

I stare at this girl, the girl I've know for a day, feeling her grip on my throat, I stare into her beautiful eyes, begging for more, to hear her voice tell me to let everything go and give it all to her.

Raising her body off my lap slightly, she again tightens her grip forcing out a choked moan.

"Pants to your knees, belt off completely."

I move my free are to my belt, undoing it, and pulling it off, setting it next to us. I then hook my thumb into my loose pants and shimmy them down my slender legs till they we at my knees.

"A black thong, a little to skimpy for school don't you think."

My skin couldn't turn any redder than i already was, but I could feel the embarrassment creep across my face.

Cat let go of my throat, replacing her grasp onto my other arm, forcing them both behind my back, she grabbed my belt, wrapping it around my arms so I wouldn't be able to move them. once my arms were secure, she flipped my shirt over my head in a way the hole stopped just after my nose , not allowing me to see. She stopped. I could feel her gaze on my chest and stomach. Even though I couldn't see, I could feel her gaze passing over every line, every bruise, every scab, and every scar. I felt her light touch pass over a newer cut just above my third rib. I tried to think of something, anything to keep going, not to stop.

"Keep.... going.... w..... we can talk.... about it-t later.."

"Your bra opens at the front, are you sure you are a switch." She chuckles to herself as she loops her finger in and pulls my bra open. She pinches my left nipple and pulls, electing a gasp from me. "Yours are bigger than mine, but only slightly. I wonder how sensitive they are?" She questions as she digs her nail into my pink bud. The sensation was driving me mad, my core was on the verge of exploding just from the little she's done to me. It was only when she bit down on my right nipple that the sensation nearly broke me. Her teeth twisted and grinded on my nipple, gaining a few moans from me, but it wasn't enough. I needed her to break the dam, to push me over, an almost like she read my mind, she grabbed my thong and pulls strait up. My underwear dug into me, putting pressure on my core, but still it wasn't enough. I was so close to the edge, I could almost taste release. I felt her give the same kisses up my chest and to my ear as I did to her.

"You're panting like a dog in heat, and I haven't even touched you yet. Was my little pup frustrated, or are you just that....sensitive?" She bites hard on my earlobe, causing me to moan out my answer.


She whispers in my ear, "Good."

The hand she was using on my breast quickly moved south with her other hand, her index finger prodding my entrance as she used her other hand to pull the fabric into me.

"So close but still so far from your perfect release, your perfect end, but I won't let you tip over, not without me at the helm." quickly sliding her index and middle finger into me, she begins to painfully slow, move her two fingers.

The sudden entrance once again almost pushed me over, but this slow rhythm is keeping me just out of reach. It wasn't until I felt the force of her hand around my throat did I scream in lustful agony.

"Please..... I'm so..... so close.... please.... stop being a... a tease!"

Not a word was spoken, only action. Her grip tightened to a point I couldn't breath and her fingers moved and curved to hit me in every right spot I had. I arched my back as I felt my eyes roll into the back if my head as I came. My voice stuck in my throat as I silently screamed in lustful pleasure. letting the drool escape the side of my mouth as it hung open, but even as I came, her grip never loosened and her pace never slowed.

I couldn't take the onslaught, and not even thirty seconds after I came the first time, I came again, but again she never stopped. Even as her hand became soaked in my juices she kept going, always speeding up just to slow down and keep my orgasm going for just a second longer.

"I want you to cum all of your stress and worry away. I want every ounce of your stress to be replaced with these moments, the moments we share together." Her grip tightened yet again around my throat as she forced me to cum a forth time.

As I came my vision turned black and my breathing stopped. all I could feel was the numbing sensation of my orgasm. Letting out silent scream my head falls to the side as my brain is finally overloaded.

As I sit there after cumming myself to near black out, my partner carefully ungrips my throat, and slowly taking her fingers out of me, electing a moan from my lips. She pulls my shirt off of my face, slowly pulling it past my breasts. As the shirt is pulled over my exposed nipples I shiver at the sensation.

"Come back to me my little pup, you need to wake up." Cat begins to pepper my jaw line with kisses, slowly stirring me from my little nap.

"Thank the gods this wasn't a dream." the sleep present in my voice, "do you want to talk about the scars, and what you saw on my body."

"No, not yet. there's just one more thing we have to do."

