
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

time as an adventurer

"Aim for the bigger one".

said Rudeus as Alex nodded, there was a noise of a blade ripping through flesh, Eris was finishing off one of the last beasts.

as both of the rock cannons started spinning and heating up, they both get launched into two last bulls.

"Alright, that's the last of them".

says Alex as he flicks his sword to clean the blood off his sword, and sheathes it.

"Let's head back then, it's been a week already, I want to sleep on the bed already".

said Eris, while looking around at the massacre that the three of them caused.

"... we still need to skin them don't we?".

asked Alex, while looking very suspicious...


responded a confused Rudeus but when he turned to look at his brother he was gone, only leaving footsteps in the snow and a dot that was getting smaller in the distance.



"Damn it".


it was a week after that... incident, and they were in the bar again, but Rudeus and Eris were still mad at Alex for leaving them.

"I said I was sorry, why are you two still mad it's been a week, and I did come back to help carry the hide disnt I?".

complained Alex, taking a sip from the alcohol.

"we're not mad, we're just disappointed".

remarked Rudeus, lifting his mug, and pouring some more alcohol.


as he was about to retort the door opened, and a party who Alex dubbed "retards".

"god. they're here, great".

Huffed out Eris as she stood up to head back to her room and Alex followed, hearing Rudeus was standing up as well.

as he walked inside his room, he was knocked out as soon as he placed his head on the pillow.

-somewhere I still don't know the location of-


said Bob, who was laying on the couch and with a TV of... himself on it.

"... stalker much?".

he asked the deity while walking up to him, sitting on a chair that Bob made for him.

"Nope, you're not the only one I watch, there is this guy I sent to Naruto world, he doesn't even know How he got there, and he even got the system for a spin, lucky bastard".

Said bob with a huff, before switching the channel on the TV, now showing a few people and A blonde sitting in a lotus position while being covered by red Chakra, in front of him was a black haired teen, wearing a coat, green vest, and black attire underneath, fist-bumping Naruto.

"so why did you call me? ware you just going to show me this?".

asked Alex, crossing his legs while putting his head on his knuckles.

"oh no, I just brought you here to tell you that the holy energy is absorbed and even if you don't have the Avalon you won't die of old age anymore".

Alex just stared at the TV, watching people on it interact, until he looked over to Bob.

"you're saying it as if it's going anywhere".

he said with a shrug.




"It can't go anywhere right?".

he asked, just to make sure.

"It's Avalon, you can pass it onto someone, stop acting like you haven't watched the Fate series".

retorted Bob as he put his hands behind his head.

"... so you're telling me I can give Avalon to anyone, make them pseudo-immortal and take the Avalon back in three years, just for shits and giggles?".

Alex asked, looking over him with wide eyes.

"yes-oh look someone is knocking on your door".

Bob points out, as Alex looks at the TV, hearing knocks on the door.

"I guess it's time for me to go".

Said Alex as he got up from the Chair that he was sitting in, but was stopped by Bob's voice.

"no, no, stay, see what happens, aren't you interested?".

Asked Bob, motioning his to sit back down, not looking at him.

Alex looked over to the screen, again and saw the door opening, showing Eris peeking in.

she walked over to the bed where his body lay and poked it on the cheek.

then again, and again, and again.

"yeah, I should go".

Bob nodded to his statement, a little disappointed that nothing else happened, and Alex disappeared from the plane.

"... should I take another soul from that world and send him somewhere?".

Bob thought out loud, a hand on his chin as he looked at the TV upping the volume.

"thoughts for Later".


"wake up".

repeated Eris for the seventh time, before Alex snatched her hand before it hit his cheek again.

"what is it?".

he asked, cracking an eye open and looking at her.

"it's time for magic training, get up".

She said shortly, huffing and taking her hand away from him, crossing her arms.

"Fine, and here I was having a nice dream".

remarked Alex as he stood up from bed, following Eris out the door and down the stairs.

she had been practicing since the day Alex helped her with Chantless magic and the Holy power he had sent into her also made her mana reserves bigger, so she got more out of it than Alex first thought.

and now he had to deal with the consequences.