
Chapter Ten

The last thing Gabby needed was Tan clogging up her brain God knew having Tan in Boston could distract her from the inevitable ( her mother's death) and she couldn't lie to herself she craved the distraction.

Days passed so fast and It's seems Gabby and Tan became closer again. Gabby feared that this would end if her mother died. She gradually convinced herself it was only a distraction. Tan's family would never accept her and Tan wouldn't dare go against his parent for her.

Gabby heard her phone ring, it was Tan.

"Hey" his voice calming her nerves.


"I was wondering if you were free today, so that we could hang out, I would be going back to New York tomorrow, I need to attend to some urgent business"

"Yes of cause, I really need a breather right now"

"I would come pick you up then" Tan said as the call ended.

Gabby showered and got dressed. She wore a summer dress. Gabby heard the door bell ring and rushed outside to see Tan, he was gorgeous as always.

"Hey, you ready"? He asked

Gabby inhaled and exhaled, this was the first time in four years she would be alone with Tan and even though she wanted to enjoy this moment she felt guilty because her mother was sick and couldn't afford the luxury of leaving her house. It was heart breaking for Gabby. But she needed this, she needed to clear her mind. He opened the door to the car gesturing for Gabby to sit down.

"You shouldn't have," Gabby said politely.

The car was filled with his cologne. It was mildly distracting so she slide the window open to let air whip through the car.

" how's your mom doing?"

"She pretends that everything is fine, when we know it's not, well that's how she has always been...I just wished a miracle would happen" realizing tears were about to pour out of her eyes she squeezed her eyes shut.

He placed his hands on top of hers and squeezed it mildly. It was heavily comforting to Gabby.

He cocked a brow. "You look by the way" he said trying to lighten the mood.

She smiled and replied "thank you. You don't look bad yourself"

"I love seeing smile it tells me you are going to be okay and that's comforting to me"

Tan was a man of words, he always knew what to say to make her heart leap. It was one of his many talents.

He made a turn to the car park and pulled in, with a cocky squeal of brakes. "We've arrived" he said, Opening the door and climbing out of the car.

Gabby could recognize where they were. It was where she usually hanged out with Tan whenever he came to Boston to visit. The cafe looked sun beaten but it was sought of their happy place.

Gabby was still sitting in the car, she hadn't moved a muscle.

"You are going to have to come out" he waited for her to come out then took her hand. It made him aware of the texture of her hands. The hands that caressed his face.

When they got inside the cafe, Gabby noticed nothing had changed it still looked the same, except for the change of staff.

"What would you like to eat." Tan asked.

"A croissant and a cup of coffee would do" Gabby replied.

They made their order and it was delivered to them.

"I miss the times when we were younger and we had the littlest worries. Now we are adulting and everything is changing so fast."

"I miss it too". He paused for a moment and continued the conversation.

"I am sorry for the way, my mother treated you at the ball, I never got to apologize"

"You don't have to apologize, you are not your mother and this isn't new to me"

Tan felt confused. Gabby spoke as if it had happened before. He remembered brushing similar statement’s off at the dinner. Did his mother confront Gabby prior to the dinner or was Gabby speaking of someone else. He wouldn't put it pass his parents' though especially his mother. If she could have it she wanted to control everything down to the woman he went out with. But Gabby was off limit to his parent, he had accepted their controlling attitude for long and even decided to break things off with Gabby on the condition they wouldn't meet, he knew the damage they could do to her.

"What do you mean by that" he asked waiting for an answer. But Gabby intended to brush off the question. She didn't want anything to ruin the moment especially not Tan's parent. She should just have Tan to herself today, they could have him tomorrow and forever but just for today let Tan be hers.

"Nothing" she replied.

"Gabby, I know when you are lying, did my parent ever meet you to break things off with me?"

Gabby didn't respond. Tan could see the confirmation through her eyes.

"Oh God I'm sorry that you had to go through that"

"Like I said, don't feel sorry, can we just enjoy our meal and forget our parents today," I just want to stay in this bubble for a long time.

Tan looked at his wrist watch and saw the time. "We should get going, I would drop you off at your house"

"I don't want to go home yet"

* * *

"When I said I didn't want to go home I didn't mean we should go to your hotel.

Gabby surveyed the hotel room. Everything was placed perfectly. But it was the glass view of the city of Boston that topped it all. It was like she was seeing the city from another perspective.