She proceeds to grip my chin, pulling my face just centimeters away from her own. I looked into her eyes, still seeing that primal fire from earlier.


it was the only thing she said to me as I looked into her eyes, but I understood this single word demand. I part my lips, and just as fast as I do, I feel Cat crash her lips onto mine, her tongue slipping into my mouth. I didn't notice my eyes closing or the fact I couldn't move my arms, I just reviled in the sensation of having her tongue explore my mouth, but it wasn't until I again felt her hand around my throat that my dam once again brake. As her grip around my throat again tightened ever so slightly, the same numbing feeling surrounded my body. Again I was left unable to move and unable to see, but most importantly, unable to breath. My body began to shake. What little breath that escaped my lungs was labored and weak. I needed one more, and one more is what she gave me.

With a quick motion of her tongue, she pulls my own out of my mouth and into hers, biting down on it, never breaking away from my lips. The pleasure I felt from this was so alien to me, I couldn't take it anymore. I let this alien feeling take over my body, sending me over once more. As my body began to shake out of my control, I could feel the mind numbing euphoria rush from out of me. As I moaned into her mouth, she pull away from my lips, pulling my tongue from its shelter, and letting my voice free into the world. As she sucked on my tongue, and I road out my last orgasm, I felt tears flow from my eyes. Just as soon as the first tear fell down my cheek was my tongue released, falling back into my mouth, and as i listened to my little dolls words, I could feel my heart finally beat.

"You're beautiful, but you shouldn't shed a tear, even if they are happy tears. I never want to see you cry."

I opened my eyes, meeting the gaze of the girl I just met, but cared so much for. My voice felt scratchy as I tried to speak.

"Please don't leave like everyone else. This is usually when they leave, and I don't want you to leave."

I didn't know why I was crying, but all I wanted was to hold the girl on my lap as close as I could just so I could feel her body heat again. I tried to move my arms, but my belt was to tight around them, but I struggled anyway. I could feel the loneliness creeping back into my life, the coldness slowly taking over my body. I had lost control, the tears falling even faster, my body began to shake as my breath stopped dead in my throat. I could feel my heart beat threaten to break open my chest. I could feel the attack take the place of the pleasure I felt just moments before, and all i could do was let it happen. My body had been seen, my thoughts turned to nothing and my voice was given to the world. It was only a brief second of feeling the weight on my lap shift that I was brought back to reality.

"Just breath, I won't leave until you want me to go. shhhh, just take deep breaths."

"I... I... can.....'t... br... breath."

it was only a moment before I felt her arms wrap around my neck and was pulled into a kiss, but this kiss was different. There was no primal fire ripping into my lips, this kiss was filled with passion, but more importantly, concern. The way she held me still, pressing her lips onto mine, it was a kiss that could save my life a thousand times over. I felt her hand slip in between my breast, not moving into another sexual manner, but it sat just over my heart, and as she felt every beat, I would feel her try and pull me deeper into our kiss. It was only when my heart slowed to a normal pace did the kiss end and she pulled away from me.

"Look at me." I felt her soft hand brush my cheek, forcing my eyes to open, starring strait into blue oceans I waited for her to speak.

"I know its only been a day, but I never want to see you hurt again. You're beautiful, and I never want to leave your side."

Her voice cracked as she spoke.

"This whole day, it was one of the best I've had in so long. I never want this to end.... for us to end."

"So is that your answer..... are we..... together together." My voice scratched the inside of my throat.

She chuckled at my remark. "Yes.... together together."

My heart quickened. "Please undo my arms."

It takes a second for my words to register in her mind, but as soon as they do she swiftly reached behind me and loosens the belt just enough for my arms to slide free, and once they are they wrap around the small of her back, pulling her closer to me.

"C..... can I kiss you again?" I felt the blush run its was across my face, but our gaze never broke.

Again, it wasn't words that were given as a response, she simply moved her arms around my neck and pushed her lips against mine. It only lasted a few seconds, but those few seconds were the most precious time of my life.

Ding... Ding..... Ding... Goood afternoon students....

We pull away from each other, simply starring at one another, but this time I broke the silence.

"You should probably put some pants on before the end bell rings and people rush the field to go home."

"Good idea..... but first take your underwear off."

Again my face lights up red.

"W.... what..... why?"

"I want something to remember today with..... I was going to give you mine in return."

