
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Taking down a dragon

it's been a year since he met up with His brother and things have been going well... so far.

if we don't count Soldat, who somehow managed to survive every time Alex wanted to strangle him, everything was alright.

and now, they are coming back from yet another Quest, they had to wipe out a group of snow lizards that escaped one of the other parties.

"so, how's your training going?".

asked Rudeus, trying to start a conversation, because no one said a word after finishing the quest.

"Well, I'm going to be King-rank soon, and we will go Dragon hunting".

said Eris with an excited smile, which baffled Rudeus to look at his brother.

"it's true when she gets to the king rank, im taking her to take down a dragon, at least I managed to convince her that they are not the best Pet material".

Explained Alex, sighing in exasperation while scratching his head.

Rudeus shook his head with a small smile, enjoying the antics of the two.

the walk didn't last long, they were in the town by the evening.

walking into the Bar, Alex ordered the food while his companions were talking to the Counter arrow party.

after they sat down at the table Alex asked the obvious question to Rudeus, who wasn't expecting it at all.

"so you into that archer from the counter arrow?".

Rudeus spit his drink because of the question, getting an incredulous look.

Alex was serious, looking at his brother with eyes that would make A rock sweat, and those things can't sweat.

"What do y-you mean?".

Rudeus inquired, covering under his brother's gaze.

"Listen, you know what I think about this, don't you?".

Alex asked another question, setting down the Mug on the table.

Eris was silent, looking at both of them, one at a time while taking a bite from her food.

"what's it to you?".

his brother challenged back, but he still seemed hesitant.

" I won't have an asshole of a brother, Rudeus, You already have the heart of one girl, from our village, and I'm pretty sure you like her too".

the air was turning cold, as Alex was subconsciously using Ice magic, making the area around them cold enough that the others around them had to sit elsewhere.

this wasn't new to them, it happened a lot with Soldat when the man annoyed Alex long enough the Temperature would drop a few degrees.

Rudeus just sighed, dropping his head, meaning that the point was made.

"she might not even be Aleve anymore Alex, we have been asking around in each guild we visited, and the elves we found weren't her".

he responded in a weak voice, sighing at the end of the sentence.

"we will find her".

was the simple response Alex gave his brother, as he started eating his food again.

"you two never told me about this Sylphy person, who was she?".

Eris came into the conversation, wanting to defuse the situation.

"... Rudeus thought she was a boy until he undressed her".

Alex responded with a smirk, flustering Rudeus and Making Eris gain a slight blush on her cheeks as she sends a glare towards Rudeus.

"H-Hey, we agreed to not talk about that!".

Rudeus said indignantly, as Alex chuckled.

"Anyway, time to leave for the next town, maybe in a month, we gotta travel, the word is spread and most of the people around know us, so time to move to a new location".

Relayed Alex, finishing his food and standing up to take the plate back.

"yeah, we need to move soon, maybe get away from that prick".

huffed out Eris, resuming eating, while Rudues took another seeing from his mug.


a year has passed since that day, and they were on a Quest again, since Eris reached King rank, Alex had to keep the promise, they were going for a dragon, a ground dragon to be exact.

the guild wanted to send a few parties. to take it down but is one of the seven worldly powers has its advantages, and they entrusted the Quest to them.

"Are we there yet?".

Asked an impatient Eris, only getting a groan from Alex and Rudeus.

"no, we still have a few hours to walk".

repeated the blonde, a little annoyed at this point.

as Eris was about to talk back the ground shook, and a pillar of fire was seen shooting up to the sky, rather close to their position.

"or it could have been walking in our direction this whole time".

Pointed out his brother, pointing his staff forward in case it burst out of the treeline.

they walked cautiously and reached the ledge, looking down they saw the dragon, raging and thrashing around...

annoyed at a bird.

(the mighty Ground dragon, everyone!).

leaving the thoughts for later, He and Eris dashed to its sides, getting his attention.

as it turned towards Eris she slashed at its side, leaving a giant cut at its side.

the dragon, in retaliation, sends a pillar of flames towards her way, but it was blocked by a wall of ice, when the steam cleared it was revealed that Alex was standing where Eris previously stood.

the confused dragon didn't have time to react to the second slash that came from its back.

looking to the other side, it saw the woman that it tried to attack, but before it could do anything Its tail was sent flying, separated from the body, courtesy of Alex.

it roared in pain, but could still fight, proving it by sending a claw towards Alex, but that got cut off by a high-speed projectile that was sent by Rudeus.

another burst of pain was felt when Eris cut off one of its limbs, and Alex Did the same.

now will two limbs missing, no tail, and wounded the only thing it could do was to breathe fire.

but before it could Eris rushed in, swinging her sword, while coating it in wind magic, just like Alex taught her, and separating the head from the body.



three Mugs were raised in the air in celebration of a successful hunt.

the trio ware back in the town and celebrating their achievement, their Advancement to S-rank adventurers, and Eris's advancement to king rank.

downing the Drinks they sat back down, the villagers were celebrating their success, the threat is gone made their hearts rest at ease, and Adventurers were enjoying the meals that were on the house.

suddenly the doors to the bar flew open, and a woman was standing there, arms outstretched, long blonde hair was long enough to reach below her waist, and her ears were pointy.

"Finally found you three"