

I'm awoken by the sound of my phone. Hearing the sound of Goku powering up a kamehameha would wake anyone out of their slumber. I move to push myself off the ground, but I struggle. I feel every bruise throb, every open wound drip with crimson, but I had to make it home. I slowly got to my feet, stumbling as I walked to my backpack and flung it over my shoulder. I hadn't noticed it was completely dark until I got to the road. I looked up to find the sky, empty, not a star in sight. As I turn right to head home, I hear my phone again. I reach into my bag and pull my phone out. Looking at the number popping up on my screen, I didn't recognize it. When the call finally ended I looked at my screen, who ever was on the other line had called me nine times in the past hour. Then it hit me, Cat. I wait a moment before I call her back, but it didn't ring, she answered almost immediately.


"Mia, are you ok. You weren't answering my calls."

"Yea, I'm fine. I was just um..... studying was all."

"You're lying. I can hear it in your voice."

Fuck, what do I do now, the truth I guess.

"Ok you're right I wasn't studying.... I got jumped shortly after you left.....they knocked me out.... I just woke up."

"Are you alright?"

"Yea, just some bruising on my stomach. I'll live. What about you, are you ok?"

"I'm worried about you, but other than I'm fine."

"There's nothing to worry about. I've been through worse. I'll live, promise."

"Ok tough girl. Where are you now?"

I look up, seeing I'm only a few houses from home. I can see the lights are off, meaning no one is home.

"I'm about to get home, I live walking distance from the school, just give me a few minutes."

"Would your parents be mad if I came over to.... study."

The way she said her last word made a chill run up my spine.

"No ones home, no one to get mad."

"text me your address."

"Ok.... but won't your parents get mad about you leaving at..." I quickly glance at my phone for the time, "11:43 at night."

"Dad left a few hours ago in a month long business trip, I'm an only child, and mom well.... She isn't around."

"Where do you live. I can come to you."

"I live in Victor."

"Send me your address, I can come to you. I have my own car, plus my moms gonna be back in a few hours, and I'd rather our... studying not get interrupted."

"Ok, but..... show up in an hour... I kinda have to clean up a bit."

I could hear her embarrassment through the phone.

"Perfect actually. Gives me time to take a shower and change. So.... see you in an hour."

"Yea, see you then."

With that I hung up the phone. As I push my key into my front door, turning the key, hearing the lock pop open. As I walk inside, my phone buzzes. As I look down at my phone, I see I have two messages from my little doll. I open my phone, tapping the message notification, my eyes are met with a beautiful sight. A picture, a simple picture, one of Cat shirtless, standing in the mirror, but it wasn't her pose, or the fact that she was shirtless that made my body hot with desire. It was her underwear, no not her underwear, MY thong. I quickly tapped on the picture so I could save it to my phone.

"Wait, if those are mine then where..."

I reach down to my left pant pocket, feeling the bundle of fabric sitting nice and snug.

"Thank god she didn't take these."

I close my front door, walking in the complete darkness I move to the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grab a coke and the loaf of bread. Closing the fridge I make my way down the hall to my room. I drop my bag as soon as I walk in, flipping the light on I move to the mini fridge placed next to my bed.

"Come here peanut butter and fluff, I need you in my body right now."

I open my little stash box, pulling out a half eaten jar of marshmallow spread and a jar of petter pan peanut butter. I make my sandwich with one hand as I move to connect my phone to a charger. Once my master piece is finished, I snatch it up taking a whole forth of the sandwich into my mouth.

"Oooh god you taste sooo good."

I get up from my bed, moving towards the bathroom, slipping my shirt off, noting that I never got the chance to clamp my bra back together before I was kicked into submission.

As I walk into my bathroom, I flip on the light, and what I see almost makes me puke. Multiple scars had re-opened, dried blood could be see from my collar bone to my pant line, I had bruising all on my rib cage and stomach. I looked at myself in disgust. I took another bite of my sandwich, finishing another forth of it before I toss it into the toilet. I pull the bundled up panties out of my pocket, holding them out with both my hands.

