


Namjoon and Jin were watching TV, they played random TV show since there's nothing interesting to them.

Suddenly something got their attention,

"...someone had hacked the bank CCTV and system. There are few guys who robbed this bank. They got all the money,..."

"Jin, I think you know what's in my mind right now?"

"I know exactly what's in your mind,"

They are looked at each other eyes. "Where is the place of the news?"

"G- gwangju, I guess,"

"Let's move, Jin," Namjoon smirked. "We must find our second member," he chuckled and getting up.

"That will be so fun!" Jin said as he grabbed his phone and bag that has money in it.




"Ugh, finally we're here," Jin groaned while stretching his arms.

"Yea," Namjoon said grabbing his bag from the car. "Let's have lunch first, and then we should find a hotel to stay for a while,"

"How many days we're here?"

"Um, five days, we need to find him quickly,"

"Which guy you wanna find? The hacker or the guys that robbed the bank?"

"Of course, we need a good hacker," Namjoon smirked then walk before Jin to the nearest restaurant.


They went to the hotel where they stayed for a while. The hotel was quite luxury, because Jin paid all of this.

They went to the VIP room that has two bedrooms, so they don't have to share room.

They put their things; clothes in the closet, luggage in the shelf, etc.

"Jin hyung, let's go out, we need to find him" Namjoon yelled from his room.

"Where'd you want to find him, huh?"

"I don't know,"

Jin chuckled. "Let's break for today, just for today. And, find him tomorrow. We still have four days left, Joon" Jin yelled back.

"Alright, I'm gonna take a nap then,"

"Go on, I'm in the living room if you neee something,"



Jin was feelin bored since he have nothing to do. So, he decided to go outside for a walk in the evening. Seeing sunset going down is beautiful, he thought.

He grabbed his phone and put his wallet in his pocket. He walk towards Namjoon's room and opened it.

He saw Namjoon was still asleep, so he let him be, and leave the hotel.

He walk towards the elevator and get inside it. He touched the first floor and the elevator went down. But, the elevator stopped on 4th floor, and there's a guy stepped in.

"You going to the first floor?" Jin asked.

"I- uh, yeah," the guy stuttering.

Jin was curious about this guy. He pretty tall, but, shorter than Jin. He wearing a black mask, his bangs covered his eyes a bit, and he wearing all black clothes.

He saw the guy unlocked his phone and start texting someone. He peeked a bit and saw what the guy write,


Hoseok :

Hyung, the system are ready now, I set it all.

Today, 5:09 p.m

Jihan Hyung :

Good work, hoseok. We'll move on Saturday night, okay? It's gonna be fun.

Today, 5:10 p.m

Hoseok :

Alright, hyung, I gotta go now

Today, 5:11 p.m


The elevator stopped and the door opened. He glanced at the guy who just left him alone.

Saturday night, huh? Namjoon -ah, I think I found the guy we searched for, Jin smirked and leave the elevator.

— Saturday, 3:02 p.m —

"Hyung, what surprise you wanna give me, huh?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just wait, Joon-ah. Tonight, we'll found our second member," Jin smirked

"What do you mean?" Namjoon groaned.

"Just wait,"

— Saturday, 7:01 p.m —

"Hyung, when is the surprise?" Namjoon asked

"Tonight," Jin looked at his watch. "I'm not sure about the time but, I'm sure it's tonight—"

The emergency bell ringing and people are screaming mess outside their room.

"—thats started, Joon. Let's go,"

Namjoon scratched his neck. "Hyung, can you at least tell me what the fuck is goin on?!"

Jin laughed seeing the younger guy whined impatient. "You know, the guy we searched is here, he will robbed this hotel." Jin tapped Namjoon's shoulder. "Let's move, we need to find him, Joon"

Namjoon smiled widely and they walking towards the door and leave the hotel room.

They went to the last floor. They think he is there since he is the one who hacked the system first.

The guard weren't here though, because they don't know someone has hacked their system.

They opened a door that had a name on it 'system'. They opened the door and saw a guy sitting in front of the computer with a headset on his ears. The guy happily seeing people screaming and running away.

Jin locked the door while Namjoon walking towards the guy. Namjoon tapped the guy's shoulder and the guy turned to facing him with wide eyes.

"Oh, shit, how you can find me—" Namjoon cut him off.

"—im not one of the guards. And, I'm not going to hurt you, boy." He smiled and sitting on a couch next to the desk as Jin stood there watching the computer.

"What do you guys want then? Oh wait, you're the guy that was with me in the elevator, right?" He said to Jin.

"I am,"

"So," Namjoon cleared his throat. "I want to offered you to join in our group,"

"Is this a kpop group or something, but, no I'm not interested" he quickly said.

"It's not like that, Hoseok."

"How'd you know my name?"

"I have my ways," Namjoon smile proudly. "You will make money, because I know you needed them. If you interested, meet me in my room tomorrow at twelve"

"Who is your name?"

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." He said.

"And, I'm Jin, Kim Seokjin, I'm worldwide handsome," Jin winked to Hoseok.

"Stop it, hyung"

"Alright alright," Jin chuckled.

"So, you interested?"

"I'll think about it first" Hoseok said and looked down.


The continue of this chapter will be in the next chapter since it's way too long, so, I decided to make the another one.

I won't you-all get bored, so, yup.
