
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 12: Ye Xian’er

«Is it inconvenient to tell me?» Wei Yang asked with a smile.

«No, it's not that.» Xiao Yi Xian hurriedly shook her head in response, becoming somewhat nervous. Her small hands pinched the corners of her clothes, her knuckles turning white. She lowered her head and said softly, «My name is Ye Xian'er.»

Her voice was light and pleasant.

«Ye Xian'er…»

Wei Yang repeated it twice softly and then said with a smile, «It's a beautiful name, it suits you well.»

This name was better than Xiao Yi Xian. Like her name, she was ethereal, almost like a fairy.

«Thank you.» Xiao Yi Xian, or rather, Ye Xian'er, responded shyly, her voice barely audible.

«My name is Wei Yang,» Wei Yang introduced himself, smiling, before turning to walk away.

«Wei Yang?» Ye Xian'er watched his back, then smiled and followed him with light steps.

Back at the inn.

Wei Yang directly pushed the door open and walked in.

Behind him, Ye Xian'er hesitated at the doorway, unsure if she should follow him in.

«Come in, why are you standing at the door?» Wei Yang invited, sitting down on a chair.

Ye Xian'er took a deep breath and, mustering up her courage, took small, hesitant steps into the luxuriously decorated room, feeling a bit out of place.

«Sit.» Wei Yang poured her a cup of water, inviting her to sit down.

«Thank you, sir.» Ye Xian'er accepted the cup with both hands, sipping it timidly, not daring to look up for a long while.

Wei Yang couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

Hearing his laughter, Ye Xian'er glanced at him, seeing him looking at her with a smile. She quickly lowered her head again, her face turning red, the blush spreading to her ears. Even her delicate earlobes seemed to become translucent.

Wei Yang, seeing her shy demeanor, decided not to tease her further and asked, «How did a young girl like you come to Qing Mountain Town alone?»

Ye Xian'er's face darkened briefly before she quickly hid it and answered softly, «I heard there's a famous pharmacy here, Wan Yao Zhai, that is well-reputed and is recruiting apprentice physicians. I wanted to try my luck.»

«Oh, have you studied medicine?» Wei Yang nodded, feigning curiosity.

Ye Xian'er nodded, then shook her head. «I haven't formally studied. I've been learning on my own.»

«Self-taught? That's impressive,» Wei Yang complimented.

Ye Xian'er quickly shook her head, embarrassed, waving her hands, «No, not impressive… I've been learning randomly… I've never treated anyone before.»

«How coincidental, I'm also a physician, and I'm self-taught too,» Wei Yang said with a smile. «But I'm a bit better off; I've treated people and have a bit of fame in Wutan City.»

«Really?» Ye Xian'er's eyes lit up with surprise.

«Of course. Why would I lie to you?» Wei Yang shrugged. «They call me, ahem, Doctor Wei.»

«Wow, you're amazing. I wish I could be like you,» Ye Xian'er said with admiration.

«Well, I happen to need an assistant. Would you consider it?» Wei Yang raised an eyebrow, slowly revealing his true intention.

«Really?» Ye Xian'er asked excitedly.

«Of course,» Wei Yang nodded seriously.

Hearing this, Ye Xian'er bit her lip, her eyes shimmering with an inexplicable light. Her face turned red again, as red as a ripe apple, adorable and enticing.

Wei Yang felt his heart stir, a heat flashing in his eyes.

Unfortunately, this heat was caught by Ye Xian'er.

Her face turned even redder, as if it would bleed.

Wei Yang felt a bit guilty, as if caught doing something wrong, but he maintained a calm face and said, «Are you coming or not? If not, forget it.»

«Pfft~» Ye Xian'er couldn't help but laugh, then quickly restrained herself, nodding hurriedly, «I'm coming.»

«Good.» Wei Yang snorted softly, relieved inwardly.

Thankfully, this little girl agreed. Otherwise, being rejected on the spot would have been so embarrassing that he'd want to pack up and sneak back to Wutan City overnight, never to come out again.

«Food and accommodation included. Fifty gold coins a month,» Wei Yang stated, holding up five fingers.

«Ah?» Ye Xian'er looked at him in surprise.

«Is… is it too low?» Wei Yang asked tentatively. «Should I… raise it?»

«No, no.» Ye Xian'er quickly shook her head.

Wei Yang nodded.

«It's too high,» Ye Xian'er replied softly.

«Oh, that's fine then. As long as it's not too low,» Wei Yang said, relieved, waving his hand decisively. «It's settled then.»

Money was no issue. He had plenty of it. Wei Yang could confidently say, «I have no interest in money.»

If he wasn't afraid of scaring Ye Xian'er, he wouldn't mind paying her a thousand, even ten thousand gold coins a month.

Ye Xian'er felt both amused and helpless. This boss seemed to be a rich fool.

Fifty gold coins a month?! Even the managers of regular shops didn't earn that much. She was just an apprentice, and she would have been satisfied with food and lodging.

Ye Xian'er wanted to say something but held back, feeling she should remind him.

But Wei Yang didn't care what she thought. He decided firmly, «Prepare yourself. Tomorrow morning, we'll head back to Wutan City.»

The next morning.

After breakfast, Wei Yang led his new assistant, Ye Xian'er, out of the inn.

They rented a luxurious and spacious carriage and left Qing Mountain Town.

Inside the carriage, Wei Yang leaned back against the soft fur-covered seat, his eyes slightly closed.

He appeared to be resting but was actually practicing his cultivation method.

Ye Xian'er, sitting beside him, obediently made tea for her boss, then picked up a book on basic herbal knowledge and began reading with great interest.

The carriage had just left Qing Mountain Town when it suddenly stopped.

Ye Xian'er put down her book and looked up.

Wei Yang frowned, stopped his cultivation, and opened his eyes.

«Sir.» The driver knocked on the carriage door from outside.

«What's the matter?» Wei Yang asked in a deep voice.

«Sir, a group of people has blocked the road ahead,» the driver replied cautiously. «They are from the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, led by their young leader, Mu Li.»

«Sir.» Ye Xian'er immediately looked at Wei Yang with panic.

This situation was because of her. How could she not be nervous? Moreover, she had heard of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group's reputation, knowing they were a formidable force in Qing Mountain Town.

Not easy to deal with.

«Stay calm, don't worry,» Wei Yang gave Ye Xian'er a reassuring look.

He got up and walked towards the carriage door, muttering, «What a bother. I told them not to mess with me. I hope they can afford the consequences!»

(End of Chapter)

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