
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


they were about a day's travel from Asura kingdom, and Alex was giddy.

he never had any little siblings in his past life and didn't get to see Norn or Aisha grow up, he wanted to meet them.

"... so, do you know where they are staying in the Asura Kingdom?" Asked Eris from behind him.

"I will ask in the adventurers guild, they should know since he's looking for missing people, the best place to get leads are there" he responded, shrugging.

"by the way, I haven't seen you training since we left, you're not slacking off are you?" she questioned with a frown and an accusatory tone.

in response, he just shows her his hand, and lightning crackles around it.

"I have been training ever since we left, I just started when you did so you didn't see" she was looking at his hand, wide sparkling eyes focused on the crackling lightning.

She looked up and asked, "what can you do with that?" Alex just stayed there looking at her, until he stood up and took out his sword.

the lightning crackles across Excalibur, as he concentrated more until he turned to Eris and started explaining.

"it paralyzes opponents and passes right through Toki, so by covering my sword I can ignore their defenses and deal damage. takes a lot of concentration though I'm working on that" what he wasn't expecting was for Eris to pounce on him.

"teach me!" she shouted, as they went to the ground.

"ow" was the only thing he could say before Eris landed on him.

"get -" he was cut off by Eris demanding "Teach me".

with a sigh, he pushed her off of him, she seemed confused before she blushed realizing what position they were in.

"can you do Chantless magic?" He asked ignoring her blushing face, for now, she would be teased later.

"... No" she looked dejected, so with a sigh, he decided to try something he theorized, the best-case scenario she would cast magic silently, worst-case scenario nothing would happen.

extending his hand, he gestured to grab it, she did with a slight dusting of pink on her cheeks but shivered as soon as Alex send a wave of holy energy through her body and magic channels.

taking her hand back at the sensation, she looked at it before questioning

"what did you do?".

"you remember how to cast a fireball right?" he asked, looking her over and feeling the Holy power coursing through her.

she nodded in affirmative, still confused about where he was going.

"cast it" he ordered.

she complied and started chanting but was cut off when Alex placed a hand over her mouth.

a fireball appeared anyway, and she looked at it with amazement.


"excuse me, do you know where Paul grayrat resides?" asked Alex looking at the receptionist.

"who's asking?" she questioned back, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Alex Grayrat, his son" he answered with a deadpan, watching as the receptionist's eyes went wide, she looked at his sheathed sword,

and then, still dazed, pointed to the left.

looking over, he saw Paul talking to a few people, most likely his rescue team.

(time to mess with him)

"Paul Grayrat," he said in a serious voice that even surprised Eris next to him.

Paul turned around with furrowed brows and looked into the eyes of his son, not that he knew it yet.

"you will pay" Paul tensed, ready to Dodge at any moment until Alex continued.

"for not hugging your son" everyone was silent until a slap resonated, it was Eris slapping Alex on the back of the head.

"stop messing around and go greet your dad in a normally".

she glared at him in a way that would make a dragon cower.

as Alex was about to argue back he was interrupted, that happened a lot lately.


he Turned to his now, wide-eyed father, looking at him, he could see Paul was thinner but not by much, he guessed that he looked even worse when Rudeus met him.

"Hey dad, how long has it been? five years?" he asked with a smirk.

the next second he was being hugged to death.

-Alex POV-

I am, Alex Grayrat, a reincarnation, wielder of the Holy Sword Excalibur, a Sword King, holding the fifth position in the seven worldly powers.

and I am being hugged to death by my father.

this is good and all, but I can't breathe.

"Dad...Air!" I managed to wheeze out before feeling the pressure disappear.

he was still hugging me.

I let out a sigh and returned the hug, I was happy to see him, and I could not hide it, which is why a giant smile was on my face.

"look at you, you look fifteen, where have you been? and what were are you thinking fighting a Sword god at the age of twelve?"

being barraged by questions I only listened, until I shot a question of my won.

"I heard everything from Ghislaine and Eris, where are others?" he seemed to calm down and answered with a smile.

"Lilia, Norn, and Aisha are at the inn we are staying in, they will be happy to see you, though you would have to be introduced to your sisters".

he exclaimed, standing from his kneeling position, but a sudden expression of pain crossed his face.

"We still haven't found Zenith though".

I felt guilt inside me, I probably knew where she was, and there was a big chance that she was actually there, but I would have to wait, even if it pained me.

"don't worry, we're going to find her, but first, introduce me to my sisters, I also missed Lilia" Paul grinned and gestures to follow as he went out of the building.

Looking over At Eris we shared a smile, I guess she got over how Paul was when he met my brother.

and so with everyone in the building silently looking at me, we left as well.

-Third POV-

as the three of them were walking Alex looked around, some shops ware present, clothing shops, weapon shops and...

(armor shop? perfect!).

"dad, can we go and get me armor first? we might stay for a month or two but we're planning to go help my brother in searching for mom" he requested, Paul looked surprised but also pleased, his son wanted to find his mother, and with the help of his brother and Eris, the progress on Rudy's end would go faster,

so he nodded.

walking inside they were greeted by a beast woman with cat ears, she was of average height, wearing a brown top with a long skirt.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" she asked with a slight bow.

"I need armor from the lightest metal you have" Alex informed, the girl nodded and went to the back, a few seconds later, a burly man with an apron, long beard, and bald head came inside.

"good day, I have been informed that you are looking for armor?" he inquired, looking over to Paul who gestured towards Alex.

"Alex Grayrat, a pleasure to meet you, and yes, I need armor from the lightest metal you have" Alex repeated while extending his hand for a handshake.

the man reached out and gripped it in a firm grasp.

"Azumi, a pleasure as well, you want full armor or just parts of it for more mobility?" Azumi questioned, with a raised eyebrow.

Alex nodded before starting "I would like: Rerebrace, Vambrace, Gauntlets, Chestplate, Caisse, and Greaves" Azumi nodded at the list, it was good for mobility, and with Toki, you hardly needed anything more.

"would you like me to add a Grayrat symbol on it?" he asked Getting ready to head back inside.

Alex just smirked "you know the new Symbol that appeared on worldly powers?" he got a confused nod "carve that into the Vambrace" the smith pondered then realized why the name seemed familiar and let out a laugh and nodded, heading back into the Smithy, calling out.

"come back in a week, everything will be ready".


"Norn, Aisha, Say hello to your Big brother, Alex" Paul introduced Alex, pushing the nervous wreck forward to his sisters.

"H-Hello" he waved awkwardly, Lilia who was behind the two girls smiled at him and waved back, however, the two kids were looking at him curiously.

(well this is Awkward)


yes, I did look up those armor parts, don't ask.