"White laced panties. Hmph, she shops at Victoria secrets too." I remark before I find myself pushing the fabric into my face. Taking in a deep breath, I can smell her and my body reacts like I figured it would. My mind jumps back to when we first got to the announcers box, flipping through my memories I visualize everything we did to each other. Taking in another breath I can feel the arousal creep down my back and into my core. Its then do I shoot my eyes open realizing what I was doing.

"Come on, you need a shower, you can smell the real thing when you go over to her place in a few."

I walk out of the bathroom and place the underwear on my dresser. As I grab some fresh underwear from the top drawer, I debate on if I should wear a bra or not, ultimately I decide on going braless to her house.

As I walk back into the bathroom with my underwear in hand, I turn the shower head on, make sure the hot water is on max. I close the door and as the small room fills with fog, I peal my pants off my body. I look at the obscured reflection of my naked self, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach and a little voice speak in the back of my mind.

"Why do you look so ugly? Cat must be blind to want to be with you. You're disgusting."

I shake these thoughts away as I climb into the shower. I waste no time in grabbing the body wash, lathering my body with it. Every open wonder burned and stung, but I didn't care.Even as fresh blood mixed with the water, I didn't care. I washed every inch of my body, feeling the hot water clean my open cuts, I wash away all the dirt I gathered from being knocked out on the football field, I washed every inch of my body, just for her.

After my body was clean and my hair washed, I cut the water off and step out of the shower. Walking past the mirror I grab my panties and open the door into my room. I walk over to my closet, shifting through my hanging cloths, I settle on my favorite pair of black jeans and my black sweeter. I grab a black tank top from my middle dresser drawer sliding it over my body. I dry the rest of myself off using the hair dryer I have hooked up in my closet. I use my underwear to dry my legs and feet, tossing them into a small hamper, I walk back to my top drawer, sliding it open. I made a new choice of underwear, this time going with a black G string.

"I hope she likes these."

My face turned red just thinking about her. I finished getting dressed, wrapping my sweater around my waist and walking over to the bathroom mirror. Seeing the foggy reflection, I look myself up and down real fast before nodding my head in approval. As I walking out of my room I grab my phone and keys. Looking at my phone I have yet another message from Cat, to my disappointment its not another picture, but I wouldn't be disappointed for to long, because it was the thing I needed the most, her address, and just below a little message.

"Here's my address love, you can cum whenever you like, I'm waiting."

It was how she worded that message that got me in my car so fast. As I put her address into my GPS, I flip through my CD's looking for the one labeled "old-school". When the address was finished, and my desired CD was playing, I opened up the garage and backed out of my driveway.

The roads were empty, not a person could be seen, no cars were on the road, it was a peaceful drive. I sing along with 50 cent's song many men, nodding my head to the beat as I sing.

Many men, many many many many men

Wish death upon me

naw I don't cry no more

Don't look up to the sky no more

they wish death upon me

I listened to this song a thousand times, and every time a tear will fall from my eye. As it falls down my face, I look down at the GPS, seeing my destination was only a minute away. I start to focus now, focus on what was to come. I wipe the tear from my face, and as i pulled up to the address I was given, my heart stopped.

As I stopped, my eyes gazed upon a mansion. It was the biggest house I had ever laid my eyes on, and just inside the window, I'm able to make out my little doll, cleaning her little heart out. I again take a look at the home she resides in, three stories, four car garage, I could make out a chandelier hanging just above where my little doll was currently cleaning.

I turn my car off, and pull out my phone, scrolling to my little dolls number. When I find it I hit call and put the phone to my ear. I look into her home, watching her idly clean, then her head shoots up. I chuckle as she drops what she was doing and runs over to her phone. As I watch her lift her phone to her ear, my phone clicks and I hear her voice.


"I'm outside little doll."

"Oh... um... just come on in, the doors unlocked. I'll be down in a second, I um..... need to get something."

