
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Family Time

it's been five days since he met up with his family, and he was happy, Aisha was always asking him questions, Norn would sometimes chip in but she also listened intently to how he trained.

Lilia... well she was still Lilia, but at least they talked more.

Paul, on the other hand, took him out for a spar, it went as expected.

he was dejected for a few days, but eventually got over it, Eris was hanging out with Aisha but would also go on small quests. but right now everyone was listening to Eris tell her story, Alex was listening to it for a second time by now, but he didn't care.

"We met two heirs of the Doldia tribe, I even fought one of them" she exclaimed making exaggerated hand movements.

Alex let out a chuckle at the sight, that was the main reason he was listening.

she got to the part where they rescued Lilia and Aisha, before deciding to stop.

so taking this chance Paul asked his son.

"Alex, why are you a King rank? since you beat the Sword god didn't you take his title?" Both Norn and Aisha turned to him and Lilia listened too, Eris only groaned already knowing the answer.

"I'm not a sword god because I didn't want to stay on that hill and teach others" he declared with hands on his hips.

"so you were lazy" Norn summed it up. everyone burst out in laughter except for Alex who looked dejected.


"Here's your armor, Lad, wear it well, and If anyone asks, point them to me," said the burly smith, handing Alex the equipment he ordered.

"Thank you".

he started putting the armor on, a few minutes later he made an ice mirror, and looked at himself.

(why hello there King Arthur, when did you get here?)

Alex looked himself over, the armor sat perfectly on him, and the straps meant that it would last if he gained more muscle.

"This is strangely comfortable" he commented, looking himself up and down.

he received a lough from Azumi and a few pats on the back.

"it suits you, son, you look like a knight... a short one but still, a knight" Paul chuckled at his joke.

"im still growing, and im twelve, I think I will be taller than you by the time I'm sixteen" he retorted, Paying for the armor, and turning to leave.

"I will stay for a week or two, the sooner we finish the search the sooner we can rest" Paul nodded to this, agreeing full-heartedly.

"well, let's make you an adventurer shall we?"


blocking a sword coming for his head he sighs, looking at Eris, who's concentrated on doing what he told her.

(she doesn't even hesitate, I mean sure, I told her to go for the kill, but still)

tilting his body to dodge a punch he went on the offensive.

she took a step back and tried to defend, but getting her sword snatched out of her hand didn't help her much.

"you did better than last time, your progress is fast, faster than everyone in the dojo," he told her, she still looked frustrated, but eventually signs.

"So where are we going to head after this?" she inquired, picking up her sword from the ground.

"We are going to bed" he answered sheathing the Excalibur.

She blushed and looked at him wide-eyed, and stared, too stunt to say anything. Alex wanted to laugh but managed to suppress it.

"in our respective rooms to get a good night's sleep" he finished with a smirk.

"ooh, o-okay, yeah" she was still blushing, physically unable to look him in the eyes.

this time he did laugh. and got kicked for it.

"Idiot!" she yelled and stormes off.

(ah, tsundere, how can they be so violent and so cute at the same time?)

"you know brother, you enjoy teasing her too much," said a voice from the side.

looking over Alex saw his sister, Aisha.

"can't help it, little sis, she's too adorable when flustered" he answered with a smile, getting up and patting her head.

Aisha accepted the head pats with a smile before asking.

"do you like her?".

"..." he remained silent, looking at his sister blankly.

"answer this, little sister of mine, how can you manage to say something so innocent with an innocent face but make others know exactly what you mean?" he finally asked, watching as Aisha chuckled.

with a shake of his head, He picked up his little sister and put her on his shoulders, walking back to the inn.


it was time... to spoil his sisters rotten.

some sweets there, into some restaurants here, toys, books - for some reason - and new clothes.

(best big brother in the making here)

"Alex, could you tell me what Sword god was like?" asked Norn, smiling at his brother, who was carrying many... many bags.

"annoying" was the only answer that came from the walking hill of bags.

"that's it?" she inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"yes, annoying, powerful, but an annoying man, honestly I saved Eris when I offered her to come with me, I train her, and don't annoy her, I get company and she gets training, a win-win". He explained, getting an amused chuckle and Alex focused on the road ahead.

"say- how was Brother Rudeus when you two were doing your job before everything happened". Alex looks at her, her head was down to the ground as they walked.

"he was hardworking, that's for sure, he made a schedule for Eris while we were there, he was the first, after Ghislaine to actually succeed in teaching her something,"

Alex says, not mentioning the method he used to get her to listen... or the fact that he's a degenerate, pervert, and everything else.

she remains silent and Alex lets her contemplate, he'd rather get this sibling squabble over with, after all, when they rescued Zenith he wanted her to be greeted by a happy family.

(and I'll make sure she comes back... and this time Paul won't be used for character development)


Alex was packing up, He and Eris needed to get to Rudeus, which meant that they had to cross the Mountains...where Dragons were a frequent thing.

(and he is probably being bullied by.... what was his name again? Soldier? Sobat? let's go with Sobat for now.)

Turning around while getting his bag over his shoulder, he sees Eris, also ready to leave.

they were greeted by Paul, Lilia, Norn, and Aisha at the exit of the inn.

Paul and Lilia are smiling at them, while the two sisters are sad.

"so you're leaving already huh?" asked Paul, with a small smile on his face, knowing that it was necessary, even if he wants to spend time with his son.

Alex nodded and knelt to face his sisters, bringing them in a hug.

"Don't worry, we will see each other again, and by the time I'll be even more awesome" he declares getting confused looks from the two until he continues.

"you're getting the bragging rights" he finishes in a whisper, making the two chuckle.

after hugging Paul and Lilia, left the city, heading towards the Red Dragon mountain range.