Tan looked at as she was blown away by everything she was looking at. He wanted to touch her, to know if she yearned for him, like the way he yearned for not just her touch but all of her. He watched her as she walked towards the large windows, the gentle sway of hips, the proud elegance of her neck when she popped a hip against the wall, the small smile as she appreciated the beauty around her.

He shouldn't be thinking about that right now, that was wrong, but he could control himself though. Barely. His thoughts however was a different matter.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He felt pathetic at his weak attempt to ease the tension among them. He could almost feel the air cackling with electricity. "Water? Wine?"

"Wine is perfect."

He took out the wine he'd gotten from New York along with two glasses. Even though he needed something stronger to get through the evening keeping his hands to himself, wine would have to do. He poured wine and walked towards her handing a glass to her, their fingers grazed slightly. and it was all he could do not the snatch his fingers back at the shock he felt right from his fingertips to parts of his body that would make a nun run away in horror if he said it out loud. Tan watched her through hooded yet curious eyes as she twirled the wine with slim elegant fingers and raised the glass to her full lips that seemed to have been in a perfect pout throughout the evening. She took a sip and her watched as her throat worked to swallow the liquid. God help him he was probably the most pathetic man to ever exist. He was acting like a total creep and didn't care in the least.

She'd barely said anything to him since they walked into his hotel room. she looked thoughtful her eyes unfocused, a tell that wheels were turning in her head to the point that she was barely conscious about her surrounding. Tan knew that being is such close proximity with her, inside this walls apartment could prove catastrophic. Sue him because against all logic and sane reasoning, he didn't want the night to end.

"Are you thinking about your mother Gabby?"

Gabby nodded absentmindedly, taking another sip from the glass and looking around the room again, her eyes coming to rest on the view of the city. She didn't want Tan to know she was thinking about him. And her. It felt wrong, almost sinful that even though she should be worried about her mother right now, terrible daughter that she was her brain was clogged with thoughts of Tan and how the room they were in felt like it was fire and her it was all she could do to not shed the layers.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now." She murmured, the raised glass to her lips hiding the proof of her embarrassment because even with her darker skin she felt like she'd turned a whole new shade of red. She dropped the glass on a table beside her and cleared her throat. "Sorry it must be the wine talking." She winced internally at her lame excuse even if she knew and he knew that she'd not even had a quarter of what he'd poured in her glass..

"I can say the same for my self." Tan said after what felt like am hour of silence. "The bit about the kissing that is." He leaned forward dropping his own glass of wine beside hers. His lips mere inches apart from her ear. "I want to know what that wine tastes like on your tongue."

"Stop." She raised her hands in a half-arsed attempt attempt to push him away and gather a degree semblance for herself. To reenforce her defenses. She couldn't afford to make any mistakes with Tan. Something told her she'd regret it immensely. Her move however was probably one of those mistakes because she could feel the heat of his chest through the clothes he was wearing. He lowered his head and caught full bottom lip between teeth. He felt her shudder against him.

"Tell me you want me to stop and I will." He said against her lips. It was all that he could do to not seal the almost non-existent gap between them. He wasn't sure if he could hold on much longer either.

Now, like years ago, she couldn't rip her gaze away from his. Just like that time years ago her lips parted, but this time she swallowed the moan that was making its way up her throat.

"You and I know you want this just as much as I do." He ran a finger up and down her arms and watched as a trail of goosebumps followed its path " right from the time we saw each other at the restaurant, we craved this moment. You want my hands all over you so bad I can see that look in your eyes. I know because I am sure I have the same look in mine." He watched he sharp intake of breath as he moved even more close to her. "Don't lie to yourself and tell me to stop. Listen to your body and let go Gabby." He swept a thumb across her bottom lip where he'd bit.

"Kiss me." He ordered in a low growl. " I am all yours for tonight. Do what you want with me Gabby."

In that moment, she knew all her defenses had crumbled. If ever she had them up in the first place.

She crushed her lips to him.

Tan stiffened from the shock of contact with her but she didn't stop, didn't pull back. Desire continued throb inside her, controlling her senses. Her entire being. Tan was right she craved his mouth on hers. Was starved from wanting him.

His hands were on her in an instant the need cursoring through him was almost feral.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck. He felt her heart beat which led to an insatiable need for her.

"You know we are making a mistake right?"

She snapped, their chest heaving and falling as if they'd just finished a race.

"I know"

In that instance she kissed him with pleasure and emotion. He came at her like a blood thirsty vampire. Not gentle just desperate.