"Ok, you do whatever you need to, I'll be raiding your kitchen."

"I have snacks and stuff waiting for us in the living room."

"You've re really thought of everything. Ill be inside in a just a moment."

"Ok.... see you inside..."

With those last words she hung up. I watch as she disappears out of view from the window. I take this as my queue to go inside.As I step out of my car, I see a light flick on on the top floor, I walk up to the home and jimmy the handle. Just as she said, unlocked.

As I open the door, my eyes are met with a blinding white light, but my eyes quickly adjust. I wake an immediate left, walking pasted the stairs where I could faintly hear footsteps coming down. I walk into what I believed to be the living room. I see a tray of sweets sitting on a knee high wooden table. Chocolate, gummies, sugary sweet treats, and they were all later out on what seemed to be a silver tray. I walk to the display, sitting on the couch and picking up a gummy worm that just so happened to catch my eye. I leaned my head back and dropped it into my mouth, closing my eyes as I chewed. As I closed my eyes, I hear do it steps slow on the stairs. I slide my boots off my feet absent minded, placing them just to the left of my legs. As I listen, her foot step make their way from the stairs to just behind me, but then she moves to the right of me. "She's moving around the couch, what is she planning." I think as I listen to her slowly move.

It wasn't until I felt a familiar weight on my lap that I finally spoke.

"So what was so important that I had to wait to see my little doll in her own home?"

"O...open your eyes and find out."

Embarrassment was in abundance as she spoke her words.

I moved my head from resting on the back of the sofa to look her in the eye, speaking as I moved.

"It mush have been pretty important that you kept.... me.....waiting..."

Sitting on my lap was a goddess dressed as a servant. Cat had discarded the cloths I saw her in through the window for a maids outfit, black in color with white trimmings. On her head was a little black bow, and around her neck..... a choke collar. My hands moved to grip her thighs, but instead of feeling warm flesh, I felt skin tight fabric. "Holy Fuck, she has thigh high socks on." My brain explodes with thoughts.

As we looked at each other, she spoke, and what she said made my soul catch fire.

"H-hello mi... mistress. I'm h-happy to see you came to my home t-to play. I-I'm at your service."

Her eyes jump from point to point on my face, never holding my eye contact for more than a second. My brain jumps from thought to thought as I process her words, but I focus on one word, and the this was how I chose my next words.

"Service. Like what little doll?"

"Any service you wish of me, m-mistress."

Again as she spoke her eyes never met mine, and it was starting to infuriate me.

"Tell me in specifics."

"I can cook for you, sing for you. I can put on a movie or I could..."

it was at this moment that I grabbed her throat, stopping her words in her throat. I pulled her mere millimeters from me, her eyes finally catching my own.

"Rule number one, when you talk to me, you look me in the eye, no where else understood."

She simply nods her head, but I tighten my grip forcing her to gasp.

"I said..... understood." My voice sounded harsh, but I could tell from her eyes that she wanted me to lose it.

"Second..... turn around."


I gripped her throat harder.

"Do you not want your reward for preparing this, you must have been working so hard...."

I loosen my grip moving my mouth to her ear.

"...surly you want your release."

I felt her legs begin to move, but my attention was caught by the window. As Cat flipped herself around I spoke my next order.

"Close the curtain to the big Ass window will you. Someone could come by and see what we are doing. Oh and the light too, that's not needed."

Cat moves first to the curtains, pulling them shut, cutting us off from the rest of the world. "The lights next little doll."

"Y-yes mistress."

As she walks over to what I guessed was the light switch, I noticed something on her thigh, just under there sock. It looked to be a piece cloth of some kind, but as the lights were clicked off, my mind put the pieces together as to what I saw, but I had to be sure.

Cat walks back in front of me, about to turn around but I grab her wrist, pulling her onto my lap.

"I-I thought you wanted me with my back towards you?"

"I'm allowed to change my mind. Now that I have you to myself in a private setting, lets see how far the rabbit hole goes."