group was a young man who appeared to be about eighteen or nineteen years old.

At this moment, all of them were staring at the carriage.


As the carriage door was opened, a young man dressed in black, with a jade hairband, and a handsome face, emanating a faint but undeniable aura, stepped out.

Following him was a beautiful young girl in white.

«Young Captain, it's them,» said one of the mercenaries who had been beaten by Wei Yang the previous day, speaking softly to the young man in the lead, his gaze towards Wei Yang filled with both hatred and fear.

The young leader squinted his eyes at Wei Yang, sensing the invisible aura around him, and his brows furrowed immediately.

He had some knowledge; people with such a powerful aura were generally not easy to provoke.

His father, Mu She, the leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, also had a similar aura.

This kind of aura was naturally exuded by those with strength or status.

«Seems like he's not easy to deal with,» the young leader thought.

He was considering whether to let it go since there was no deep hatred between them, only three of his men were beaten. He thought of asking for some compensation, to save face and explain to his subordinates, and then let the matter go.

But when he saw the girl behind Wei Yang, his eyes lit up, and an unmistakable lust flashed in his eyes.

Although Ye Xian'er still looked somewhat young, this was exactly his type.

The young leader's fiery gaze lingered on Ye Xian'er.

Her ethereal and celestial demeanor, beautiful face, delicate features, fair skin, and a petite waist that could be grasped with one hand, along with her budding chest, made his heart burn with desire. He couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva to moisten his dry throat and lick his lips.

He was Mu Li, the young captain of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, and he was quite a prominent figure in Qingshan Town. But when had he ever seen such a top-notch beauty?

In the original work, Mu Li lusted after Xiao Yixian, pursuing her fervently.

But at that time, Xiao Yixian was the goddess in the hearts of countless mercenaries, having saved many of their lives, earning their respect and numerous supporters.

Moreover, the Wan Yao Zhai was also a significant force in Qingshan Town.

Therefore, even Mu Li didn't dare to act recklessly, fearing public outrage.

In this timeline, at this point, Ye Xian'er, although not having the goddess aura, still caught Mu Li's eye instantly.

So, he looked back at Wei Yang, suppressing his previous thoughts of settling the matter privately.

Wei Yang stood on the platform of the carriage door, leaning on the railing, looking down at the group of mercenaries, and finally focusing on Mu Li.

This was one of the few characters with a name in the original work.

He was a minor boss in the early stages but was killed shortly after appearing because he provoked the protagonist.

The way Mu Li looked at Ye Xian'er made Wei Yang very unhappy.

Although Wei Yang didn't like trouble, it didn't mean he was afraid of it.

Since he made the decision yesterday, Ye Xian'er had already taken a very important place in his heart.

He would not allow anyone to desecrate her.

Not to mention touching her, he wouldn't even allow a lecherous gaze.

So, at this moment, Wei Yang was angry and very displeased.

A hint of murderous intent floated in his heart.

«What do you want?» Wei Yang asked calmly.

Mu Li waved his hand, and three mercenaries came to his side, the same three who were beaten by Wei Yang yesterday.

Mu Li pointed at them and asked Wei Yang coldly, «Do you recognize them?»

Wei Yang shook his head. «No, I don't.»

«You!» The three mercenaries glared at him angrily.

Just yesterday, he beat them up, and now he says he doesn't recognize them?

Mu Li was also furious and sneered. «How convenient to not recognize. You beat them up yesterday and now you don't dare to admit it? Are you trying to deny it?»

«Oh, it's them,» Wei Yang said, feigning realization. «I did beat up three dogs yesterday.»


As soon as these words were spoken, the opposite side became agitated.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of weapons being drawn echoed continuously.

They glared at Wei Yang angrily.

Especially the three mercenaries who were beaten yesterday, their eyes were red with rage, as if they wanted to swallow Wei Yang alive.

Too arrogant!

He beat us up and called us dogs?

They were fighters who licked blood off the blade; they could be killed but not humiliated!

Mu Li was also stunned; he had never seen someone so arrogant in his life.

Regaining his senses, Mu Li gritted his teeth and laughed angrily, «Good, good, good! You really don't put my Wolf Head Mercenary Group in your eyes! Do you think we are easy to bully? If you don't give an explanation today, don't think about leaving Qingshan Town!»

Mu Li had his concerns, so he didn't call for a fight outright.

He was arrogant but not foolish.

The more fearless the opponent seemed, the more cautious he became.

«Why should I put your Wolf Head Mercenary Group or whatever in my eyes?»

«As for an explanation?» Wei Yang stepped aside, revealing Ye Xian'er. «You bullied my people and still dare to ask me for an explanation?»

Wei Yang's words made Ye Xian'er's face turn red instantly. She bit her lip, looking at Wei Yang with both annoyance and an inexplicable hint of joy.

Annoying! When did I become his?

Seeing Ye Xian'er's shy expression, Wei Yang was reassured.

It's settled!

The reason he patiently dealt with this group of people was to take the opportunity to say this.

Slowly developing feelings? No!

While Ye Xian'er was still young and easily deceived, he wanted to establish his claim first.

Seeing Ye Xian'er's reaction, Wei Yang was satisfied.

Not rejecting means accepting, right?


The declaration of ownership was successful.

Once this mark was made, she couldn't escape.

Having achieved his goal, Wei Yang was no longer interested in talking with this group. His gaze gradually turned dangerous.

«Xian'er, go back to the carriage,» Wei Yang said, and then he moved, his figure leaping up.


He turned into a black shadow, quickly flashing through the air, and appeared in front of Mu Li in the blink of an eye.

The tool had been used, now it could die!

On the other side, Mu Li, hearing Wei Yang's words, was both furious and envious.

Such a beauty, already claimed? Damn!

«You really want to go against my Wolf Head Mercenary Group? State your name…ugh.»

Mu Li was still speaking when a black shadow flashed before his eyes, and then his neck was gripped by an iron-like hand.

«What did you say? I didn't hear clearly.» Wei Yang lifted Mu Li by the neck and then slammed him onto the ground.


A dull sound accompanied by a slight crack of bones.

Mu Li's eyes nearly popped out.

Then, consciousness plunged into darkness.

Wei Yang let go and stood up.


Dead silence at the scene.

The mercenaries widened their eyes, looking at their young captain lying on the ground, lifeless, with his neck twisted at a strange angle. Their hearts turned cold.

It's over.

The young captain is dead.

Everything is over.

They looked at Wei Yang in horror, this boy who seemed no older than fifteen or sixteen.

This is a demon!

The three mercenaries in the front were especially despondent.

They knew they were dead.

Either at the hands of this demonic boy or at the hands of their captain.

«I remember telling you that troubling me comes at a high price.»

Wei Yang said softly, then smiled, his hand glowing with deep red Dou Qi, and he moved, turning into a shadow rushing into the crowd.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The chests of the three mercenaries in the front caved in, and their bodies flew up like broken sacks.

Then, the black shadow continued to sweep through the crowd.



Each scream signaled the end of a life.


«Spare me!»



Some were sent flying, some begged for mercy, and some fled frantically.

But without exception, they all became corpses in the end.

Quickly, in less than a minute, the ground was filled with corpses, most with collapsed chests, some with sunken skulls.

Only Wei Yang remained standing.

(End of Chapter)

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