
The Consequences for his disappearance

While Naruto disappeared from Konaha and started to train under the guidance of Eagles, his disappearance had created massive waves inside the internal workings of the Konaha's political and military power.

Inside the Konoha conference room of Hokage's building, the political power had gathered secretly in order to discuss what steps they had to implement.

"Hiruzen, It's already been six months and there is no news of the Nine-tails. You should know of the aftermaths if this news were found out by other hidden villages." One of the elders in the council questioned as he tried to put Hiruzen in a difficult position.

Naruto might have been the Fourth Hokage's son but in the eyes of these old vultures, he was nothing but a tool that raised the military power. Naruto was just another flesh of meat that contained Kyubi and Kyubi was what kept other villagers from starting an unnecessary war.

Now that Naruto had disappeared without a trace, the whole internal faction of Konoha was shaken. They had lost Uchiha clan just a few years ago which had already diminished their military prowess and with their Nine-tails missing Konoha had suffered another blow to their military might.

Each village had its own tailed beast to maintain a balance in power, this balance was already shaking when the Kumogakure secured another tailed beast under their belt. But Konoha had lost its tailed beast and the balance had broken.

The Hokage was old, one of the most feared clan massacred and its internal power divided Konohagakure was at its weakest now. If a war broke out, then the consequences were unimaginable.

"I have already activated all the hidden agents in different villages and Naruto's disappearance is not related to them. As long as we can maintain this secret then the other village won't act. And through my investigation, we found that the kid just reverses summoned himself into his summons world, similar to what Jiraiya had done in the past so we don't have anything to worry for now. Naruto will return once he manages to form a contract with the high-level beast. So its best if we don't make this matter any worse and wait with patience" Hiruzen replied with a strong tone.

The elder who questioned him belonged to Danzo's side. They had already been acting up in order to push him out of Hokage's seat and with Naruto's disappearance they were looking for the chance to overthrow him. His seat was already shaken when Uchiha's almost committed a coup but he managed to hold down Danzo that time but they were trying to take advantage of Naruto's disappearance.

"Stay silent! And for how long. We don't even know if the other villages already know of the situation. I think it's about time you retire and give up your seat Hiruzen. We need someone more decisive to take up the seat." Another elder spoke out trying to add oil in the flames.

"Daimiyo-sama, I think you should act now as well. If this continues then our Country of Fire will soon be in flames." Another elder said to the fat man sitting in the head sit.

For a leader of one of the largest country, Fire Daimiyo was very weak and indecisive. He was easily swayed by strong and usually relied on his advisor to sort out any of his problems.

"Ah, ye..yes. I think so too as well. You've been holding the seat for a bit too long now Hiruzen. Why don't you give you post to your student Jiraiya? Its time for new generation to shine" The Fire Daimiyo said as tried to appear like a leader. He always had a liking for Jiraiya but that feeling was generated mostly because he was the author of his favorite book Icha-Icha series. More importantly, Jiraiya was Hiruzen's student and one of the legendary Sannins.

"I think its better for Danzo to take up the post since he is more dedicated to the village. Jiraiya has always been an outside agent and not fit for politics. Most of our council is in favor of Danzo succeeding as the Hokage. I hope you can reconsider your decision Daimiyo-sama." The Council Elder said again and many started to state their agreement as well.

"This.." The Fire Daimyo started to hesitate as he looked towards his advisor.

"Enough, only Hokage is allowed to appoint a next Hokage and others can only have their say when Hokage is missing or dead. Since I'm standing in front of you then I'll appoint a Hokage myself if you want a change of face in the seat." Hiruzen banged the table and stood up.

"A week from now Jiraiya will take the take on the title of the Fifth Hokage and will be responsible for taking care of the village. I hope you're all satisfied by this" Hiruzen walked out without waiting for their reply.

"It's decided then." The fire Daimyo who was hesitating just now stood up as well in relief and walked out. He didn't want to remain on the room any longer as the atmosphere was too heavy.

Danzo didn't speak the whole time but one could tell he was pretty unsatisfied with how things had progressed. He had been eyeing the seat for decades now and Hiruzen had been standing in front of him the whole time.

A week later Jiraiya took up the post as the Fifth Hokage and his era had officially started. Naruto's disrupted his plans and Tsunade denied him even after months of pleading. Seeing Danzo had started to put pressure on his teacher he couldn't do much and took up the post as the Fifth Hokage.

The one who was most affected by this incident was Yugao Uzuki as she had been the one who had taught Naruto the Summoning Jutsu. While it wasn't entirely her fault but someone needed to take the blame and it was she who suffered at the end. Her title as a Jounin was stripped and sent to prison to appease the village elders.

Naruto was unaware of the changes happening in the village as he was busy with his training. He had underestimated his importance in the village and never expected how his decision to stay there could affect the whole village.