
Chapter Nine

Tan was scared when he heard the news of Gabby's mother from Laila. It would do Gabby good if she saw a familiar face to share her pain with, he thought. He knew Gabby's family they were friendly to him, they never made him feel like an outsider like his parent did to Gabby.

He packed some clothes and told his secretary he would not be around. Since Gabby had no sibling, and Laila was busy with their company, she would need all the support she could get.

Tan climbed the set of stairs to the house and stared at the purple hibiscus which was planted on the pathway. He knew Gabby's mother would have planted them, she loved gardening from what he could remember.

The flowers added a touch of humility to the house which was a perfect description of Gabby's parent. He smiled thinking of them. He knocked on the door and someone opened the door.

"What in God's name am I doing here?"

The question kept on singing in Tan's head, what if Gabby sends him away... he couldn't bear the fact that she was all alone in this pain and also couldn't accept that he was the last person she wanted to see.

Logic argued that he should let her be, but the thought of Gabby in pain kept on tightening his chest. Well he was standing outside her house, like some kind of lost puppy. He had turned and taken a step away from the door when it opened.

"Gabby" he greeted, running his gaze from the dark curls that was packed in a puff down to the oversized T-shirt she wore over a baggy jean. He couldn't bear to look at her she looked like she had been crying for days nonstop. He would give anything to see her smile.

"Tan?" She whispered, a strained expression on her face. " Tan, what are you doing here?"

Raged boiled inside him, seeing her sad. "Laila, told me about what happened. I wanted to make sure you were alright".

She glanced away. "It's my mom, Tan she is..." she broke into tears midway. Tan couldn't say anything so he pulled her into an embrace. Minutes passed and they were still holding on to one another, neither willing to let go of the other.

"Gabby who is at the door?"

A raspy, weak-sounding female voice came from inside her small house.

"Mom it's Tan".

Gabby motioned for him to get inside and shut the door behind. The house which once felt like a home, now felt like a hospital.

Tan walked into the center of the room. One of the door of the rooms was cracked open. He could see Gabby's mother but unlike the woman he knew while he was dating Gabby, this woman looked different she was thin and sickly. She coughed into a handkerchief. He watched as Gabby's dad tucked a blanket around her small frame, he looked overwhelmed with everything.

"Tan, it's been long, you came to visit your sick friend" she said, her expression warm as she spoke. She had always called Tan her friend because that was what they were. He didn't just come here to console Gabby, he also came to see his dying friend.

Gabby motioned for him to follow her into the room. "Mom Tan came to say hi to you"

Tan entered into the room and sat on her bedside.

"Well isn't he a sweet heart. Tan, I missed seeing your lovely face. Gabby told me you guys broke up".

"Yes we did" Tan responded

"That's sad I always thought you guys were end game, but anyways you should always be there for each other broken up or not"

Tan could not hold the tears in any longer. The once bubbly woman was now a skeletal representation of herself.

Gabby and her dad left the room, living them both to continue their conversation.

"You love her don't you?" Gabby's mother asked

"With all my heart Mrs Lot," Tan replied

"Then why are you not together?"

"Circumstances beyond my control"

"Those are just excuses Tan, don't make the same mistake I made by not reaching out to my daughter sooner. You never know what would happen to you. You make sure you are always there for her, it's a Favour I am asking of you."

She placed his hands in hers and continued, "Gabby always acts tough but she needs someone to always be there for her, you both need that"

Tan laughed gently. "I will do that, I promise" they weren't together didn't mean he couldn't care for her. He had another chance to repair their relationship and he wasn't going to loose it for anything.

Gabby's Dad walked into the room and patted his back. " Tan, we should let her rest"

"Vic, I have so many things to say to this one" Gabby's mother managed to get out the words but her cough followed.

"That's okay. I would be around for a week"

"It's a date then" she said pointing at him.

" yes it is"

* *

Tan walked into the living room and sat on the cushion. He joined Gabby who was staring at her hands.

"How bad is her health"

"There is nothing we can do again" letting out a deep breath, Tan could see talking about her mother was hard for her and didn't want to push any further.

"You didn't have to come all the way to Boston, you have a company to run.

"I know we have our issues Gabby but your Mum was my friend and I would like to do whatever I can to ease the situation."

Gazing at her he worked his hands into hers "I am here for you, whatever you need just tell me even if it's a hug, I am here" she smiled which made Tan tingle inside.

"Okay, find, let's forget about our issues and just focus on Mom, she needs all the support right now and besides I don't think I have the energy to fight anyone"

He let out a sigh "Good"

"But you should probably get to your hotel to freshen up, I am sure you haven't eaten yet"

"You are right, I haven't" he giggled.

"I will walk you to the door."

Gabby followed Tan to the door. They both paused when he made it to the stairs.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow" he said. When he made to leave, she grabbed him and pulled him in. He wrapped his long hands around her waist. Holding her close, his body enveloped hers. Their touch was far from a consolation, they both wanted each other.

"Thank you Tan, I really mean it"

"Always Gab, always."