I have no hesitation when removing my panties from my body, sliding them down past my knees, managing to get them off without fully taking my pants off. I pull my now removed garment up to our faces, letting it dangle off of my index finger.

"Is this what my doll wants?"

"Y..... yes." It was her turn to feel the heat of embarrassment. As I held my hand in front if her, I felt her lift her body off of my lap, standing strait up, she turned around and bent over right in front of my face. Slowly she slid her white panties off of her peach shaped Ass, down her beautiful legs, stepping out of them. Again I was entranced by her movements and beauty. She again turns to face me, bending down, showing her half naked beauty to the world, moving her face just millimeters from my own. She moves her underwear in front of my face in the same manner I did just moments ago.

"Do you want these." She cocked her head to the right, letting a smirk make its was onto her face.

Again I light up like a red Christmas light, but I answer regardless. "Y.... yes I want them."

"Stick out your tongue."

I didn't question her. I just did as she asked, my tongue popped out of my mouth and sat stretched in front of my face.

"Good girl." She purrs and she places her underwear onto my tongue, it dangling past my chin. As I sat there in complete amazement, She grabbed my hand and brought my panties up to her nose, taking in a deep breath ad she smells the fabric.

"You smell almost as good as you look.... almost."

Ding..... Ding... Ding.....

Cat then stepped away from me, turning her back to me again, bending down and putting her own pants on, still holding my underwear.

"You may want to follow suit, I can see students starting to walk onto the field, or do you want to get caught by someone?"

I let the small fabric dangling from my tongue fall to the bare thighs as I pull my pants up, placing them in my left pocket as I stand to put my belt back on. As I slide my belt through each loop I shift as the fabric in my pants rubs against my sensitive skin.

"What's wrong, never gone commando before?"

"I refuse to answer that."

She chuckles at my remark. "Well I better get going, my dad is probably waiting on me. Here, put your number into my phone so I can text you later."

I grab her phone, typing in my number, but before I type in my name she grabs the phone from me. She types the name of her choosing then saves the number. My phone vibrates in my bag as she sends a message to me.

"You never told me your name you know."

How could I be so stupid, I've been with this girl all day and I never mentioned my name. A small blush runs over my cheeks.


The second I say my name she kisses me on the cheek, standing on her tip toes to do so, turns and walks towards the door.

"I'll see you in homeroom tomorrow.... bye, Mia."

And with those parting words I watch her disappear out the door. I stand there for just a moment longer, taking in my day with this girl, the girl I've only known for a day, thinking about the acts we did to each other, reminding myself of the heat I felt when she touched me. I bite my lip. "Think about it later, get home first." With that though I grab my bag, open the door of the announcers box and descend down the bleachers, beginning again that familiar five minute walk.

I stopped at the bottom of the bleachers, starring out over the old football field, I smile to myself, but just like before, my ugly reality hits me in the face, but this time it was less figuratively and more physically. As I felt the pain spread from my jaw to the rest of my face, I'm flung to the ground by the force of the fist I see connecting to my flesh.

"You thought you got off easy emo fag, think again."

Before I could turn my head to face my attacker, I felt a foot connect with my stomach. I cough and groan in pain, holding my stomach, just waiting for this to be over. A hand reaches down, grabbing my hair and yanking my head off the ground, forcing me to face the one attacking me.

I stare into the green orbs with nothing but hatred in my eyes.

"The new girl, where were you two all day. Alone in your slut box I'm guessing. Were you that alone you had to force yourself on her how pathetic." She laughs at her own joke, letting go of my head, having it fall back to the ground with a thud. I sit in that position until I feel her breath on my left ear. She whispers into my ear words that burn my very core with nothing but hatred.

"You think you will achieve happiness, you think that girl will make us stop, don't get those bright ideas stuck in your head, because after your week with her is over, she becomes mine, and you become my punching bag for this year. Just like all the years before. Do you understand me slut."

I cough onto the ground feeling her foot hit my stomach again. I feel my skin start to rip open with every blow she delivers. I can feel the blood staining my shirt, but I manage a response anyway, regardless of the pain.

"I will never let you touch her. She's mine. I won't *cough, cough* let you touch her."

"Like you have that option. Well guess what, you don't."

With that I feel a foot connect with my face. The last thing I feel is her spit hitting my forehead. I let my vision turn black as I watch the feet that were kicking me walk away. Such a shit ending to my perfect day.